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Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store

Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store is a Java library to assist storing the consumer group offsets on the consumer application side instead of __consumer_groups on the Kafka cluster. This allows the Kafka consumer applications to more easily achieve exactly-once message processing by atomically updating both the offsets and the consumption result using a transaction.


Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store provides several templates to implement the required functions for storing the consumer group offsets on the consumer application side while achieving high quality and ease. Several solutions are provided:

  1. Based on ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler template, which is the most core template available for all types of application.
  2. [TBD] Based on relational database offset store template, which is a more JDBC specific template.
  3. [TBD] Based on Kafka offset store template, which is a more Kafka specific template.

Caution: This project is in incubation, and is published for personal interest, so this library doesn't have sufficient quality yet.


  • Java 8+
  • Kafka Java Client 2.6.0+,
  • KafkaConsumer with ''


  • Provides several templates to implement the required functions
  • Check status and timeout for zombie fencing

ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler template




Available versions can be found here:


        // configure KafkaConsumer
        Map<String, Object> consumerProps = new HashMap<>();
        consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, kafkaContainer.getBootstrapServers());
        consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "false"); // auto commit should be disabled
        consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest"):
        consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, GROUP_IP);
        consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, IntegerDeserializer.class.getName());
        consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, IntegerDeserializer.class.getName());

        // configure consumer side offset store
        Map<String, Object> offsetStoreProps = new HashMap<>();
        offsetStoreProps.put(OffsetStoreConfig.OFFSET_NOT_FOUND_ON_CONSUMER_SIDE_STRATEGY, OffsetNotFoundOnConsumerSideStrategy.USE_KAFKA_OFFSETS);
        offsetStoreProps.put(OffsetStoreConfig.ENABLE_KAFKA_SIDE_OFFSET_COMMIT, true);
        offsetStoreProps.put(OffsetStoreConfig.KAFKA_SIDE_OFFSET_COMMIT_STRATEGY, KafkaSideOffsetCommitStrategy.COMMIT_ASYNC_WITH_UPDATING_CONSUMER_SIDE_OFFSETS);

        // define ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler
        ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler<Connection> consumerSideOffsetStoreHandler = new ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler<Connection>() {
            public void initializeOffsetStore(String groupId) throws Exception {
                // initialize consumer side offset store, optionally
                // for example, create a database table to store offsets if not exists

            public Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> loadOffsets(ConsumerGroupMetadata groupMetadata, Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) throws Exception {
                // load consumer side offsets
                // for example, query the database table that has offsets

            public void saveOffsets(ConsumerGroupMetadata groupMetadata, Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets, Connection transactionalObject) throws Exception {
                // save offsets on consumer side store
                // for example, upsert offsets in the database table

        // consume messages
        try (KafkaConsumer<Integer, Integer> kafkaConsumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(consumerProps)) {
            // call OffsetStoreContext.subscribe() with offsetStoreHandler, instead of kafkaConsumer.subscribe()
            OffsetStoreContext<Connection> offsetStoreContext = OffsetStoreContext.subscribe(offsetStoreProps, kafkaConsumer, Collections.singleton(TOPIC), consumerSideOffsetStoreHandler);

            while(true) {
                ConsumerRecords<Integer, Integer> records = kafkaConsumer.poll(Duration.ofSeconds(10));
                for (ConsumerRecord<Integer, Integer> record : records) {
                // use transactional object
                // for example, create a JDBC connection and a transaction.
                try (Connection connection = getConnection()) {
                    // do some business updates using your JDBC connection participating in the transaction
                    doSomething(record, connection);
                    // update consumer side offsets in the transaction before JDBC connection commit(), and optionally commit kafka side offsets
                    // this will call ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler.saveOffsets() with your JDBC connection participating in the transaction
                    offsetStoreContext.updateConsumerSideOffsets(record, connection);
                    // transaction commit


Configurations and Library APIs

Template methods in ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler

Handler responsible for implementing the input/output adapter for the consumer side offset store.

