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471 lines (382 loc) · 16.5 KB

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471 lines (382 loc) · 16.5 KB
title package description slug
Chat Log
A Chat Log is a collection of Chat components for displaying conversations between people.

import {graphql} from 'gatsby'; import {Anchor} from '@twilio-paste/anchor'; import {Avatar} from '@twilio-paste/avatar'; import {Box} from '@twilio-paste/box'; import { ChatAttachment, ChatAttachmentDescription, ChatAttachmentLink, ChatBookend, ChatBookendItem, ChatBubble, ChatEvent, ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatMessageMeta, ChatMessageMetaItem, } from '@twilio-paste/chat-log'; import Changelog from '@twilio-paste/chat-log/'; import {DownloadIcon} from '@twilio-paste/icons/esm/DownloadIcon'; import {HelpText} from '@twilio-paste/help-text'; import {Callout, CalloutHeading, CalloutText} from '@twilio-paste/callout';

import {SidebarCategoryRoutes} from '../../../constants'; import { basicInboundMessage, basicOutboundMessage, inboundMessageMeta, outboundMessageMeta, inboundMessageAttachment, outboundMessageAttachment, inboundComplexMessage, outboundComplexMessage, basicChatEvent, basicChatBookend, kitchenSink, } from '../../../component-examples/ChatLogExamples.ts';

export const pageQuery = graphql{ allPasteComponent(filter: {name: {eq: "@twilio-paste/chat-log"}}) { edges { node { name description status version } } } mdx(frontmatter: {slug: {eq: "/components/chat-log/"}}) { fileAbsolutePath frontmatter { slug title description } headings { depth value } } allAirtable(filter: {data: {Feature: {eq: "Chat Log"}}}) { edges { node { data { Documentation Figma Design_committee_review Engineer_committee_review Code status } } } } };

<LivePreview scope={{ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatBubble, ChatMessageMeta, ChatMessageMetaItem, Avatar}} language="jsx"> {<ChatLog> <ChatMessage variant='inbound'> <ChatBubble> Hello, what can I help you with? </ChatBubble> <ChatMessageMeta aria-label="said by Gibby Radki at 3:35 PM"> <ChatMessageMetaItem> <Avatar name="Gibby Radki" size="sizeIcon20" /> Gibby Radki ・ 3:35 PM </ChatMessageMetaItem> </ChatMessageMeta> </ChatMessage> <ChatMessage variant='outbound'> <ChatBubble> Hi! What is your return policy? </ChatBubble> <ChatMessageMeta aria-label="said by you at 3:35 PM"> <ChatMessageMetaItem>3:35 PM</ChatMessageMetaItem> </ChatMessageMeta> </ChatMessage> </ChatLog>}


About Chat Log

A Chat Log is a way to display conversations between people and can include complex content like attachments. The chat can be between two or more people.

The Chat Log package includes these main components:

  • ChatLog
  • ChatMessage
  • ChatBubble
  • ChatBookend
  • ChatEvent
  • ChatAttachment
  • ChatMessageMeta


To ensure the chat is accessible, only use the Chat components within a ChatLog component and use ChatMessage to wrap ChatBubbles and ChatMessageMeta components together.

The only other accessibility requirement is providing the ChatMessageMeta a descriptive label via the aria-label React prop.

The ChatLog component has role=”log” which means that any new messages added to it are announced by assistive technology.


Basic Message

A basic message is simply text sent from a chat participant and is built with the ChatMessage and ChatBubble components. It can either be inbound or outbound.


<LivePreview scope={{ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatBubble}} language="jsx" noInline> {basicInboundMessage}


<LivePreview scope={{ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatBubble}} language="jsx" noInline> {basicOutboundMessage}

Message with Message Meta

Use Message Meta to append additional information to a message such as the name of the sender, the time, or a read receipt.

ChatMessageMeta should be a child of ChatMessage so that the text and meta information are correctly grouped together for assistive technologies. It also needs a readable aria-label that summarizes what the meta information says.


