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Free OS2 Software Misc Utils

Tae-Woong Se edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 73 revisions


CLIP — Command line clipboard handler.

Package contains source code from the original author's message.

Authors: Sergey I. Yevtushenko, Russia (2000); maintained by André Doff, Netherlands (2014).

2014-10-07: v0.1.

Find (24.4K) in the Hobbes archive: util/clip.


"ClipView gives multiple text clipboards. It is based on the Unix utility cutview. But it is not a port. ClipView traps the write to clipboard messages and, if textual, copies them. Note that starting a similar program such as the clipboard viewer itself will disable ClipView, as only one program can trap the messages at a time."

Author: David C. Saville, UK (1996-2011).

2011-08-02: v3.6.

Downloads available in the Hobbes archive in util/clipbrd

  • Program with compiled binaries for Windows, OS/2 and Linux - (92.2K)
  • Multilanguage support - (137.5K)

ManyClip — Provides multiple OS/2 PM text clipboards.

"ManyClip provides multiple OS/2 PM text clipboards. Its operation is completely transparent to (and thus compatible with) all applications that use the clipboard. ManyClip also includes an editable PM view of the current clipboard, and the ability to save, restore, and print any or all clipboards."

Author: Tim Francis for IBM (1994).

1994-10-14: v3.3. Free under IBM EWS license.

Find (53.9K) in the Hobbes archive: util/clipbrd.


"MegaClip is a utility to manage multiple OS/2 PM clipboards. It is inspired in part by the IBM EWS program "ManyClip", as well as by a Windows 3.1 program I used long ago (but have forgotten the name of now). MegaClip's key feature over ManyClip is its ability to handle bitmaps and metafiles in addition to text. Other benefits include the ability to view more than one clipboard at a time (multiple windows), to view details about the clip (date, time, size, etc), and to 'hold' one clip in the system clipboard -- even while copying other clips. Clips may be stored within the main program window or placed directly on the desktop and it is possible to turn off 'Auto-Retrieve' so that only desired clips are retained."

Author: Dan Libby (1997).

1997-02-02: v0.2.

Find (246.5K) in the Hobbes archive: util/clipbrd.

Spike — Copy any text from clipboard to spike file on desktop.

"A name that is hopefully indicative of the spike found on many desktops in many offices. This is the place where all memos and postit notes go after they have been read. It looks like a spike mounted on a pedestal.

What I found I needed in OS/2's desktop, was a place to quickly place, and save, clipboard data that I wanted stored for future reference. In the past, I had to copy to the clipboard, make a temporary text file, place the text file on the desktop for easy access, then open the file, then append the data, then close the file. I found this procedure rather tedious, so I called a good friend, and asked him if such a thing could be made....

His response was enthusiastic and he suggested that I make an icon for it. He further suggested that the icon would take more time than the actual program. He was right!"

Package contains C source code.

Author: Team OS/2 Vancouver (1996).

1996-01-07: Unnumbered release.

Find (28K) in the Hobbes archive: util/clipbrd.

The Pastry Box

"This utility allows the user to load a file or the contents of the clipboard into a listbox and then select multiple noncontiguous lines to be pasted to the clipboard in one operation. I use it with an offline mail reader to select lines from other sources to paste into replies. The utility is WPS aware."

Author: Don Hawkinson (1996).

1996-02-28: v1.06.

Find (322.3K) in the Hobbes archive: util/clipbrd.

DOS Windows

vCOMPAT — DOS compatibility driver.

Package contains GOSiERRA (emailware) which can be used to fix retro Sierra games (e.g. pre-2015 King's Quest) and may be downloaded separately. Don't try this for modern Sierra games (e.g. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions)!

Author: Martin Kiewitz, Germany (2005-2006).

2006-09-15: v0.35β.

Find (14.9K) in the Hobbes archive: util/system.



Authors: DOSBox Team (1995-2019); OS/2 ports by Takashi Ebisawa, Japan (2010), Jochen Schäfer, Germany (2005-2019).

2010-05-12: v0.74 - Last version for OS/2. Free under GPL 2.0 license.

Go to the DOSBox website for compilations for other OSes, wiki, news, game compatibility list and more.

JUMP — Implement jump scrolling in text sessions.

"JUMP implements jump-scrolling in OS/2 sessions. Currently, the only programs that can make use of jump-scrolling are the ones that only use stdin, stdout and stderr I/O."

