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134 lines (82 loc) · 4.82 KB

File metadata and controls

134 lines (82 loc) · 4.82 KB


svgop (SVG Optimizer Pipeable) is a standalone binary executable that combines the excellent svgo Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files.


2020-04-13: Version 0.8.0

QuickJS works! The macOS binary is now 97% smaller! (svgop-qjs-macos has 2 MB, svgop-pkg-macos has 83 MB).

It’s also possible to compile for Windows and Linux, should be equally small, but I don’t offer precompiled versions for these platforms yet.

Older versions also bundled pdf.js but this was not working well.


SVG files, especially exported from various editors, usually contain a lot of redundant and useless information such as editor metadata, comments, hidden elements, default or non-optimal values and other stuff that can be safely removed or converted without affecting SVG rendering result.

What is svgop?

While svgo requires a Nodejs environment to run, svgop is a standalone binary executable tool for macOS (64-bit) and Windows (x64, potentially also x86). svgop accepts SVG in stdin and outputs an optimized SVG to stdout.

It uses the default svgo config.

This repo contains a process to create svgop from svgo in two ways:

  • (new) using the QuickJS compiler by Fabrice Bellard and Charlie Gordon; I can build for macOS only, the executable is 2 MB. QuickJS is a JS interpreter and compiler optimized for size.
  • (old) using the pkg compiler; prebuilt binaries are provided for macOS, Windows x64 and Linux, but they’re large (the macOS one is 83 MB). pkg includes the entire Node.js runtime in the executable.


DOWNLOAD the latest release

  • for macOS (, made with qjsc, small
  • for Windows 64-bit (, made with pkg, large


svgop uses stdin for input, stdout for output, and has no commandline options. It runs a predefined set of svgo plugins. Use piping (redirection) to read from files (<) and to write to files (>).

From .svg to .svg

In macOS or Linux:

svgop < test.svg > test.min.svg

In Windows command prompt:

svgop.exe < test.svg > test.min.svg

In Windows PowerShell, the equivalent should be:

Get-Content test.svg | ./svgop.exe > test.min.svg

From .svgz to .svg:

In macOS or Linux:

gunzip -c test.svgz | svgop > test.min.svg

From .svg to .svgz:

In macOS or Linux:

svgop < test.svg | gzip -cfq9 > test.min.svgz




  1. Clone the repo on macOS.
  2. Double-click or run install-mac.command to install the necessary dev tools.
  3. Run cd src && make all
  4. The executables will be found in ./bin

Windows and other systems

I’m not building on Windows or Linux. You can build, but you’ll need to adapt my Makefile, which is macOS-centric.

Building shortcut 😉

build/svgop-qjs contains the intermediate results of my hackery: webpacked svgo that you can run with qjs and the generated .c that you can compile against the QuickJS headers to get the binary.


To make pkg work, a customized version of config.js will replace svgo’s own config.js. The customized version will need to be updated manually from time to time.

Other apps of interest

SVG minification/optimization



License and Copyright

Portions of this software are licensed under the terms of the Apache 2 license. Portions of this software are licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Please consult LICENSE.

  • svgop: Copyright © 2017 Adam Twardoch
  • svgo: Copyright © 2012–2017 Kir Belevich and Contributors