Method name Description Parameters Return value
initializeOffsetStore(...) Implement Initializing the consumer side offset store in this method. This method will be called when OffsetStoreContext is created using OffsetStoreContext.subscribe(...).
  • groupId:
    The consumer group id to which the consumer belongs.
loadOffsets(...) Implement loading the consumer side offsets in this method. This method will be called when partitions are assigned to the KafkaConsumer and ConsumerRebalanceListener.onPartitionsAssigned(...) is called.
  • groupMetadata:
    The consumer group metadata to which the consumer belongs.
  • topicPartitions:
    The topic partitions for which offsets should be loaded from the consumer side offset store.
A map of loaded offsets by the topic partition.
saveOffsets(...) Implement saving the consumer side offsets in this method. This method will be called when the application call OffsetStoreContext.updateConsumerSideOffsets(...).
  • groupMetadata:
    The consumer group metadata to which the consumer belongs.
  • offsets:
    The map of offsets by topic partition that should be saved in the consumer side offset store.
  • transactionalObject:
    The transactional object. For example, JDBC connection, etc.


Configuration for Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store.

Name Description
offsetnotfound.on.consumerside.strategy Whether to user __consumer_offsets on the Kafka cluster when the offsets cannot be found from the consumer side offset store.
  • use.kafka.offsets : (Default Value)
    Use __consumer_offsets on the Kafka cluster. if not even in __consumer_offsets, offsets based on auto.offset.reset would be used
  • ignore.kafka.offsets :
    Ignore __consumer_offsets on the Kafka cluster. And offsets based on auto.offset.reset would be used.
enable.kafkasideoffset.commit Indicates whether kafka side offset commit is enabled. "true" if kafka side offset commit is enabled, or "false" otherwise. Default is "true".
kafkaside.offset.commit.strategy If kafka side offset commit is enabled (enable.kafkasideoffset.commit=true), strategy to update Kafka side offset.
  • commit.async.with.updating.consumerside.offsets : (Default Value)
    The Kafka side offsets is committed with commitAsync when updating consumer side offsets.
  • commit.sync.with.updating.consumerside.offsets :
    The Kafka side offsets is committed with commitSync when updating consumer side offsets.
enable.kafka.consumer.timeout.check Indicates whether kafka consumer timeout check is enabled. This is one of the zombie fencing features. "true" if kafka consumer timeout check is enabled, or "false" otherwise. Default is "true".


OffsetStoreContext is the main APIs for Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store. Here only the main methods are introduced:

Method name Description Parameters Return value
subscribe(...) : static method Create OffsetStoreContext with offsetStoreHandler, then call ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler.initializeOffsetStore(...) and KafkaConsumser.subscribe(pattern).
  • offsetStoreProps:
    The configuration properties for Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store.
  • kafkaConsumer:
  • pattern:
  • consumerSideOffsetStoreHandler:
updateConsumerSideOffsets(...) Update the consumer side offsets, this will call ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler.saveOffsets(...). This method should be called just before commit() if possible.
  • offsets:
    The offsets to be updated.
  • transactionalObject:
    Transactional object. For example, JDBC connection, etc.
checkConsumerTimeoutMs(...) Check KafkaConsumser's session timeout and poll timeout. If any of these expire, OffsetStoreValidationException occurs. - The remaining timeout value in milliseconds. The smaller remaining timeout value of KafkaConsumser's session timeout or poll timeout.


  • This library doesn't support static consumer feature.

Internal architecture and design

Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store is designed to be simple and stateless. The core source code is quite small. This library class doesn't contain much information, but rather obtains it from KafkaConsumer and method parameters. A transaction would complete commit or rollback outside of this library, so this is necessary to avoid inconsistency.

Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store listens the consumer re-balance events using ConsumerRebalanceListener internally.

