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Neetcode 150 đź—ż

Typescript solutions to Leetcode problems from the Neetcode 150 list

Useful Links ď‘Ś

Leetcode Website roadmap
Neetcode's YouTube channel link
Neetcode's Leetcode solutions repository
Vitest unit test framework

Grandma's Place 👵🏚️

Problems worth a revisit (This list is a little personal)


  • Only typescript(.ts) files are allowed
  • Neatly formatted(prettier, ESlint) code
  • Add link to related Neetcode solution video
  • Only add explanation if your approach is better than Neetcode's
  • Add time/space complexity with shortest possible explanation
  • Code has to be readable(descriptive variable names, etc.)
  • Add relevant comments wherever necessary
  • If possible write tests using vitest
  • PR Example:
    • src/longest-commmon-prefix.ts
    export const longestCommonPrefix = (s: string[]): string => {
      s = s.sort()
      let i: number = 0
      let first: string = s[0] // first string in array
      let last: string = s[s.length - 1] // second string in array
      // i should not exceed the length of the shorter of the first and last string 
      let shorterString: number = Math.min(first.length, last.length)
      while (first[i] === last[i] && i < shorterString) i++
      return first.slice(0, i)
    • tests/longest-commmon-prefix.test.ts
    import { longestCommonPrefix } from "../src/longest-common-prefix"
    import { expect, test } from "vitest"
    // use descriptive test names
    test('finds the longest common prefix in a collection of strings', () => {
      let strs1: string[] = ["flower", "flow", "flight"]
      let strs2: string[] = ["dog", "racecar", "car"]
    * [x] [Longest Common Prefix]( * Neetcode's solution: * Explanation Instead of using the Neetcode's approach we use another trick which is to sort the array & then only compare the first and the last string of the array instead of comparing all the strings which would result in a better time complexity. This solution works because Javascript sorts the array by strings. This will closely group the strings that are more alike & the strings that are least alike will go the extreme ends of the array after sorting and these strings are the ones that will result in the shortest common prefix. This is more obvious from the below node REPL output: ```js > let s = ["chicken", "duck", "dutch", "children", "parrot", "china"] [ 'chicken', 'duck', 'children', 'china' ] > s.sort() [ 'chicken', 'children', 'china', 'duck'] ``` Although 3 of the 4 strings have the common prefix 'chi', one of them('duck') does not have any common character with any of the other strings so it makes sense to only compare 'chicken' & 'duck' which are least alike.
  • Code standard:
    • Use function expression
    // prefer function expression
    export const longestCommonPrefix = (s: string[]): string => {}
    // avoid this to prevent hoisting
    function longestCommonPrefix (s: string[]): string {}

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