Package contains C source code.

Author: Thomas S. Opheys, Germany (1994).

1994-12-15: v1.0.

Find (18.5K) in the Hobbes archive: util/system.

KEGS (Kent's Emulated GS)

"KEGS is an Apple IIgs emulator. The Apple IIgs was the most powerful computer in the Apple II line. It first was sold in 1986. An Apple IIgs has the capability to run almost all Apple II, Apple IIe, and Apple IIc programs.

KEGS supports all Apple IIgs graphics modes (which include all Apple //e modes), plus plays all Apple IIgs sounds accurately. It supports serial port emulation through TCP/IP connections, or can use real serial ports on Windows and macOS."

Note: Sound and joystick emulation is not implemented in the OS/2 port except in other versions.

Authors: Kent Dickey (1997-2004); OS/2 ports by Gilles Tschopp, France (1998) and Christian Hennecke, Germany (2000).

2000-10-03: v0.60 - Last version for OS/2. Free under GPL 2.0 license.

Go to the KEGS website for docs, version history, source code and compilations for other OSes.

Palm OS Emulator (Copilot)

"Palm OS Emulator is an application that emulates the hardware for most Palm Computing Platform Hardware devices (e.g., Pilot, PalmPilot, Palm III, Palm V, Palm VII, etc.). The Emulator runs on most standard desktop computers, includes those running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Mac OS 8.6, Mac OS 9.x, Mac OS X, and several flavors of Unix."

Authors: Greg Hewgill, Palm, Inc. et al. (1998-2001), ported to OS/2 by Siegfried Hanisch, Austria (1997).


"VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use."

Note: Modifications to the virtual machine appliances listed in the manager or the manager's program settings will convert line endings to Linux/Unix.

Authors: Oracle Corporation (2010-2022); OS/2 ports by Takashi Ebisawa, Japan (2006), Richard Michael Klippstein, Mexico (2017), Andreas Ludwig, Germany (2008), Silvan Scherrer / bitwise works GmbH, Switzerland (2016), Valery V. Sedletski, Russia (2018), Paul Smedley, Australia (2008).

2015-10-02: v5.0.6 - Last version for OS/2. Free under GPL 2.0 license.

Go to the VirtualBox website for source code and compilations for other OSes, forums, mailing lists, docs, version history and more.

Virtual PalmPad Remote — Life-like Palmpad to control up to 256 X10 home automation devices. Requires HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or CM17A Comm Engine.

Author: Armin Schwarz / Lone Peak Automation, LLC (2001).

2001-03-22: v1.0.

Find (612.4K) in the Hobbes archive: apps/misc.

Virtual PC

From the docs: "With Virtual PC, you can create and run one or more virtual machines, each with its own operating system, on a single computer. This provides you with the flexibility to use different operating systems on one physical computer."

Virtual PC is outdated. For example it does not support:

  • grouping virtual machines
  • manually sorting virtual machines in the console
  • virtual machine window status bar customization

Note: The host computer's cursor is centered when the user clicks anywhere on the screen to capture the virtual machine window.

Authors: Microsoft Corporation (2002-2011), Connectix Inc. (1998-2002); OS/2 development by InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH, Germany (1998-2002).

2002-09-26: Virtual PC 5.0 Build 350 - Last version for OS/2 distributed as pay commercial software.

Get the old version of Microsoft Virtual PC for Win32 or Win64 via the Microsoft Download Center or go to WinWorldPC to download the OS/2 version with the two serial keys.


Cardo — Serif font.

"Cardo is a large Unicode font specifically designed for the needs of classicists, Biblical scholars, medievalists, and linguists. Since it may be used to prepare materials for publication, it also contains features that are required for high-quality typography, such as ligatures, text figures (also known as old style numerals), true small capitals and a variety of punctuation and space characters."

Author: David J. Perry (2002-2011). OS/2 installer created by Alexander Taylor (2011).

2011-04-20: v1.04. Free under SIL Open Font License.

Go to the Cardo website for breaking news, downloads, OpenType feature test document (both InDesign and Mellel) and the author's book Document Preparation for Classical Languages.

DejaVu — Sans-serif, serif and monospace fonts.

