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project Karawan

This project consists of

  • joyce game engine
  • silicon desert 2 game

Build instructions

Check out this repo to any directory. Directly next to this directory, check out the projects

Then, load the Karawan solution in the Karawan sub-directory of the Karawan repo and build it. It references the other projects.

Current builds actively supported are Windows 11 x64; Linux x86 and ARM64 Android 13 . Windows 10 and other Android versions also work.


The basic idea of joyce is that everything is (re-)creatable on demand. To accomplish this, the entire world is composed from results of operators.


Applied to the entire world, executed in sequence


Applied to every fragment after it (re-)loads.


Applied to every cluster immediately after creation.

About Behaviours

There's a lot of behaving things in the world, like the cars, cubes, the trams. Due to design, if they were shot of just once per segment, they would diffuse away. To have all characters appear in a reasonable and controlled manner, a master spawnsystem is used.

The idea is that rather than iterating over the entities over and over again we should iterate once over the characters, executing whatever is desired.

Option 1: Iterative

We have the behaviour manager track the number of behaviours and the actual behave system to track fragment transitions. Over the runtime of the engine, the behavior system keeps the count of behaviors by behavior type and fragment.

Option 2: Polling

We have a system running every nth frame to count the behaviors and to sort the by behavior type and fragment.


For every (behavior type, fragment) we check the desired target status, eventually asking the ISpawnOperator to spawn new entities or to kill of some existing.

Target Status?

Computing the target status might prove a bit difficult as it changes over time. However, obtaining the target status should be pretty efficient, given that it is called for each of the active fragments (25?) every frame.

About models and instances

When rendering content, joyce tries to use instance rendering as much as possible. As such, loaded models and generated geometries essentially are broken down into "InstanceDesc" objects: They group a couple of meshes with their materials. If the rendering engine encounters different instances of, well an instancedesc in the same scene, they are rendered using a single render call.

When working with models, even more hierarchial models, this becomes a bit more confusing: each node of a hierarchial model is represented using a single entity of its. If the node carries mesh information, the mesh and the materials are represented using a InstanceDesc object.

If, in the end, several similar objects are in the scene, the individual parts will be rendered with a single drawinstance call.

To make this work, a model that we load from disk must be interpreted multiple times, it may only once be converted into a mesh. This would be desirable anyway. Therefore we use the to ModelCache to access any given model file. If we don't, we end up in having the geometry data stored multiple times. Note that we don't auto-merge geometry just as we auto-merge models.

Note that the model builder will use the InstanceDesc objects as they are, it will not modify them, it rather just assembles a tree of entities with the appropriate components from a model tree.

About models and transformations


Internally, joyce is working strictly entity-component-system. However, there are some things that strictly are hierarchial, like models containing parent-child relations. To map that, the hierarchy API is used together with the transform API: The Hierarchy API adds a parent reference component, the transform API adds a Transformation relative to parent component.

Influences on the transform of a model

In real life, several things might influence the transform matrix of a model.

  • In terms of gameplay, the model might have a transform matrix. This matrix might be either derived from an attached physics component or defined directly by a gameloop, usually using the behaviour component of that entity.
  • The author might want to use one pre-configured matrix to be applied to the model they loaded: To e.g. make up for a difference in scale, rotation or orientation, or to simply offset the object.
  • The model itself comes with a top level matrix, representing the transformations to be done to the root level of the model.

In reality, we want to minimize the amount of work requried to render a certain model/character/entity. Let's therefore analyse the most common use case, a model controlled by a behaviour by setting its position etc. directly. Still, this model would come with a "adjustment" matrix, fitting the model geometry into the game. However, let's assume this model is not hierarchial, i.e. consists just of one layer of geometry.

Non-hierarchial model

To keep execution fast, the recommended way is:

  • bake model adjustment matrix into the InstanceDesc of the object.
  • directly set TransformToWorld matrix, or let physics do that.

Hierarchial model

If the model itself is hierarchial, you cannot use the instancedesc transform matrix to adjust the model. Instead, it is recommended to bake the adjustment into the top-level "ToParent" component of the model. This does, however, not solve the problem of how to set the object's position. We do recommmend to insert an additional entity here. It contain any sort of transformation component (ToWorld or ToParent). That component can be updated by physics or by behavior.

Splash Renderer

Splash is the second renderer for joyce. It is now based on OpenGL 3 as provided by the Silk.NET framework.

Platform representations

Platform primitives as meshes, materials and textures do have dedicated data structures on platform side: AMeshEntry, AMaterialEntry and ATextureEntry. This abstract classes are subclassed by the actual splash platform implementation. The current Silk Implementation provides the subclasses SkMeshEntry, SkMaterialEntry and SkTextureEntry. Although it might appear obvious, let's be clear what these data structures represent:

  • AMeshEntry: represents a platform specific object associated with a set of mesh parameters, that is the joyce.Mesh object plus the AMeshParams. The AMeshParams include the scaling of the UVs, which depends on the texture atlas used.
  • AMaterialEntry: The material entry is a combination of shader parameters plus references to ATextureEntry objects that are in use in the material's shader.
  • ATextureEntry: A reference to an actual physical texture in use (note: the texture entry is the actual memory object in GPU memory).

Common operations

These platform primitives implement

  • create: Create the platform representation.
  • fill: Prepare and gather data to be available for a later upload.
  • upload: upload the data onto the GPU
  • unload: remove the data from the GPU
  • dispose: delete the entire data structure.

Today, none of these platform objects exactly follows this scheme. However, they should be converted to follow this scheme very soon.

Life cycles

As soon InstanceDesc objects are created (which happens by the time a threeD object is created), the platform objects representing Meshes and Materials are created along the way. That means, they do exist even for far-away objects that would not be rendered at all. As such, they should be cheap. They are deleted (by help of garbage collection), as soon the last entity referencing any of them are deleted.

As soon materials are created, the dependent ATextureEntries shall be found. They might be in any state, created, filled, uploaded.

As soon materials are filled, the dependent ATextureEntries shall be at least filled. We do need the information about the texture's metadata when filling the mesh (namely the UV scales of a potential texture atlas).

As soon the logical renderer decides to have any InstanceDesc rendered, it would trigger "Fill" on each of these objects: This should make the implementation prepare and fetch all platform specific data to prepare an upload.

As soon the physical renderer really needs to render it, it will trigger upload on any of these items.


ATextureEntry instances are a special beast: In addition to not being uploaded as anything else, they also can be outdated. This would happen if they are rendered from a framebuffer who is newer inside memory than on GPU. In that case the texture also would be uploaded by the renderer.


joyce game engine / silicon desert game.






No releases published


