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TC - Hermes

hermes_v2_favicon (1)

Hermes is our sales system that manages the connection between TutorCruncher (the system), the callbooker on our
website, and Pipedrive (our current sales CRM).

This system is built using TortoiseORM and FastAPI.


Objects are named different things depending on which system you use:

Hermes TutorCruncher Pipedrive Description
Company Cligency Organisation A business that is a potential/current customer of TutorCruncher.
Contact SR Person Someone who works for the Company.
Pipeline Pipeline The sales pipelines
Stage Stage The stages of the pipelines
Deal Deal A potential sale with a Company.
Meeting Activity A meeting with a Contact.

Project structure

This project consists of 4 apps:

  • admin: Used as an admin interface to deal with configuration
  • callbooker: Deals with callbacks and availability from the callbooker on the website
  • pipedrive: Deals with callbacks and data sync to Pipedrive
  • tc2: Deals with callbacks and data sync to Pipedrive
  • hermes : Deals with data to do with the entire Hermes system

Running locally

Simply install requirements with make install and run the app with uvicorn app.main:app --reload. You'll be able to see the server running at https://localhost:8000.

Since Hermes works with, the TC2 system and Pipedrive, there is quite a lot to set up to get the system working:

TC2: - Set this up first

Run TC2 locally on port 5000. python runserver 5000

TC2 Environment Variables

# Hermes
HERMES_URL = 'https://${your ngrok domain}'  
HERMES_API_KEY = ${tc2 api integration private key} # same as tc2_api_key in hermes env vars

Create a Meta Admins:

Create 5 Admins in TC2, for each of the following:

  • payg / startup sales
  • enterprise sales
  • support 1
  • support 2
  • bdr

Meta Client Custom Fields:

pipedrive_url: str (Long Textbox)          # url of the Organization in pipedrive
pipedrive_id: int (Number)                 # id of the Organization in pipedrive
pipedrive_deal_stage: str (Long Textbox)   # name of the stage of the deal in pipedrive
pipedrive_pipeline: str (Long Textbox)     # name of the pipeline of the deal in pipedrive i.e Startup 

Add API Integration to META:

Navigate to ... > Settings > API Integrations > Create API Integration

  • Name: Hermes
  • URL: http://localhost:8000/tc2/callback/

this will create a private key, copy this and set it as tc2_api_key in hermes env vars and HERMES_API_KEY in tc2 env vars.


Install the dependencies with make install.
You may need to create the database with make reset-db.

Then run the server with python -m uvicorn app.main:app --reload

You'll be able to view the admin interface at http://localhost:8000/.

To first create an admin, go to /init to create an admin user. Then go to /login to log in.

Hermes Environment Variables

# TC2  
tc2_api_key={tc2 api integration private key}          # can be found in tc2 meta > settings > api
tc2_base_url='http://localhost:5000'                    # url of your tc2 instance
# Pipedrive  
pd_api_key={pipedrive api key}                         # can be found in pipedrive > settings > personal preferences > api  
pd_base_url=''        # your pipedrive sandbox url

Create a Hermes Admins:

Create 5 Admins in Hermes, for each of the following:

  • payg / startup sales
  • enterprise sales
  • support 1
  • support 2
  • bdr

When creating the admin, ensure that the email matches their Google account email address, and that the tc2_admin_id matches the id of the admin in TC2. and that the pd_user_id matches the id of the user in Pipedrive.


We use ngrok to expose our local hermes server to the internet, so that we can receive webhooks from Pipedrive.

run ngrok on port 8000

ngrok http --${your ngrok domain} 8000

set the HERMES_URL env var to the ngrok url provided.

HINT: if you create a account with ngrok, it will give you a static url that you can use for the webhooks, that will never expire ;)


Pipedrive is our current sales CRM. We use it to manage our sales pipelines and deals.

Create a pipedrive sandbox account.
Navigate to Profile > Tools and apps > Webhooks > Create 6 new webhooks:

  • Event action: *
  • Event object: deal, organization, pipeline, person, product, stage, user
  • Endpoint URL: https://${your ngrok domain}/pipedrive/callback/
  • HTTP Auth: None

Setting the Data Fields:

Navigate to Company Settings > Data Fields

Organization Default Custom Fields:
Person Default Custom Fields:
Deal Default Custom Fields:

How to add a new custom field to Pipedrive:

For example we have a new field on the TC2 Cligency called signup_questionnaire that we want to add to the Organization in Pipedrive.

  1. Create the field in Pipedrive: here
    1. Be sure the name you set is lowercase and snake_case (with underscrolls) (i.e signup_questionnaire)
    2. Set the field type to Large text (or whatever type you need)
  2. get the field key from the Pipedrive API by selecting the ... on the field and selecting Copy API key
  3. Now in hermes, navigate to the Custom Fields tab:
    1. Create a new Custom Field
    2. set the machine_name to the same snake_case name as the field in pipedrive (i.e signup_questionnaire)
    3. set the Name to the name of the field in pipedrive (i.e Signup Questionnaire)
    4. set the field_type to the type of the field in pipedrive (i.e str)
    5. next set the value of either hermes_field_name or tc2_machine_name to that of the source data location i.e signup_questionnaire is coming from TC2 so set tc2_machine_name to signup_questionnaire and leave hermes_field_name blank.
    6. set the pd_field_id to the field key you got from the pipedrive API (i.e d4db234b06f753a951c0de94456740f270e0f2ed)
    7. set the Linked Object Type to the hermes object type that the field is linked to (i.e Company)

Pipedrive Users:

Get your Pipedrive Owner ID for your Hermes Admins:

  • Navigate to ... > User Overview > select your user
  • Copy the number at the end of the URL

Return to Hermes for the next steps:

Config Tab

  • Navigate to the Hermes Config tab in the admin interface

Edit Hermes config in the admin interface:

  • Set Price Plan Pipelines to their associated Hermes Pipeline ID i.e ()
  • Set Pipeline dft_entry_pipeline_state (warning, dropdown is not filtered by pipeline)
    Create Admin:
  • Create an admin user in the admin interface
  • ensure the admins email address and tc_admin_id match the ones in TC2

Pipelines Tab

Create a pipeline for each of the following:

  • PAYG

Setup Callbooker:

in order for the callbooker to work on, you need to set the following env vars:

  • set DEV_MODE=True in .env
  • set G_PRIVATE_KEY in .env to the private key of the google service account
  • set G_PRIVATE_KEY_ID in .env to the private key id of the google service account

Ensure admin has a matching email address to the one in the sales or support team (i.e

Edit in
  • sales_reps.yml and support_reps.yml, hermes_admin_id to match the sales and support admins ids in hermes.
  • set HERMES_URL = http://localhost:8000


Unittests can be run with make test. You will need to install the test dependencies with make install-dev first.

Testing with live data

to test with live data, run make restore-from-live to download and restore the live database to your local machine.

also add your {your ngork url}/pipedrive/callback to TutorCruncher Pipedrive webhooks,

then you should see all the webhooks and responses in both your local nrork site and any changes you make in pipedrive will be reflected in your local database.


We use aerich to create and run migrations.

If you have changed a model then you can create migrations with aerich migrate. A new file will be created in the migrations/models directory. If you need to run any migrations, use aerich upgrade.

If you mess up your migrations, you can reset the database with make reset-db. Delete the migrations folder and run aerich init-db to recreate the migrations folder and create the initial migration.

More details can be found in the aerich docs.

Deploying to Heroku

Create Meta Admins for the sales and support teams in TC2, and heremes, ensuring their tc2_admin_id matches the one in hermes.