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Patrick Garske edited this page Jan 29, 2019 · 6 revisions

card(args, content)

Creates a bare-bones card element

Array args - Arguments to create the card element.

Key Description
"card_header" [String] Optional - The card's header
"image_url" [String] Optional - The card's top image
"bg_style" [String] Optional - The card's background color (primary, secondary, etc.) [Ver. 0.1.4+]
"text_white" [Boolean] Optional - Determines whether the text color should be white or not [Ver. 0.1.4+]

String content - The card's body content

card_content(args , content)

Generates Title and Subtitle for card's content

Array args - Arguments for the card content generator

Key Description
"title" [String] Optional - The content's title
"subtitle" [String] Optional - The content's subtitle

String content - Other content for the card body


Creates a list group inside a card

String content - The list group's content (most likely list items)


View Working Example

$card = array();
$card["card_header"] = "Card Header";

$card_content = array();
$card_content["title"] = "Content Title";
$card_content["subtitle"] = "Content Subtitle";

echo card($card, card_content($card_content, "Content" . card_list_group(list_group_item("Card List Item") . list_group_item("Another Card List Item")) . "Content continues here..."));