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Please read this document and relevant documentations carefully to reduce time wasted for debugging and struggling.

Author: tvhhh
Last updated: 2021, June 9

Setup server on Adafruit IO


Login to Adafruit IO by these credentials

  • Username: tvhhh
  • Password: safe123

Setup React Native


(Optional) Install yarn

sudo npm install -g yarn

Install react-native-cli

sudo npm install -g react-native-cli


yarn add global react-native-cli

Install Android Studio

Export environment variables

If you are using Linux, add the following lines to your env file

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

Initialize a React Native project

In case you create a new React Native project

react-native init $PROJECT-NAME

Import an existing React Native project

In case you keep working on an existing React Native project

git clone $GITHUB-REPO
npm install

Run instructions for Android

Open terminal and run this instruction first

cd $APP-DIR && npx react-native start

Open another terminal, to run this you must have an Android emulator running (quickest way to get started), or a device connected

cd $APP-DIR && npx react-native run-android

Run React Native on connected device

Access development server from React Native app (Android device)

Run React Native as above guides first
To connect to development server (i.e. the host running the RN process), you must do port-forwarding

# To get the device name
adb devices

# Port-forwarding
adb -s $DEVICE-NAME reverse tcp:3000 tcp:80
# Now when your device is trying to access local port 3000 (localhost:3000), that request will be routed to your host’s port 80.

Build safe1 services


Noted: If any of below steps fails, recheck and fix until success before moving on.

Create environment file

Go to directory services and create a file named adafruit.env with following content

$KEY and $KEY_1 are the secret keys of IO Adafruit, login to my account with given credentials above and get the secret key (please don't generate new key). Because of security policy, if this key is published to github, IO Adafruit will automatically generate a new key.

Build service Docker images

Run file in services directory


Create docker volume that will be used by postgres

docker volume create --name=pgdata

Compose up to run the containers

docker-compose up -d

After successfully finishing above steps, the output of this following command should be like this

~ ❯ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                                                                                  NAMES
20c691facc07   nginx                                 "/docker-entrypoint.…"   14 seconds ago   Up 13 seconds>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp                                                                                                  services_nginx_1
8e46db9b4dfd   safe1/control                         "/app/services/contr…"   15 seconds ago   Up 13 seconds   8010/tcp                                                                                                                               services_control_1
74cd7f25f45e   safe1/pipe                            "/app/services/pipe"     15 seconds ago   Up 13 seconds   9000/tcp                                                                                                                               services_pipe_1
99fd1cbe61d1   safe1/data                            "/app/services/data"     15 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds   8000/tcp                                                                                                                               services_data_1
78457a77e765   postgres                              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   16 seconds ago   Up 15 seconds   5432/tcp                                                                                                                               services_postgres_1

Shutdown all running services

docker-compose down

Step by step to build and run services

Build and run services

# Go to safe1/services directory

# Build docker images

# Run Docker compose
docker-compose up -d

Open a terminal and run React Native start (remember to run in RN directory)

npx react-native start

Open another terminal and run React Native

npx react-native run-android

# If you use your device
adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:80

Once app is successfully built and run, login then choose My Buildings option and create a building with any name and address and register some devices.

Remember that the topic of a device must be one of follows, please choose appropriate topic to avoid data misuse

  • Gas sensor: bk-iot-gas
  • Temperature sensor: bk-iot-temp-humid
  • Relay (used for power system, sprinkler): bk-iot-relay
  • Motor (used for fan): bk-iot-drv
  • Buzzer: bk-iot-speaker
  • Servo: bk-iot-servo
  • LED (just for testing): bk-iot-led

Another thing to remember is that names of devices MUST BE UNIQUE, since devices of the same type would subscribe same topic.

The React Native redux state

Redux is one of the most useful tools of React Native to build MVC architecture. We have concepts of store, action, and reducer. I'll not say too much about these since they are all available on the Redux documentation. Instead I'll introduce the models as well as saved state of our application


All declared models in safe1/src/models


type State = {
  currentUser: User | null,
  buildings: Building[],
  defaultBuilding?: Building

The currentUser is yourself which contains the uid. The buildings is the list of the buildings that you belong to. The defaultBuilding is what you almost work with. Since we only see the received data of just one defaultBuilding, so the data displayed on Dashboard, Notification as well as the devices in Remote Control screen is from this building.

To switch default building, you have to go to My Buildings screen and choose another one but this is my part.

