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Releases: twreporter/go-api


17 Jul 09:47
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Notable Changes

  • feat
    • return bio.html instead of md for GetAuthors
  • api/news
    • add toggleBookmark to query
    • get boomark_id from users_bookmarks table
    • use First to find bookmark and dont return err while not found
  • fix
    • /post_followups would return empty data
    • post.followup should be order-preserved field


  • [88604b5097] - fix: fix return test data (Lucien)
  • [8dc6da21fd] - fix: rename function (Lucien)
  • [fd29e9bc9d] - feat: return html instead md (Lucien)
  • [3ef061b10d] - fix: followup should be preserved field (Aylie Chou)
  • [2a460538e3] - fix: /post_followups would return empty data (Aylie Chou)
  • [f2371fb075] - fix: use First to find bookmark and dont return err while not found (Lucien)
  • [bf1bff98bc] - fix: fix comments (Lucien)
  • [9b2fd61a8a] - feat: select bookmark for users_bookmarks table (Lucien)
  • [e77c2170f6] - feat: get bookmark if is toggleBookmark (Lucien)
  • [3c5253aede] - feat: pass auth user id to controller (Lucien)
  • [8c4baf4bc0] - feat: add toggleBookmark to query (Lucien)


26 Jun 08:57
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Notable Changes

  • api/news
    • add /v2/post_followups endpoint & test cases
    • add followups in return data of /v2/posts/:slug?full=true
  • api/donation
    • update role email template
  • test
    • add test cases of /post_followups
  • migration
    • Add receipt number column for prime and periodic donation tables


  • [515f808e3f] - feat: Add receipt number column for donations (Howard Ou)
  • [292a9ceceb] - feat: Add receipt number column for periodic donations (Howard Ou)
  • [08fba151f5] - fix: receipt_number length and table (Howard Ou)
  • [a786b0f555] - fix: update test case of post_followups (Aylie Chou)
  • [34c2596fae] - fix: adjust return data of /post_followups (Aylie Chou)
  • [9bebeaecd9] - fix: post_followups missing api_data (Aylie Chou)
  • [0f664685f5] - fix: /post_followups test case (Aylie Chou)
  • [e40f6bd3bc] - fix: review comments (Aylie Chou)
  • [cf4fd75687] - fix: remove date assetion before fix loc ne (Aylie Chou)
  • [36c00e4f94] - fix: add test case for /v2/post_followups (Aylie Chou)
  • [1e427c533d] - feat: add /v2/post_followups endpoint (Aylie Chou)
  • [bb416d086c] - feat: add followups in /v2/posts/:slug?full=true (Aylie Chou)
  • [9c49a17932] - fix: update role email template (Aylie Chou)


04 Jun 07:49
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Notable Changes

  • api/donation
    • return 400 when card expired


  • [210b4aa872] - feat: add error code for card expired (Lucien)


24 Apr 09:28
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Notable Changes

  • api/auth
    • clear activated cookie when logout
  • api/donation
    • add is_anonymous in get user donations response
    • add card_info_type & card_info_last_four in get user donations response
  • api/news
    • add /v2/post_reviews endpoint
  • doc/donation
    • update user-donation api doc for new added response data
  • doc/news
    • add doc for new added news endpoint
  • test
    • add test cases for new added news endpoint


  • [a1b2663a3e] - fix: format (Lucien)
  • [39c5e03c2c] - feat: add is anonymous for donation response (Lucien)
  • [b74b39d43b] - fix: clear activated cookie when logout (Aylie Chou)
  • [a412ed4989] - fix: add test case for /v2/post_reviews endpoint (Aylie Chou)
  • [31b76863a3] - fix: add doc for post_reviews endpoint (Aylie Chou)
  • [c00d5bc56c] - feat: add /v2/news/post_reviews endpoint (Aylie Chou)
  • [93a7bb544a] - feat: update doc html (Lucien)
  • [a145978c13] - feat: add more card info (Lucien)


08 Apr 05:12
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Notable Changes

  • api/donation
    • add /v1/users/:id/donations endpoint
    • add /v1/periodic-donations/orders/:order/payments endpoint
  • api/analytics
    • add maximum of reading post seconds in a request
  • doc/donation
    • add user-donation api doc for new added endpoints
  • test
    • add test case for new added donation endpoints
    • add test case for reading post second limitation


  • [fbc445b779] - fix: set exceed read posts seconds to 7200 (Aylie Chou)
  • [21f1b49a95] - fix: change reading post second max due to spec change (Aylie Chou)
  • [a3c667e4bc] - fix: add maximum of reading post seconds in a request & corresponding test case (Aylie Chou)
  • [ace09da3d4] - fix: add options for donation status (Aylie Chou)
  • [12e2e0c34d] - fix: update api doc of user donation apis (Aylie Chou)
  • [504b45785a] - feat: add /v1/periodic-donations/orders/:order/payments endpoint & doc & test (Aylie Chou)
  • [779c8ef6fd] - feat: add /v1/users/:id/donations endpoint & doc & test case (Aylie Chou)


14 Mar 07:38
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Notable Changes

  • api/index_page
    • query with category_set instead of categories
  • api/posts
    • add toggleBookmark to address cache provlem for /v2/posts
  • test
    • fix news query test case
  • chore
    • remove old categories


