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@mdo mdo released this 30 Oct 17:07

First patch release for v3, featuring dozens of documentation improvements, bug fixes, and small improvements.


  • #9880: Use medium grid classes on jumbotron example
  • #9887: Document .show and .hide classes
  • #9908: Add type="submit" to Customizer compile button to prevent accidental submissions
  • #9915: Fix inaccurate comment in media query docs
  • #9917: Updated broken download link in README
  • #9924: Removed non-ASCII character from non-responsive example CSS
  • #9928, #9932: Update carousel example to work in IE10 and correctly display navbar in narrow viewports
  • #9931: Add ARIA role="toolbar" to elements with .btn-toolbar in docs examples
  • #9991: Better docs for tabbable tab markup and it's fade option
  • #10011: Update Grunt instruction links and wording
  • #10012: Add David to project readme to monitor dependency currentness
  • #10034: Use npm-registered recent version of grunt-html-validation instead of its git repo
  • #10040: Better cross referencing of default and navbar pull utilities
  • #10042: Updated JS Fiddle tooltip delegation example linked in docs
  • #10045: Use v2.3.2 release ZIP instead of master zip for downloads from old docs
  • #10081: Documents workaround for tooltips+popovers on disabled elements
  • #10082: Documents .navbar-form
  • #10087: Add version number to all docs pages (in the footer)
  • #10088: Updates accessibility docs regarding nesting heading elements
  • #10112: More role attributes in the docs, this time on link buttons
  • #10131: Corrects button group selector in JavaScript docs
  • #10136: Broken image link in Carousel example
  • #10146: Document data-ride carousel feature
  • #10209: Fixed broken dismissable alert example
  • #10215: More compressed touch icons, updates Respond.js to v1.3.0 and html5shiv.js to v3.6.2, adds bugs to package.json
  • #10249: Correct component name of jumbotron component in Jumbotron example
  • #10272: Removed unused link for nav alignment in Components page
  • #10277: Mention removal of navbar vertical dividers in migration docs
  • #10278: Change Google Maps compatibility warning to a general box-sizing warning with optional reset
  • #10282: Cross reference tabs and tabs plugin
  • #10298: Add progress bar to migration docs
  • #10299, #10323: Getting Started wording changes
  • #10316: Document .active and :active for buttons
  • #10324, 10338: Restore opt-in warning for tooltips and popovers
  • #10342: Update affix docs to better communicate plugin behavior
  • #10344: Update IE8-9 support section with table of specific CSS3 and HTML5 features and their support in Bootstrap
  • #10372: Homepage now shows two download buttons, one for our assets (CSS, JS, and fonts) and one for the source code (the entire repo)
  • #10382: Update Disabling responsiveness docs section for brevity
  • #10411: Color coded IE8-9 browser support table
  • #10414: Carousel now uses Glyphicons as default left/right chevron icons (text icons are still supported)
  • #10417: Document .hidden in the Helper classes Screen reader content section
  • #10419: Add nav lists to migration guide
  • #10453: Add additional screen reader text to button group dropdown toggles
  • #10459: Update Customization section in Getting started page
  • #10492: Account for responsive tables in panels
  • #10497, #10584: Fix Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 behavior in Internet Explorer 10 and applies "bug fix" to docs
  • #10528: Add new About page to the docs with backstory, core team, community links, and translations
  • #10573: Un-hardcode tooltip arrow widths and padding for easier customization
  • #10591: Add modal remote option semantics change to migration docs
  • #10693; Include a copy of the docs license as a file in the repo
  • #10711: Address 100% fluid layouts in grid docs and the required padding
  • #10768: Fix mention of renamed .img-polaroid class in Migration docs
  • #10770: Rename /assets to /docs-assets to reduce confusion between /dist and docs dependencies
  • #10790: Disable IE compatibility mode in all docs pages and examples
  • #10856: Update grid docs to better explain the sizing and interactions when using multiple grid tier classes
  • #11013: Use CDNs for jQuery and HTML5 shiv
  • 3318a98: Add blog link back to docs homepage
  • 8df05b9: Remove links to navbar examples from example navbars in Theme example
  • 022e404: Delete smaller touch icons and only include one
  • 5d1707a: Remove unused mention of .prettyprint styles from code.less (we no longer use that plugin and the class is undocumented, so we're nuking it)
  • 6e06489: Remove unnecessary left and right properties from .modal-dialog since we use margin to center the modal
  • 19db69c: Add Linux Firefox to supported browsers list
  • 99b3515: update outdated JSFiddle example

