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SBT Plugin

Scrooge is capable of integrating with the Scala Build Tool (SBT). It works with either version 1.x or the older 0.13. It does so through an SBT plugin, aptly named 'scrooge-sbt-plugin'.

Plugin Addition

To use the scrooge-sbt-plugin, add the following lines to your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.twitter" % "scrooge-sbt-plugin" % "24.5.0")

Incorporating this line makes the Scrooge plugin available for use by SBT. Thrift files added to your project can now have code generated for them. By default the generated code will be Scala code intended for use with Finagle. It is common to place Thrift files in a namespaced directory under 'src/main/thrift'. This location is configurable via the scroogeThriftSourceFolder plugin setting, and other common plugin settings are listed below.

Code Dependency Additions

Generated code will now be available to your project, however the generated code won't compile without adding a few additional dependencies to your project. These should be added to your project's libraryDependencies in either your build.sbt file or your project/Build.scala file, depending on how your project is set up.

An example using a build.sbt file.

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    name := "Scrooge Demo",
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "org.apache.thrift" % "libthrift" % "0.10.0",
      "com.twitter" %% "scrooge-core" % "24.5.0",
      "com.twitter" %% "finagle-thrift" % "24.5.0",
      scalaTest % Test

Scrooge SBT Configuration Options

The Scrooge SBT plugin provides a multitude of settings to determine namespaces, dependencies, source file locations, output file locations, what languages to generate code for, and whether that code should be setup to use Finagle. A full list of the available settings is in the ScroogeSBT.scala file. Here are the ones that you'll most likely want to edit:

  • scroogeLanguages: Seq[String]

    list of languages for which to generate code (default: Seq("scala"))

  • scroogeBuildOptions: Seq[String]

    list of command-line arguments to pass to scrooge (default: Seq("WithFinagle"))

  • scroogeThriftDependencies: Seq[String]

    artifacts to extract and compile thrift files from

  • scroogeThriftIncludeFolders: Seq[File]

    list of folders to search when processing "include" directives (default: none)

  • scroogeThriftSourceFolder: File

    where to find thrift files to compile (default: src/main/thrift/)

  • scroogeThriftOutputFolder: File

    where to put the generated scala files (default: target/<scala-ver>/src_managed/main/thrift)

Scrooge SBT plugin settings can be modified by changing the value of an individual setting within the SBT project definition. Most likely you'll want to modify the Scrooge setting for the Compiler phase.

An example of modifying a build.sbt file to change a project's settings to have Scrooge generate Java code.

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    name := "Scrooge Demo",
    scroogeBuildOptions in Compile := Seq(),
    scroogeLanguages in Compile := Seq("java"),
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "org.apache.thrift" % "libthrift" % "0.10.0",
      "com.twitter" %% "scrooge-core" % "24.5.0",
      "com.twitter" %% "finagle-thrift" % "24.5.0",
      scalaTest % Test