  • [e6cd0f433b] - fix: news query test case (Aylie Chou)
  • [59ad9d127b] - fix: query with category_set instead of categories (Aylie Chou)
  • [ab8cb4a085] - feat: remove old category (Lucien)
  • [2cf17207f0] - feat: update doc (Lucien)
  • [215915e90e] - feat: remove categories for post test (Lucien)
  • [1878912286] - fix: add toggleBookmark to address cache provlem for /v2/posts (Aylie Chou)


21 Feb 08:31
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Notable Changes

  • api/analytics
    • add bookmark_id & updated_at in meta of footprint
    • use og_description column for footprints
    • get footprints response should order by updated_at desc
  • api/posts
    • disable /posts cache when toggle with bookmark
  • model/MetaOfFootprints
    • use og_description column for footprints
  • model/bookmarks, model/users_bookmarks
    • add post_id
  • migration
    • add migration of users_bookmarks & bookmarks table
    • add new migration for ntch role update


  • [f055821b45] - fix: change ntch roles (Howard Ou)
  • [93016788e5] - fix: concise migration (Howard Ou)
  • [ecd2a5c218] - fix: disable /posts cache when toggle with bookmark (Aylie Chou)
  • [b95ebf5766] - feat: add post_id in users_bookmarks & bookmarks (Aylie Chou)
  • [e56197b333] - fix: get footprints response should order by updated_at desc (Aylie Chou)
  • [2406ca581a] - fix: use og_description column (Aylie Chou)
  • [8b96dc6df9] - feat: add bookmark_id in meta of footprint (Aylie Chou)
  • [ba38052a08] - fix: add migration of users_bookmarks (Aylie Chou)


30 Jan 03:12
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Notable Changes

  • api/posts
    • add bookmarkId data in GET /v2/posts response if user is authed
  • api/analytics
    • add POST /v2/users/:id/analytics/reading-footprint endpoint
    • add GET /v2/users/:id/analytics/reading-footprint endpoint
  • model/users_post
    • add UsersReadingFootprint model
  • doc/user
    • add api doc for /v2/users/:id/analytics/reading-footprint endpoint
  • test
    • add testcases for GetUserAnalyticsReadingFootprint & SetUserAnalyticsReadingFootprint
  • migration
    • add migration file for user reading footprint
    • upgrade bookmarks slug size


  • [ee8d38f395] - fix: upgrade bookmarks slug size (Lucien)
  • [baeb94047b] - fix: get current 6 month footprints only (Aylie Chou)
  • [bc619b6323] - fix: update updated_at if footprint record existed (Aylie Chou)
  • [00b1911204] - chore: add test cases for Set/Get reading footprint (Aylie Chou)
  • [7a586f6405] - feat: add api doc of reading-footprint endpoint (Aylie Chou)
  • [5ef940563d] - feat: add controller & storage for reading-footprint endpoint (Aylie Chou)
  • [b29a8a0c37] - fix: adjust new added table name in migrations files (Aylie Chou)
  • [2daee47d30] - fix: separate analytics storage & controller from membership (Aylie Chou)
  • [398e9380d4] - feat: add migration file for user reading history (Aylie Chou)
  • [f114650cca] - fix: use gorm method to query data (Aylie Chou)
  • [15a97b2751] - fix: use in statement fot batching query (Aylie Chou)
  • [7e9002ec3f] - fix: add bookmarkId in newsV2c tests (Aylie Chou)
  • [1cc4c6a848] - fix: add bookmarkId in /posts api doc (Aylie Chou)
  • [1bfa77e9fc] - fix: add log & use context for goroutine (Aylie Chou)
  • [313b8e6ae4] - feat: add bookmarkId in /posts if user is authed (Aylie Chou)


03 Jan 09:21
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Notable Changes

  • 影響範圍:主網站

  • api/index_page

    • use news.Opinion.Key for review section
  • api/donation

    • return 400 when card error (tappay return code 10003) instead of 500
  • api/user

    • add /v2/user/:userID/analytics endpoint
  • model/users_posts

    • add reading post analytics related model
  • migration

    • add reading post analytics related tables & columns
  • doc/user

    • add /v2/user/:userID/analytics endpoint doc
    • add new add reponse data in GET /v2/user/:userID endpoint
  • test

    • add SetUserAnalytics test cases
    • add GetUser test case


  • [3c5486dc4d] - fix: use new category_set key for review section (Lucien)
  • [4a345bb1ab] - fix: remove unused code(Lucien)
  • [7870da0dd2] - fix: return 400 when card error (10003) (Aylie Chou)
  • [5de2f26548] - fix: add parameter validation for read_posts_sec (Aylie Chou)
  • [f1bcf7d2d3] - fix: parameter type in api doc (Aylie Chou)
  • [e9874cd312] - feat: add /v2/user/:id/analytics route (Aylie Chou)
  • [93642bbea6] - feat: add read_posts_cout & read_posts_sec in GetUser response (Aylie Chou)
  • [61545bdcab] - fix: update migration 15 (Aylie Chou)
  • [4ec6418be4] - feat: add new tables/column migration files (Aylie Chou)


27 Dec 11:54
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  • [36bd9591bb] - fix: wrong email subcription url in success-donation.tmpl (nickhsine)