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Live Example hosted on Vercel:

This is a personal website running on NextJS which pulls the majority of it's dynamic content from a NOTION Database. Meanings it's whole backend is resumed to a NOTION database.

You can check both the Backlog, Backend (databases) and Bookmarks for the project here.

Many projects inspired this one, and I'm currently writing about it here. But if you're looking for didatic code examples for NextJS + Notion, the projects below should do the job.


*edit: updated to the oficial Notion API launched recently.

Deploy Setup

  1. Clone this repo git clone
  2. Configure project with vc
  3. [ DEPRECATED ]Add your NOTION_TOKEN and BLOG_INDEX_ID as environment variables in your project, simply google how to get those values, its rlly easy.
  4. Add your NOTION_API_KEY and NOTION_DATABASE_ID as environment variables in [your project](
  5. Update PREVIEW_TOKEN and REVALIDATE_TOKEN with randomly generated secrets
  7. Do final deployment with vc

Running Locally

To run the project locally you need to follow steps 1 and 2 of setup and then follow the below steps

  1. Install dependencies yarn
  2. Expose NOTION_TOKEN and BLOG_INDEX_ID in your environment (.ENV) export NOTION_TOKEN='<your-token>'and export BLOG_INDEX_ID='<your-blog-index-id>' or set NOTION_TOKEN="<your-token>" && set BLOG_INDEX_ID="<your-blog-index-id>" for Windows (LEGACY)
  3. Expose NOTION_API_KEY and NOTION_DATABASE_ID in your environment (.ENV) export NOTION_API_KEY='<your-token>'and export NOTION_DATABASE_ID='<your-blog-index-id>' or set NOTION_API_KEY="<your-token>" && set NOTION_DATABASE_ID="<your-blog-index-id>" for Windows
  4. Run next in development mode yarn dev
  5. Build and run in production mode yarn build && yarn start


Authorization: follow the steps on the Authorization Guide to configure a Notion application and grant access to your database.

Deprecation Alert: steps .2 of both setup and running locally will be soon deprecated and removed from environment variables. NOTION_TOKEN and BLOG_INDEX_ID will no longer be needed. They've been replaced by the new Oficial Notion SDK method for authentication. No more hacky Cookie scrapping needed. ;)

Keep in Mind: This project uses the experimental SSG hooks only available in the Next.js canary branch! The APIs used within this example will change over time. Since it is using a private API and experimental features, use at your own risk as these things could change at any moment.

[UPDATE] Now using Notion 12.1, so its a bit safer ;)