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Atomic NFTs (Dynamic) ⚛️

Dynamic Atomic NFTs are powerful mechanisms that connect together three Arweave technologies, SmartWeave contracts, Atomic NFTs and the Permaweb.

    Digital Asset

Dynamic NFTs are SmartWeave Contracts wrapped around a Permaweb App that wraps a digital asset, this capability allows for many interesting use cases. One use case is the ability for the NFT itself to actually capture attention and work with L2 blockchains like KOII to provide rewards for that attention. In this workshop, we will continue our journey with DataFi and explore dynamic Atomic NFTs.

About Workshop

What do I need to know to get the most out of this workshop?

What developer tools will be using?

IF you want to use mainnet: You will also need a couple of Arweave Wallets and a little AR to make some transactions, you can get a wallet at or and you can find the best exchanges to acquire AR via this article -


To better understand the capabilities of DataFi, I think it will be best to unpack each of the underlining concepts with references to explore them deeper. Then walk through a proof of concept via code that can demonstrate the combination of these concepts in a simple project. Finally, share some use cases that demonstrate DataFi in the wild. Buckle up this should be a fun ride. 🚀

  • Trustless
  • Permissionless
  • Composable

DataFi Workshop is a multipart series of concepts grouped under the idea of dataFi, where permanent data meets decentralized finalization. Arweave contains many core concepts that can bundle together to create exciting features and functionality unique to the Arweave ecosystem.

Permanent Data + Decentralized Finalization = DataFi


Atomic NFTs (Dynamic) Workshop ⚛️

The NFT concept is about showing and transfering ownership of an item, to show ownership you have a token that shows the owner of a specific key pair (public/private) keys owns a specific (Digital) asset.

It is possible for an NFT to point to a physical asset as well, but for the purposes of this workshop we will be dealing with NFTs that show ownership of a digital asset.

That digital asset needs to be available for reference at all times. Arweave is a great storage choice for digital assets, because you pay once to store and it is available through a decentrailized network forever. Many NFT developers may store the NFT or Token on blockchain then store the data on a storage layer, which separates the token from the digital asset into two platforms. With Arweave Smart Contracts you can store both the NFT (Token) and the Digital Asset on the same blockchain(blockweave). This allows you to keep both the token and the digital asset combined together.

What is an Atomic NFT?

NOTE: As of June 10, 2022 we are using the Atomic NFT standard defined at - This standard may change in the future!

Atomic NFT is a standard where the media assets and the contract metadata are stored together immutably under a single unique identifier. --

In order to provide a single identifier as the point of entry for both the NFT and asset, we will use the process we demoed in the last workshop. The ability to add a NFT SmartWeave Contract and Digital Asset as the data in a single transaction provides us the ability to have a single transaction id point to both the NFT and the digital asset.

Atomic NFT

Find out more in a previous workshop:

Workshop Project Dynamic Atomic NFT

Lets build a simple attention tracking Atomic NFT, if a user visits the NFT we can generate JWK, if it is there first time, then store that JWK in their localStorage, and use it create a visit interaction for the Atomic NFT contract, then we will increment the counter to track the number of unique visits. When we deploy to the permaweb, we will be able to capture attention using our Warp Contract and display the results.

Getting Started

Clone Repo

git clone
cd datafi-dyanmic-atomic-nfts

Install and start arlocal

arlocal is a single executable that simulates the Arweave gateway and node on your local workstation. It will allow us to mint our dynamic NFT without have to use AR

In a separate terminal window start arlocal (devnet)

npm install -g arlocal@1.1.41


In this project, we have two folders: nft and warp

The nft folder contains a svelte app that compiles to a single HTML file and holds our digital asset. The warp file contains our scripts to mint our Atomic NFT.

Currently, the project is configured to mint just the svg file in the nft/dist folder. In this workshop, we will modify the warp contract's deployment to deploy data of a permaweb app.

Modify mint.js to mint the html file

In our mint.js file, we will change the data input from a svg file to a path.manifest.json file. The path.manifest.json file will consist of two paths, index.html and winston.svg. The index path will point to index.html. So we need to modify the mint.js file to post the index.html and winston.svg files to Arweave, then change the data property in the contract transaction to be a path.manifest.json object. For more information about path.manifest, check out the schema here:


import Arweave from 'arweave'
import fs from 'fs'

const arweave = Arweave.init({
  port: 1984,

const jwk = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('wallet.json', 'utf-8'))
const addr = await arweave.wallets.jwkToAddress(jwk)
const src = fs.readFileSync('contract.js', 'utf-8')

// create contract Src
const cSrc = await arweave.createTransaction({ data: src })
cSrc.addTag('Content-Type', 'application/javascript')
cSrc.addTag('App-Name', 'SmartWeaveContractSource')
cSrc.addTag('App-Version', '0.3.0')
await arweave.transactions.sign(cSrc, jwk)

// create image transaction
const img = fs.readFileSync('../nft/dist/winston.svg', 'utf-8')
const imgTx = await arweave.createTransaction({ data: img })
imgTx.addTag('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml')
await arweave.transactions.sign(imgTx, jwk)

// create html transaction
const html = fs.readFileSync('../nft/dist/index.html', 'utf-8')
const htmlTx = await arweave.createTransaction({ data: html })
htmlTx.addTag('Content-Type', 'text/html')
await arweave.transactions.sign(htmlTx, jwk)

