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TJAPlayer3 v5.2.7

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@github-actions github-actions released this 18 Jul 04:07
· 132 commits to develop since this release

What's Changed

Bug Fixes

  • Fix missing SENotes texture file crash (and likely some Notes crashes too) (#51) @twopointzero
  • Fix missing fireworks texture file crash. (#50) @twopointzero
  • Fix song loading subtitle positioning bug (by de-duplicating left/center/right-aligned drawing code that was using "reference points") (#49) @twopointzero
  • Fix performance panel missing texture crash and memory leak (#48) @twopointzero


  • Send both system and box.def skin names, anonymized as usual, during error reporting (#52) @twopointzero

An Aside Regarding Crashes

Automated error reports have helped fix enough bugs that now only a few main crash patterns remain. These primarily involve custom skins and/or computer issues:

  • Access Violation Exceptions - These are most commonly caused by broken custom skins, but can also be caused by hardware and/or driver problems with your computer.
  • Direct 3D 9 Exceptions - These are most commonly caused by hardware and/or driver problems with your computer, but can also be caused by broken custom skins.

If you experience either of these issues, try another skin (or try to fix the skin) and if that does not resolve the issue then please ensure your computer is operating correctly. Check drivers, settings, software versions, etc.

There are also infrequent automated error reports from during song enumeration. If you receive a Null Reference Exception crash during song enumeration, please get in touch. This one's a weird one and we'll need to work together to figure it out.

There are also rare automated error reports related to DirectInput. If you receive a crash related to DirectInput, please check your drivers and other software running on your computer. If DirectInput can't talk to your keyboard or controller then something is seriously wrong with your computer.

This fork of TJAPlayer3 is regarded as the most stable for many users, so please make sure you've eliminated any possible problems on your end before giving up and trying another fork. They honestly crash more.