"The DejaVu fonts are based on the Bitstream Vera fonts. Its purpose is to provide a wider range of characters while maintaining the original look and feel through the process of collaborative development, under a Free license."

Note: Package does not include DejaVu Math TeX Gyre (used for mathematical equations). DejaVu Sans is the fallback font before Haiku's first beta release in 2018. I used this as the default font for CJK on my old Ubuntu virtual machines running an old version of Firefox.

Authors: Štěpán Roh, Czech Republic et al. (2004-2016), see the authors list. Math fonts by Bogusław L. Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk and Piotr Pianowski from Grupa Użytkowników Systemu TeX, Poland. OS/2 port by Oliver Cremer, Germany (2010-2013).

2013-08-26: v2.34 - Last version for OS/2.

Go to the DejaVu fonts website for font samples, version history and more.

Report bugs at the GitHub repository.

Inconsolata — High-quality monospaced font.

Inconsolata is an acclaimed monospaced font, designed primarily for use as a programmer's font on high-resolution displays.

Notes: The font is not hinted, and so should only be used where it can be anti-aliased (such as in OpenOffice or Mozilla). Inconsolata is used to display messages on Android's recovery console.

Author: Raph Levien (2006).

2006: v001.010.

Go to the Inconsolata website for the FontForge source, OpenType/PFA versions and PDF test file containing a paragraph and all characters included in the font.

Liberation — Font family based on the Ascender font family with the same metrics as Microsoft core fonts.

Liberation is a font family which aims at metric compatibility with the Microsoft core fonts.

Note: WarpIN package does not include the Chrome OS core fonts (Arimo, Cousine, Tinos) or Liberation Sans Narrow (uses the same metrics as Arial Narrow).

Authors: Red Hat, Inc. (2010-2021); originally by Steve Matteson / Ascender Corporation and Caius Carlos Chance (2007-2010); Chrome OS fonts by Google LLC (2010); OS/2 installer created by Alexander Taylor (2016).

2011-05-30: v1.07.0 - Last version for OS/2. Free under GPL license with font exception. Recent versions are available under the SIL Open Font License.

Report bugs at the GitHub repository or via Pagure or the Bugzilla instance from Red Hat, Inc..

New Athena Unicode

New Athena Unicode is a freeware multilingual font distributed by the American Philological Association. It follows the Unicode standard (version 6/7) and includes characters for English and Western European languages, polytonic Greek, Coptic, Old Italic, and Demotic Egyptian (and Arabic transliteration), as well as metrical symbols and other characters used by classical scholars and some required by medievalists and Byzantinists.

Author: Donald Mastronarde for American Philological Association (2004-2019). Original Athena design by Jeffrey Rusten in 2001.

2015-07-12: v5.002 - Last version for OS/2. Free under SIL Open Font License.

Go to the New Athena Unicode font website for version history and a Web font in WOFF format. The font itself is included with GreekKeys.

Source Pro — Sans-serif, serif and monospaced fonts.

This is a high-quality set of TrueType, OpenType or WOFF fonts.

Note: No fonts for East Asian languages and variable fonts are present in the WarpIN package.

Authors: Paul D. Hunt for Adobe Systems Incorporated et al. (2012-2021); OS/2 installer created by Alexander Taylor (2016).

2015-09-16: v2.020 - Last version for OS/2. Free under SIL Open Font License.

Report bugs at the GitHub repositories for Source Code Pro, Source Sans or Source Serif.

Utility Sets & Collections

BCSUTIL — Group of .EXE utilities.

  • FF - File finder utility
  • FS - File size utility
  • KEY - Utility for use in CMD files

Author: James R. Tate / Bluff City Software (1989-1990).

1990-12-15: Unnumbered release.

Find (12.2K) in the Hobbes archive: util/file.

Carlsberg Tools

  • Date/time
  • Disk space
  • Swapfile

Author: Bent Panduro / Carlsberg A/S, Denmark (1992).

1992-08-24: v2.0.

Find (113.2K) in the Hobbes archive: util/system.

Checkout — Schedule/backup related command line utilities.

  • BUP - directory backup daemon
  • CIN - network check-in program
  • CLIST - network check-out status program
  • COUT - network check-out program
  • DOLABEL - label the optical disk
  • GETIME - get time from modem daemon
  • NETLABEL - program to talk to the DOLABEL daemon
  • NEWTIME - program to talk to the GETTIME daemon
  • RELEASE - network release program
  • SYNCTIME - OS/2 mode clock synchronization program
  • TALKTIME - program to talk to the GETTIME daemon
  • UPDATE - network updating program

Package contains C source code.