Bug fixes and changes

  • #9855: Partial fix for open modal content shifting: removed all margin settings to prevent some of the content shifting. Still needs JS love to detect scrollbars and adjust content accordingly (will address in v3.0.2).
  • #9877: Add improved .active state to navbar nav in theme
  • #9879: Add hover state (move gradient up 15px) to theme buttons]
  • #9909: Add @component-active-color variable to complement @component-active-bg (and apply it to dropdowns, nav pills, and list group items)
  • #9964: Add fonts directory to bower.json main files list
  • #9968: Simplify striped progress bar mixin to remove unused color
  • #9969: Add support for output element by styling it more like our .form-control
  • #9973: Removed unnecessary -ms-linear-gradient prefix
  • #9981: Account for hover and focus states on pagination disabled items
  • #9989: Set monospace font-family on <kbd> and <samp> to match browser defaults
  • #9999: Make .table-hover styling apply to <th> within contextual table rows too
  • #10013: Position carousel left and right controls from the left and right, respectively
  • #10014, #10406: Update grid to use width on .containers instead of max-width as IE8 doesn't fully support box-sizing: border-box when combined with min/max width/height
  • #10022: Add width: 1em; to all empty Glyphicons to prevent loading flicker
  • #10024: Use negative margin to fix the border between button and input in input groups
  • #10025: Add additional transform mixins
  • #10057: Autohiding scrollbars in responsive tables for Windows Phone 8
  • #10059: Add .transition-property() mixin
  • #10079: Native-style scrolling in responsive tables for iOS
  • #10101, #10541, #10565: Generate CSS file banners via Gruntfile
  • #10111: Use different colors for dropdown link hover and active states
  • #10115: Default carousel controls and Glyphicon controls should behave the same on small devices and up
  • #10126: Update responsive test cases to properly highlight hidden class examples
  • #10153: Restore @headings-color variable
  • #10154: Add .small to pair with our heading classes (e.g., h1 and .h1)
  • #10164: Document .center-block() mixin and update CSS to include it as a class
  • #10169: Remove old @navbar-inverse-search-* variables
  • #10223: Add @input-color to .input-group-addon to match the form controls
  • #10227: Use correct max-width on Offcanvas example media query and add overflow-x: hidden to prevent scrollbar on narrow devices
  • #10232: Scope .table styles to immediate thead, tbody, and tfoot elements
  • #10245: Add @breadcrumb-separator variable for customizing breadcrumbs
  • #10246: Use correct variable for link hover color in Customizer
  • #10256: Use @navbar-default-brand-color within the @navbar-default-brand-hover-color variable
  • #10257: Remove filter on navbars in theme.less so that dropdowns can be triggered in IE<10
  • #10265: Scope background-image reset to Bootstrap buttons and form controls only to avoid Android Firefox bug
  • #10336: Replace non-ASCII dash in LESS source file
  • #10341: Don't change border color on contextual table classes
  • #10399: Add hover styles to text emphasis classes
  • #10407: Add line-height to progress bar for proper text alignment within
  • #10436: Use @screen-sm variable instead of hardcoded pixel value in type.less
  • #10484: Allow for .table-bordered in panels by removing side and bottom margins
  • #10516: Use auto positioning for dropdowns in justified nav to fix Firefox rendering
  • #10521: Only remove bottom-border from last row of cells in tbody and tfoot within responsive tables
  • #10522: Enable use of form validation class on .radio, .checkbox, .radio-inline, and .checkbox-inline
  • #10526: Remove custom background on responsive tables and set it in the docs where it should've been originally
  • #10560: Remove display: block; from address element since browsers set that to start
  • #10590: Mention required jQuery version in docs
  • #10601: Use overflow-y: auto; for .navbar-collapse instead of visible to better enable scrolling on Android 4.x devices (see issue for more details on support and gotchas)
  • #10620: Remove filter on buttons for IE9 in theme.less due to bleed-through with rounded corners (matches behavior and style of Bootstrap 2.x)
  • #10641: Remove unused .accordion-toggle class from docs example
  • #10656: Inherit link and caret colors for textual dropdowns in panel headers
  • #10694: Remove unnecessary content property from .caret
  • #10695: Ensure carets in .nav-pills dropdown links inherit active color
  • #10729: Removed the unnecessary override and the !important from .wrap in the sticky footer examples
  • #10755: Don't remove quotes around q element by default
  • #10778: Use newly-updated Glyphicons to workaround old Android WebKit bug
  • #10763: Update html5shiv to v3.7.0
  • #10863: Fix check for presence of jQuery
  • #10893: Remove comma separating the color and the color-stop in -webkit-linear-gradient in #gradient > .vertical mixin
  • #10927: Scope padding-top on .form-control-static to horizontal forms only
  • #10949: Use variable for jumbotron font-size instead of hard-coded value
  • #10959: Round .lead font-size to nearest whole pixel
  • #10997: Move .hidden from responsive utilities to utilities (where it belongs, especially on account of deprecated .hide per #10769)
  • #11050: Restore grid mixins
  • #11126: Remove box-shadow from .btn-link.dropdown-toggle
  • #11127: .navbar-fixed-bottom should have a top border, not a bottom border
  • #11139: Add position: relative; to .modal-dialog so that the z-index takes effect
  • #11151: Remove rogue H5BP .ir class from print styles
  • #11186: Add background-color hacks so that clicking carousel indicators in IE8-9 works as intended
  • #11188: Refactor z-index on navbars. Removes the default z-index: 1000; and instead only applies it to static-top, fixed-top, and fixed-bottom. Also fixes up the broken default navbar example's fubared padding.
  • #11206: Remove padding-left from first list item within .list-inline
  • #11244: Adds .animation() mixin to replace .progress-bar's regular CSS animation properties (and drops the -moz, -ms, and -o prefies as they are not needed per
  • #11248: Apply background-color: #fff; to selects in print styles to fix Chrome bug
  • 291a23a: Audited Customizer variables section and rearranged content


  • #9963, #10567: Deprecate @screen-* classes for @screen-*-min to better match the @screen-*-max variables and provide more context to their actual uses.
  • #10005: Finish removing uses of @screen-{device} variables by deprecating them for @screen-*-min wherever possible.
  • #10100: Deprecate .hide-text mixin for .text-hide. This matches our class-mixin strategy elsewhere (e.g., .clearfix) and ensures the class and mixin use the same name to avoid confusion.
  • #10125: Deprecate inconsistent container variables for new @container-{screen-size} variables (e.g., use @container-sm instead of @container-tablet)
  • #10769: Deprecate .hide for .hidden so we don't duplicate functionality.

For a complete list of changes, see the 3.0.1 milestone.