The following sequence diagram indicates main flow, and it excludes exception flow such as leaving the ConsumerGroup due to timeout or other reasons:


Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store accesses to private fields in KafkaConsumer internally

Unfortunately, Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store accesses to the following private fields in KafkaConsumer internally, to get status and times for zombie fencing feature.

- KafkaConsumer
  - coordinator: AbstractCoordinator
    - heartbeat: Heartbeat
      - sessionTimer: Timer
      - pollTimer: Timer

KafkaConsumer Java doc - Storing Offsets Outside Kafka

For your information, externalize the offsets like Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store does is also pointed out in Javadoc for KafkaConsumer. It is described as follows:

The consumer application need not use Kafka's built-in offset storage, it can store offsets in a store of its own choosing. The primary use case for this is allowing the application to store both the offset and the results of the consumption in the same system in a way that both the results and offsets are stored atomically. This is not always possible, but when it is it will make the consumption fully atomic and give "exactly once" semantics that are stronger than the default "at-least once" semantics you get with Kafka's offset commit functionality.

"Javadoc for KafkaConsumer,"

Exactly-once guarantee?

Although Kafka support exactly-once transaction, it is only available for specific case, such as within the same Kafka cluster. Basically, Kafka support at-least-once message processing, so it can be duplicate message processing. Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store allows the Kafka consumer applications to more easily achieve exactly-once message processing by atomically updating both the offsets and the consumption result using a transaction. However, this doesn't mean to guarantee exactly-once message processing.

To achieve exactly-once, it is import for Kafka consumer group that only one KafkaConsumer is assigned for each partition. However, your consumer application can be a zombie because of the heartbeat timeout( or the poll timeout( So that Kafka consumer will be conflict in a Kafka consumer group, and duplicate message processing.

Zombie Fencing

Zombie Fencing features provided by Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store

Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store has zombie fencing feature to check whether KafkaConsumer itself might have become a zombie and throw an exception. And it also provides the feature to retrieve the remaining time until timeout.

This check will useful before commit to determine rollback. And you can use it when you call offsetStoreContext.updateConsumerSideOffsets(...), and then ConsumerSideOffsetStoreHandler.saveOffsets(...) is called. This can avoid many cases that message duplicate processing can be happened.

However, when you call commit of transactional object the Kafka consumer application can also be a zombie. For example, if your Kafka consumer application delays during commit, and it can become a zombie, and another Kafka consumer application is able to consumer messages, the zombie is consuming. This may be a rare case. However, it is your application's responsibility to avoid duplicate message processing during commit, if you need.

Additional zombie fencing that you can implement

If you cannot accept duplicate message processing during commit, your application have to avoid it yourself. The implementation of additional zombie fencing depends on the transactional capabilities of your consumer side offset store, such as a relational database and another Kafka cluster.

Here are some helpful examples:

Verify the offsets are increased when to save them (Relational database, etc.)

When to save offsets, verify the offsets are increased one by one. Each message must be processed in a transaction to be fully effective, but may affect performance.

Load offsets with shared lock for offset records (Relational database, etc.)

When to load offsets, load them with relational database shared lock. This means that if a zombie is in the middle of a transaction involving offset updates, the offsets loading with shared lock will be waited until that transaction is finished. And the zombie consumer is assumed to be stopped and back to normal state within the processing of the next new transaction by the zombie fencing feature on Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store. As the result, duplicate message processing can be avoided. However, the consumers will be delayed due to loading offsets.

Verify and save offsets in consumer side records (Relational database, etc.)

When to consume messages, they guarantied at-least-once and include sequential offsets. You can store offsets into records as a part of the consumption result, and verify that the offsets are increased when the records are update to achieve exactly-once. However, its implementation will not be easy, and if it can, it would also mean that exactly-once can be achieved without Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store. (Kafka, etc.)

Kafka producer has function. is used to identify the same producer instance across application, and old producers are considered zombies and are fenced out. However, as a reality, it may be difficult to determine


Apache 2.0 License.


Kafka Consumer Side Offset Store







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