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About The Project

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Built With

The current verison of DashGo using the technologies bellow:

Next React Chakra UI React Hook Form React Query

On this project you can found other packages like:

Axios Prettier ESLint CommitLint

Note: ESLint, Prettier and other things can be changed, the settings you will found is a personal choice, not a requirement.

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Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Node NPM Yarn

For run the DashGo on your machine you need to have installed Node.js. With Node.js you have the NPM (Node Package Manager), but (again, personal choice) I prefer use Yarn as my package manager (most becuase performance).

To see if you have NPM installed you can use the command:

npm --version

If your choise is Yarn, you can check if it's working using the command:

yarn --version


On this topic you can found the steps about how to prepare to run this project.

  1. Clone the repo;

  2. Install packages:

    1. With NPM: npm install
    2. **With Yarn:**
  3. Duplicate .env.example and rename it for .env;

How to Run

Now is the time to run the project, for that you can use NPM or Yarn.


yarn dev


npm run dev

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  • Custom NextPage type to use custom layouts;
  • Creation of MorePaginationItem to show the ... on pagination;
  • Usage of Next API Routes, instead MirageJS;
  • Usage of prefetchQuery() on getServerSideProps - Users Page;

Personal Configs/Choices

  • Add CommitLint;
  • Add custom ESLint config;
  • Add custom Prettier config;
  • Add Husky and LintStaged.

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Daniel Sousa @TutoDS

Daniel Sousa

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