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Simple Notepad Application using Tkinter in Python Overview: This is a simple notepad application built using Tkinter, a standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit for Python. The application provides basic functionality like saving, opening, and deleting text files. It also includes keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) for quick access to these functions.

Features: Save File: Allows users to save the content of the text area to a text file. Open File: Allows users to open an existing text file and display its content in the text area. Delete All: Clears the content of the text area. Keyboard Shortcuts: Supports keyboard shortcuts for saving (Ctrl + S), opening (Ctrl + O), and deleting all text (Ctrl + D). Code Breakdown: Import Libraries: The application imports the required libraries, including Tkinter and filedialog.

Function Definitions:

save_file(): Opens a file dialog to save the content of the text area to a text file. open_file(): Opens a file dialog to select and display the content of an existing text file in the text area. delete_text(): Deletes all text content from the text area. Main Application Setup:

Creates the main window (Tk()) and sets its title. Creates a text area (Text) widget to display and edit text content. Sets the minimum size of the main window. Creates a frame (Frame) for organizing buttons. Packs the text area and button frame into the main window. Button Widgets:

Creates three buttons (Button) for saving, opening, and deleting text. Packs the buttons into the button frame. Keyboard Shortcuts:

Binds keyboard shortcuts (, , ) to the corresponding functions. Main Event Loop: Starts the main event loop (mainloop()) to run the application.

How to Use: Run the Python script. Use the provided buttons to perform actions (Save, Open, Delete All). Alternatively, use keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + S, Ctrl + O, Ctrl + D, Ctrl + L, Ctrl + B) for quick access to actions. Usage Example: bash Copy code python Dependencies: Python 3.x Tkinter Library Contribution: Feel free to contribute to the project by adding new features, fixing bugs, or improving the code quality. Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


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