Author: John Ridges (1990).

1990: v1.0.

Find (247.7K) in the Hobbes archive: util/backup.

DIRtools — REXX utilities to copy, delete or display files in directories.

Author: Daniel Hellerstein (2002-2003).

2003-01-20: v1.16δ.

Find (187.9K) in the Hobbes archive: util/disk.

File Utilities — Linux/OS/2 utilities for text files.

"This is a small set of utilities written to assist in my work on both UNIX and OS/2 based machines. These types of routines may already have been written many times, but in the absence of being able to find any easily available I have produced my own. They have been made available as much for my own satisfaction as for their potential usefulness."

  • U2D - Convert UNIX to DOS line separators
  • D2U - Convert DOS to UNIX line separators
  • FSPLIT - File splitter
  • HEXDUMP - Display file contents in hexadecimal

Author: John S Glover, UK (1996).

1996-12-30: v1.0.

Find (76.3K) in the Hobbes archive: util/convert.

FSP — FTP utilities.

"FSP is a set of programs that implements a public-access archive similar to an anonymous-FTP archive. It is not meant to be a replacement for ftp; it is only meant to do what anonymous-ftp does, but in a manner more acceptable to the provider of the service and more friendly to the clients."

  • F1 - Example cmd file to set fsp server info
  • FCAT - Send remote file to standard output
  • FCD - REXX code to set FSP_DIR
  • FCDCMD - Use with fcd.cmd to change remote dir
  • FGET - Get remote file
  • FHOST - Use to set server address and port
  • FLS - Display remote file
  • FMKDIR - Make directory on remote
  • FMORE - Pipes output of fcat to more
  • FRM - Remove file from remote
  • FRMDIR - Remove remote directory
  • FVER - Get server's version & important info

Authors: Wen-King Su (1994); OS/2 port by Larkin Lowrey (1994).

1994-12-14: v1.0α.

Find (265.8K) in the Hobbes archive: apps/internet/misc.

OpenOffice — Office suite.

Apache OpenOffice is a major office suite and you get:

  • Writer - A word processor you can use for anything from writing a quick letter to producing an entire book.
  • Calc - A powerful spreadsheet with all the tools you need to calculate, analyze, and present your data in numerical reports or sizzling graphics.
  • Impress - The fastest, most powerful way to create effective multimedia presentations.
  • Draw - Lets you produce everything from simple diagrams to dynamic 3D illustrations.
  • Base - Lets you manipulate databases seamlessly. Create and modify tables, forms, queries, and reports, all from within Apache OpenOffice.
  • Math - Lets you create mathematical equations with a graphic user interface or by directly typing your formulas into the equation editor.

Note: The OS/2 port only has English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch and Russian (compiled versions for other OSes have more languages).

Authors: Apache Software Foundation (2011-2022); originally by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Oracle Corporation (1995-2010); OS/2 ports by Yuri Dario, Italy; Jochen Schäfer, Germany; Silvan Scherrer / bitwise works GmbH, Switzerland; Brian Smith (1995-2018).

2015-10-28: v4.1.2 GA. Last freeware version – beginning with v4.1.3 GA (2016-10-12) OpenOffice is paid commercial software. Free under Apache License.

OpenOffice page in the Apache Software Foundation. Go to the OpenOffice website to download compiled versions for other OSes, help and support, extensions, social media groups and more.

OS/2 Command Line Utilities — Mixed group of textual and graphical utils.

"The Command Line Utilities comprises a suite of native Pure 32-bit OS/2 commands that provide many useful abilities to the OS/2 user, as well as improved 32-bit versions of several of the 16-bit commands that are supplied with IBM OS/2 itself that allow one to remove more of the 16-bit vestiges that remain in OS/2 Warp.

They are "command line" utilities because they can all be driven from the command line, making them suitable for use in command scripts ("batch files"). However, the Command Line Utilities comprises a mixture of textual and graphical programs."

