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tweakoz edited this page Feb 10, 2013 · 7 revisions

Orkid Logo

Orkid is a flexible media presentation engine. By media, we mean games, realtime 2d/3d graphics, and/or audio.

Some Features Include:

  • Built in multiplatform asset management.
  • Batch conversion system (asset filters).
  • Built in Scene/Object Editor.
  • Data Driven Design.
  • Entity/Component based scene/simulation system.
  • External references of character archetypes for sharing across scenes.
  • Generic Dataflow modeling primitives used for modular audio synthesis, modular particle systems and modular terrain synthesis .
  • Flexible simulation architecture does not to dictate game/simulation policy, but does provide tools to help with implementation.
  • Game-Genre agnostic..
  • Integrated Bullet Physics Engine.
  • HlslFx/CgFx/GlslFx shader based renderer.
  • Fixed Function and Node based compositing engine.
  • Many more...




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