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Tutorweb (client-side component)

A Plone site to aid in teaching.

This repository contains the client-side drill component, for more information on tutorweb in general, go to:

Using the quiz on it's own

The quiz component of Tutor-Web can work on it's own without the content management system, which is useful for development and a few more toys that you don't get from the main interface.

First you have to download the sources using git:

git clone

The debug page

There is a hidden special page, debug.html that allows you to:

  • See what is in localStorage, and remove it
  • Take a dump of localStorage for offline analysis
  • Play with the grading algorithm.

Local development

Firstly you need to ensure you have npm and nodejs installed, e.g:

apt-get install nodejs npm

If you haven't already, download these sources with:

git clone

Then you can run make, which will fetch all modules needed, run the tests, and if everything worked build the compiled version in tutorweb/quiz/resources/tw.js. If you want to just run tests, you can do make test.

Running in a browser

To run locally, do:

  • git submodule update --init to fetch MathJax
  • make webserver to start a webserver.
  • Go to http://localhost:8000/quiz/start.html in your browser

Since this quiz is at a different URL, you don't get any of the lectures from There is a mock-tutorial page that will generate the data structures that you would ordinarily get from Plone.

  • Go to http://localhost:8000/quiz/mock-tutorial.html
  • Press "Generate mock lecture", then "Return to menu"
  • Start your mock quiz as you would ordinarily.

Note any time that you request /quiz/tw.js it will be rebuilt first, so you don't need to do this yourself.


Before you can commit anything, several steps will happen:

  • JSHint will be run over the code, and complain if it finds anything it doesn't like (you can run this yourself with make lint)
  • The compiled version will be rebuilt. You should make sure that the compiled version is in sync with your changes

Misc. tips

It can be useful in tests to fill localStorage, here's a quick snippet:

i = i || 0 ; while (true) { localStorage['filler' + i++] = new Array( 100 ).join(i); }


This project uses the infamous Silk iconset.


Tutorweb: Client-side quiz components






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Contributors 4
