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Pcase based search for Emacs Lisp. Not as powerful as el-search, but easier to use.


(quelpa '(psearch
          :fetcher github
          :repo "twlz0ne/psearch.el"
          :files ("psearch.el")))


  • psearch-forward (pattern &optional result-pattern result-callback count)

    Move forward across one sexp matched by PATTERN. Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.

    (psearch-forward '`(foo . ,rest))
    ;; |(bar a b         =>    (bar a b
    ;;       (foo 1 2))             (foo 1 2)|)
    • PATTERN pattern to match sexp.
    • RESULT-PATTERN pattern to generate result.
    • RESULT-CALLBACK a function to handle the result, return non-nil if success. The function accpet two arguments:
      • result the result generated by RESULT-PATTERN
      • bounds the bounds of the matched sexp
    • COUNT a number (default 1) that indicates the number of occurrences to search for. The current number will be stored in psearch-count-current which avariable in RESULT-CALLBACK.
  • psearch-backward (pattern &optional result-pattern result-callback count)

    Move backward across one sexp matched by PATTERN. Set point to the beginning of the occurrence found, and return point.

    (psearch-backward '`(foo . ,rest))
    ;; (foo a b         =>    |(foo a b
    ;;      (bar|1 2))              (bar 1 2))
    • PATTERN pattern to match sexp.
    • RESULT-PATTERN pattern to generate result.
    • RESULT-CALLBACK a function to handle the result, return non-nil if success. The function accpet two arguments:
      • result the result generated by RESULT-PATTERN.
      • bounds the bounds of the matched sexp.
    • COUNT a number (default 1) that indicates the number of occurrences to search for. The current number will be stored in psearch-count-current which avariable in RESULT-CALLBACK.
  • psearch-replace (match-pattern replace-pattern &splice)

    Replace some occurences mathcing MATCH-PATTERN with REPLACE-PATTERN.

    (psearch-replace '`(foo . ,rest) '`(bar ,@rest))
    ;; |(foo a b         =>    (bar a b
    ;;       (c 1 2))               (c 1 2))|

    or M-x psearch-replace RET `(foo . ,rest) RET `(bar ,@rest).

    REPLACE-PATTERN also can be a pair:

    (psearch-replace '`(setq ,sym ,val)
                     '(`(,sym ,val)                    ;; collect only
                       `(setq ,@(-flattern-n 1 its)))) ;; apply when search complete
    ;; [(setq foo 1)  =>  (setq foo 1
    ;;  (setq bar 2)]           bar 2)|

    Splice the the replacement:

    (psearch-replace '`(setq . ,(and rest (guard (> (length rest) 2))))
                     '(mapcar (lambda (pair)
                                (cons 'setq pair))
                       (seq-partition rest 2))
                     nil nil
                     :splice t)
    ;; |(setq foo 1    =>   (setq foo 1)
    ;;        bar 2)        (setq bar 2)|

    Without :splice t the result will be:

    ((setq foo 1)
     (setq bar 2))
  • psearch-replace-at-point (match-pattern replace-pattern &key splice)

    Similar to psearch-replace, but replace only the sexp at point, that is, the point is at the beginning of it or inside it. For example:

    |(match a (b c))     =>     |(replace a (b c))  ;; point at beginning of sexp
     (match a (b|c))     =>     |(replace a (b c))  ;; point in sexp

    Unlike ‘psearch-replace’, the replace-pattern here does not support (and is not necessary) the collect->finle operation.

  • psearch-patch (orig-func-spec &rest patch-form)

    Patch function with PATCH-FORM.

    ORIG-FUNC-SPEC could be a symbol if function is defined by defun/cl-defun:

    (psearch-patch test
      (psearch-replace '`(if nil ,body)
                       '`(if t ,body)))
    ;; (defun test ()               =>    (defun test ()
    ;;   (list '(1 2 3)                     (list '(1 2 3)
    ;;         (if nil '(4 5 6))                  (if t '(4 5 6))
    ;;         '(7 8 9)))                         '(7 8 9)))

    or a list if it is a generic method:

    ;; Definition
    (cl-defgeneric test (_tag) nil)
    (cl-defdefmethod test ((tag (eql foo))) (list 1 (if nil 2) 3))
    ;; Patch
    (psearch-patch (cl-defmethod test ((tag (eql tag))))
      (psearch-replace '`(if nil ,body)
                       '`(if t ,body)))

    The target function will be patched only if PATCH-FORM returns a non-nil, otherwise raise an error. If the PATCH-FORM contains multiple statements, make sure each one of them executes successfully:

    (with-eval-after-load 'corfu-doc-terminal
      (psearch-patch corfu-doc-terminal--preprocess-docstring
        ;; Delete all `(let ...)` form except the first.
        (let ((pattern '`(let . ,rest)))
          (and (psearch-forward pattern)
               (psearch-replace pattern nil)))))

Known issue

Since the behaviour of thing-at-point has changed since 27 (0efb881), the result of the following code will vary depending on the Emacs version:

;; |(foo (bar))
(when (psearch-forward '`(bar))
  (thing-at-point 'sexp))
;; => (bar) [28.0]
;;    (bar) [27.1]
;;     nil  [26.1]
;;     nil  [25.1]

The reliable way to get the sexp is:

;; |(foo (bar))
(let (sexp-bounds)
  (when (psearch-forward '`(bar) t (lambda (_ bounds) (setq sexp-bounds bounds)))
    (buffer-substring (car sexp-bounds) (car sexp-bounds))))


Pcase based search for Emacs Lisp






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