  • AnaClock - Display an analogue clock in a window
  • ArcDir - Display archive directory
  • ArcStamp - Modify archive timestamp
  • Attrib - Change file attributes
  • BComp - Binary file comparison of two files
  • CalcTZ - TZ environment variable calculator (compliant with ISO/IEC 9445-1:1990)
  • Comp - Binary file comparison of sets of files
  • ConvCase - Convert the case of filenames
  • CPUIDG - Graphical CPU ID information display
  • CPUIDT - Text-mode CPU ID information display
  • CycLog - Log to a fixed-size set of log files
  • DelLName - Delete the long name EAs from files and directories
  • DelThumb - Delete the thumbnail EAs from files and directories
  • DelTree - Delete an entire subdirectory tree
  • DescEdit - Display and edit file descriptions
  • DigClock - Display the date and time in a window
  • DirSize - Display directory sizes
  • Dump - Dump file contents
  • DupDir - Make one directory a duplicate of another
  • EAUtil - Attach or detach extended attributes
  • EnStamp - Prepend timestamps to lines of text
  • FF - Find Files
  • Find - Search for lines in text files containing a string
  • FindDups - Locate duplicate files
  • FitSize - Fit files into groups of a given size
  • GovWipe - Wipe file contents to U.S. Government specifications
  • Grep - Global regular expression print
  • Head - Output the head end of the input
  • Help - Obtain on-line help for error messages and commands
  • Mem - Display memory and environment variable statistics
  • NewMBR - Write a new-style MBR
  • PartList - List partitions
  • PlayMorse - Play Morse Code through the PC speaker
  • PlayTune - Play a tune through the PC speaker
  • PMLock - Lock the PM desktop
  • PStat - Display process status and other system snapshot information
  • ResetINI - Reset INI files
  • RunSvc - Service Manager
  • RunWhen - Schedule the repeated invocation of programs
  • SayDate - Display the date and time
  • Service - Control processes that are running under a Service Manager
  • SetBootG - Alter Boot Manager settings
  • SetDate - Change the date and time
  • Signal - Send a signal exception to one or more processes
  • Sort - Sort lines of text
  • Strings - Display embedded strings in files
  • Strip - Strip lines
  • Sum - Calculate CRCs and checksums
  • Tail - Output the tail end of the input
  • TaskList - Display the PM Window List
  • Tee - T-shaped pipe fitting
  • TextConv - Convert text to file formats
  • ToMorse - Convert text to Morse code
  • Touch - Change file stamps
  • Tree - Display a filesystem tree
  • Uniq - Check for unique lines of text
  • UnStamp - Convert @-style counts of seconds timestamps to human-readable form
  • W2KFix - Fix a problem in Windows 2000
  • WatchLog - Watch a set of cyclic log files
  • WC - Count words, lines, and letters in files
  • WeaveSvc - Weave a tapestry of service managers
  • What - File ID utility
  • Which - Find out which command would be executed
  • WinSight - Display PM window relationships
  • XDel - Extended delete
  • XDir - Extended directory
  • Y - Y-shaped pipe fitting

Author: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard, UK (1999-2004).

2004-01-07: v2.2.

Find (840.8K) in the Hobbes archive: util/misc.

REXX Utilities

"I wrote these utilities in REXX just because I like working in it. It is well integrated into OS/2. I don't have to worry about things like, "Am I running in full screen or a window?" It also makes the source code available to the user so the user can see what is happening, no surprises; and the user has the chance to modify the code for his own use."

  • BYTES - totals the number of bytes occupied by the branch named as the subdirectory of the current directory
  • LRU - external routine to load and register the REXXUtil Dynamic Load Library (DLL)
  • MF - creates a dummy file entry in a directory
  • RDD - deletes a subdirectory of the current directory and all subdirectories and files therein
  • TOUCH - updates the date and time stamp of a file or all files in a directory
  • TRE - draws a chart of a directory structure from the current directory out
  • VOLS - shows you all available local drives and space used and space available

Author: Gordon Snider, Canada (2003).

2003-02-22: v1.1.

Find (15.1K) in the Hobbes archive: util/disk.

Service Center

"'Service Center' is a freeware utility suite for OS/2. It contains a system information tool, a process killer, a front end for McAfee's OS2SCAN, a class/ini purger, a tool to create program objects, a button to backup and edit your config.sys and a scheduler to run programs automatically."

Author: Martin Farrent (1996).

1996-10-23: v3.0.

Find (696.8K) in the Hobbes archive: util/system.

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