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Call Tracking on ASP.NET MVC

Use Twilio to track the effectiveness of your different marketing campaigns. Learn how call tracking helps organizations in these Twilio customer stories.

Read the full tutorial here!


Create a TwiML App

This project is configured to use a TwiML App, which allows us to easily set the voice URLs for all Twilio phone numbers we purchase in this app.

Create a new TwiML app at and use its Sid as the TWIML_APPLICATION_SID environment variable wherever you run this app.

You can learn more about TwiML apps here:

Local development

This project is built using the ASP.NET MVC web framework.

  1. First clone this repository and cd into its directory:

    git clone
    cd call-tracking-csharp
  2. Create a copy of CallTracking.Web/Local.config.sample and rename it to CallTracking.Web/Local.config.

  3. Open CallTracking.Web/Local.config and update the following keys:

      <add key="TwilioAccountSid" value="TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"/>
      <add key="TwilioAuthToken" value="TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"/>
      <add key="TwiMLApplicationSid" value="TWIML_APPLICATION_SID"/>
  4. Build the solution.

  5. Make sure you have SQL Server Express 2019 with LocalDB support

  6. Run Update-Database to execute the migrations.

    (Be sure to check that your database server name matches the one from the connection string on Web.config. For reference, default values where used upon SQLServer installation)

    Running the command Update-Database will run the migrations and run the Seed method, if you want to inspect this you can use SQL Server Object Explorer.

    That's it!