So your work is handling with the information of defaultBuilding, also notice the case that defaultBuilding is undefined when you are not in any building.

Debug hints when Docker containers do not run properly

Remember to run again when you pull any new version.

If you run docker ps and see STATUS of safe1/data is Restarting ...s ago, it means the init scripts of postgres are not executed when you start Docker compose, so you have to manually exec postgres and do some stuffs

# You can find out $POSTGRES-CONTAINER-ID in docker ps
docker exec -it $POSTGRES-CONTAINER-ID sh

> psql -U postgres

# Now you successfully login to postgres server, let's create database and user
> create database safe1;
> create user safe1admin with password 'securepassword';
> grant all privileges on database safe1 to safe1admin;

# Ctrl+D to exit

In case you want to check the database, do as follow

docker exec -it $POSTGRES-CONTAINER-ID sh
> psql -U postgres
> \c safe1

# Show the list of tables
> \dt

# Show the columns of a table
> \d+ table_name

> # Any SQL command to retrieve the data

Backend services

It is necessary to understand the function of our Docker containers to easily debug without asking me, I'll briefly say that

  • safe1/data is to handle the data and store/query from the PSQL. To understand more about this service, you can read the Golang source code services/data and the safe1/services/data.service.ts in React Native project.
  • safe1/control is the service between our application and Adafruit server, we connect to this service via WebSocket and it connects to the Adafruit via MQTT, through this service we receive messages from Adafruit as well as publishing messages back to server. To understand more about this service, you can read the Golang source code services/control and the safe1/services/control.service.ts in React Native project. You should also learn more about mechanism of WebSocket and MQTT by yourself.
  • safe1/pipe is not too relavent to our Frontend, it subscribes Adafruit server all the time to receive messages and update the data in our PSQL, our application does not communicate with this. To understand more about this service, you can read the Golang source code services/pipe.
  • safe1/auto is the automation service to automatically trigger protection mode of output devices. The client also does not communicate directly with this service. Instead they update the protection mode of each device to the data service, then safe1/data sends this information to the safe1/auto. Whenever gas or temperature exceeds the threshold, all output devices with configured protection mode will be triggered immediately.
  • NOTED: Beside the automation service, we should also provide users (actually only building owners) ability to manually access and control their devices via user interface.

To read the logs of a Docker container, use this command

docker logs $CONTAINER_ID

Backend APIs

Control service

The safe1/control keeps connection between client and devices server, hence we can directly send message to the Adafruit via this services. The format of WS message is

Request {
  action: "init" | "pub" | "sub" | "unsub",
  topic: string,
  payload: string

Here we have total 4 actions

  • init used immediately when WS connection is established, it sends the user id to safe1/control to setup the MQTT connection with Adafruit server. topic and payload can be omitted here (just send empty string). You can use init function in safe1/services/control.service.ts
  • pub used to publish the message to the Adafruit server with given topic and payload. Here payload must be same format as the messages defined in device interaction guidelines. You can use pub function in safe1/services/control.service.ts
  • sub used to subscribe a specified feed in the Adafruit server. Here payload can be omitted (just send empty string). You can use sub function in safe1/services/control.service.ts
  • unsub used to unsubscribe a specified feed in the Adafruit server. Here payload can be omitted (just send empty string). You can use unsub function in safe1/services/control.service.ts but it is not recommended because many devices with same type may subscribe the same topic.

Data service

The Client communicates with this service via HTTP request, to do the stuffs related to database. You should read more in safe1/services/data.service.ts Specifically we have these following APIs:

POST /createUser
Payload: User
POST /createBuilding
Payload: Building
POST /closeBuilding
  buildingName: string
POST /getUserBuildings
  uid: string
POST /inviteUser
  buildingName: string,
  email: string
POST /kickUser
  buildingName: string,
  uid: string
POST /getInvitations
  uid: string
POST /acceptInvitation
  buildingName: string
  uid: string
POST /declineInvitation
  buildingName: string
  uid: string
POST /addBuildingDevice
  buildingName: string
  device: Device
POST /updateDeviceProtection
  deviceName: string
  protection: boolean
  triggeredValue: string

(Payloads are almost JSON type and the type defined in safe1/models)

Remember to clear all current buildings in PSQL (this just be done once when you read this line, don't need to clear again in the next time), shut down Docker compose, build services, then start Docker compose again


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