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CLI for Tuya Panel Developer

English | 简体中文


Install Latest Version

With Shell:

curl -fsSL | sh

With PowerShell:

iwr -useb | iex

Install Specific Version

With Shell:

curl -fsSL | sh -s v0.0.1

With PowerShell:

$v="1.0.0"; iwr -useb | iex


tuya-panel-cli upgrade

Mac/Linux Manual installation

1、 Download the latest installation package from Release page and unzip it to any location

2、Manually write the following configuration to .zshrc, taking care to replace TPC_INSTALL with the installation location of the script.

export TPC_INSTALL="/Users/luozhu/.tuya-panel-cli"
export PATH="$TPC_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"
  1. Remember to execute source ~/.zshrc after modification

Note: If you use bash, the configuration file is .bash_profile

Known Issues

unzip is required

The program unzip is a requirement for the Shell installer.

$ curl -fsSL | sh
Error: unzip is required to install Tpc (see:

When does this issue occur?

During the process, unzip is used to extract the zip archive.

How can this issue be fixed?

You can install unzip via brew install unzip on MacOS or apt-get install unzip -y on Linux.

iwr cannot be recognized on Windows

Confirm operating system environment

We recommend using the Windows 10 operating system. Older Windows may work, but it will increase unnecessary trouble.

upgrade PowerShell version(Recommend)

PowerShell is an enhanced command line environment under Windows and the main command line interface we will use in the future. The following operations continue on the command line interface opened above:

  • Enter $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major in the Powershell command line interface。

If the above command returns 5 or above, there is no problem, otherwise you need to download and install:

Manual installation(Easy)

Manual installation cannot use the tuya-panel-cli upgrade command.

1、Download the latest windows executable archive file in tuya-panel-cli/releases/latest

2、Unzip executable to any place like C:\tuya-panel-cli

3、Set environment variables

Add the script installation directory, such as C:\tuya-panel-cli to the Path variable of user variables:

4、Reopen the Powershell command line interface to get start



MIT License