// create contract
const contract = await arweave.createTransaction({
  data: JSON.stringify({
    manifest: 'arweave/paths',
    version: '0.1.0',
    index: {
      path: 'index.html'
    paths: {
      'index.html': {
        id: `${}`
      'winston.svg': {
        id: `${}`
contract.addTag('Content-Type', 'application/x.arweave-manifest+json')
contract.addTag('Network', 'Koii') // Exchange to list NFT on Koii
contract.addTag('Action', 'marketplace/Create')
contract.addTag('App-Name', 'SmartWeaveContract')
contract.addTag('App-Version', '0.3.1')
contract.addTag('NSFW', 'false')
contract.addTag('Init-State', JSON.stringify({
  owner: addr,
  title: 'Winston',
  description: 'Winston the mascot of Arweave who never forgets!',
  name: 'Koii', // PST Name
  ticker: 'KOINFT', // PST you want to associate with NFT
  balances: {
    [addr]: 1
  locked: [],
  contentType: 'text/html',
  tags: [],
  isPrivate: false,
  visits: []

await arweave.transactions.sign(contract, jwk)
console.log('ContractId: ',

Modify the contract.js to add visits feature

Let's add the visit feature to our SMART Contract code base. The visit feature will be a simple array of unique wallet addresses. We will add two methods. visit, which will take the caller and add if it does not already exist to the array of visits. visits, which will return the array's length for a total count of visitors of the NFT.


const functions = { balance, transfer, visits, visit }

export function handle(state, action) {
  if (Object.keys(functions).includes(action.input.function)) {
    return functions[action.input.function](state, action)
  return ContractError('function not defined!')

function visits(state, action) {
  return { result: state.visits.length }

function visit(state, action) {
  const { caller } = action

  if (!state.visits.includes(caller)) {
    state.visits = [...state.visits, caller]
  return { state }

function balance(state, action) {
  const { input, caller } = action
  let target = ? : caller;
  const { ticker, balances } = state;
    typeof target === 'string', 'Must specify target to retrieve balance for'
  return {
    result: {
      balance: target in balances ? balances[target] : 0

function transfer(state, action) {
  const { input, caller } = action
  const { target, qty } = input
  ContractAssert(target, 'No target specified')
  ContractAssert(caller !== target, 'Invalid Token Transfer. ')
  ContractAssert(qty, 'No quantity specified')
  const { balances } = state
    caller in balances && balances[caller] >= qty,
    'Caller has insufficient funds'
  balances[caller] -= qty
  if (!(target in balances)) {
    balances[target] = 0
  balances[target] += qty
  state.balances = balances
  return { state }

Great Job! Now we are ready to make our NFT dynamic by adding the ability to track views using the NFT as a permaweb app.

Modify the App.svelte to capture visits

In the App.svelte file, we are going to add two functions, the visits function that calls the smart contact visits function via a viewState command, and the doVisit handler function that does the following:

  • checks sessionStorage for an existing wallet address
  • if not found create a wallet, and call the writeInteraction function to invoke the smart contract visit function.


  import Arweave from "arweave";
  import { onMount } from "svelte";
  const arweave = Arweave.init({});
  const CONTRACT = window.location.pathname.replace(/\//g, "");
  const contract = warp.WarpWebFactory.forTesting(arweave)
  function visits() {
    return contract.viewState({ function: "visits" }).then((res) => res.result);
  async function doVisit() {
    if (!sessionStorage.getItem("addr")) {
      let wallet = await arweave.wallets.generate();
      const addr = await arweave.wallets.jwkToAddress(wallet);
      sessionStorage.setItem("addr", addr);
      await arweave.api.get(`mint/${addr}/${"100")}`);
      await contract.connect(wallet).writeInteraction({
        function: "visit",
      await arweave.api.get("mine");
      total = visits();
  let total = visits();

  <title>Winston Dynamic NFT</title>
  {#await total}
  {:then visits}
    Number of unique visits: {visits}
<img src="winston.svg" alt="winston" />

  div {
    text-align: center;
    margin-top: 8px;
    margin-bottom: 8px;


import App from './App2.svelte'

const app = new App({
  target: document.getElementById('app')

export default app

We need to also include the warp bundle in the index.html file, so it is available when our application runs.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title>Svelte + Vite App</title>
  <script src=""></script>

  <div id="app"></div>
  <script type="module" src="/src/main.js"></script>


Now that we have made these adjustments, we are ready to mint our nft on arlocal.

cd nft
yarn build
cd ../warp
node mint.js

Lets check it out:


Adjust for mainnet

Great Job! We just deployed to arlocal (devnet), and we need to make some adjustments to deploy to (mainnet). We need to change the target gateway in mint2.js.

Change Arweave config


const arweave = Arweave.init({
  host: '',
  port: 443,
  protocol: 'https'

We need to change Warp Config and doVisit function


  const contract = warp.WarpWebFactory.memCached(arweave).contract(CONTRACT);

  async function doVisit() {
    if (!sessionStorage.getItem("addr")) {
      let wallet = await arweave.wallets.generate();
      const addr = await arweave.wallets.jwkToAddress(wallet);
      sessionStorage.setItem("addr", addr);
      await contract.connect(wallet).bundleInteraction({
        function: "visit",
      total = visits();

NOTE: to mint nft on mainnet you will need a JSON wallet with AR

copy wallet.json with AR to the warp folder.

cd nft
yarn build
cd ../warp
node mint2.js


This workshop demonstrates how to wrap a digital asset into a permaweb app into a warp contract. Then how to call the warp contract within your permaweb app to generate dyanmic functionality for your Atomic NFT.



Dynamic Atomic NFTs






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