<LivePreview scope={{ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatBubble, ChatMessageMeta, ChatMessageMetaItem, Avatar}} language="jsx" noInline



<LivePreview scope={{ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatBubble, ChatMessageMeta, ChatMessageMetaItem}} language="jsx" noInline> {outboundMessageMeta}

Message with Attachment

A message can include an attachment. If sent with additional text, the attachment should be in its own ChatBubble.


<LivePreview scope={{ ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatBubble, ChatAttachment, ChatAttachmentDescription, ChatAttachmentLink, DownloadIcon, }} language="jsx" noInline



<LivePreview scope={{ ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatBubble, ChatAttachment, ChatAttachmentDescription, ChatAttachmentLink, DownloadIcon, }} language="jsx" noInline


Complex Message

ChatMessages can contain multiple ChatBubbles and ChatMessageMetas.


<LivePreview scope={{ ChatLog, ChatAttachment, ChatAttachmentDescription, ChatAttachmentLink, ChatBubble, ChatMessage, ChatMessageMeta, ChatMessageMetaItem, DownloadIcon, Avatar, }} language="jsx" noInline



<LivePreview scope={{ ChatLog, ChatAttachment, ChatAttachmentDescription, ChatAttachmentLink, ChatBubble, ChatMessage, ChatMessageMeta, ChatMessageMetaItem, DownloadIcon, }} language="jsx" noInline


Chat Event

Chat Events are for things that can happen during the chat, like someone joining or the chat transferring to a different agent.

<LivePreview scope={{ChatLog, ChatEvent}} language="jsx" noInline> {basicChatEvent}

Chat Bookend

Chat Bookends are for when the chat starts, ends, and the day when the chat spans multiple days.

<LivePreview scope={{ChatLog, ChatBookend, ChatBookendItem}} language="jsx" noInline> {basicChatBookend}

Kitchen Sink

This example combines all the separate features displayed previously into one example. It shows how all the features work together harmoniously through composition.

<LivePreview scope={{ ChatAttachment, ChatAttachmentDescription, ChatAttachmentLink, ChatBookend, ChatBookendItem, ChatBubble, ChatEvent, ChatLog, ChatMessage, ChatMessageMeta, ChatMessageMetaItem, Avatar, DownloadIcon, Box, }} language="jsx" noInline


Usage Guide



yarn add @twilio-paste/chat-log - or - yarn add @twilio-paste/core


import {
} from '@twilio-paste/core/chat-log';

export const Basic = () => {
  return (
      <ChatMessage variant="inbound">
        <ChatMessageMeta aria-label="said by Gibby Radki 4 minutes ago">
          <ChatMessageMetaItem>Gibby Radki ・ 4 minutes ago</ChatMessageMetaItem>
      <ChatMessage variant="outbound">
        <ChatMessageMeta aria-label="said by you 2 minutes ago">
          <ChatMessageMetaItem>2 minutes ago</ChatMessageMetaItem>
        <ChatMessageMeta aria-label="(read)">


Prop Type Description Default
attachmentIcon NonNullable<React.ReactNode> Specify a Paste Icon or Spinner to be displayed in the Attachment
children NonNullable<React.ReactNode>
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_ATTACHMENT'
Prop Type Description Default
children string
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION'

ChatAttachmentLink inherits the same props as Anchor as well as the following:

Prop Type Description Default
href string A URL to route to
children string
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_ATTACHMENT_LINK'
Prop Type Description Default
children? React.ReactNode
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_BOOKEND'
Prop Type Description Default
children? React.ReactNode
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_BOOKEND_ITEM'
Prop Type Description Default
children? React.ReactNode
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_BUBBLE'
Prop Type Description Default
children? React.ReactNode
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_EVENT'
Prop Type Description Default
children? React.ReactNode
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_LOG'
Prop Type Description Default
variant 'inbound', 'outbound' The variant of the message
children? React.ReactNode
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_MESSAGE'
Prop Type Description Default
aria-label string A label that summarizes the content of the ChatMessageMeta
children NonNullable<React.ReactNode>
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_MESSAGE_META'
Prop Type Description Default
children NonNullable<React.ReactNode>
element? string Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider 'CHAT_MESSAGE_META_ITEM'


Figma usage guidelines coming soon You can find the Chat Log components in{' '} the Paste Components library .