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PlotoFy Status Summary Reports

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@tydeno tydeno released this 16 May 14:34
· 236 commits to main since this release


  • Status Summary Reports in PlotoFy



Setup Discord Alerts for periodical summary of jobs completed and in progress

To configure the behaviour of periodical summary reports in discord, we also use the PlotoAlertConfig.json stored in C:\Users\YourUserName.chia\mainnet\config.

  1. Edit PlotoAlertConfig.json
  2. Set WebhookURL (Your Discord Servers Webhook). You may use the same or a different WebhookURL than what PlotoSpawner Alerts uses. This allows you to separate channels in Discord for various alerts. I use this separate for each plotter I have:
  3. Set the intervall upon which you would like to receive the summary. This also affects the period PlotoFy uses to check for events. For example: If 1 is specified (1hr), PlotoFy will each hour lookup jobs that were copleted in the last hours, and all active jobs in progress and wrap this in a notification.
    If there are no jobs completed within the period, PlotoFy will only send the notification for the jobs in progress. If there are no completed and no jobs in progress, PlotoFy tells you with a notification, that Ploto seems not running.
  4. Set the Path to Ploto Module (where its stored right now)
  5. Make sure you copy/move the edited .json to the folder: C:\Users\YourUserName.chia\mainnet\config. If its not there, it wont work.
  6. Open a new PowerShell Session.
  7. Import-Module "C:\Users\me\desktop\Ploto\Ploto.psm1" (make sure you change the path to Ploto.psm1 to reflect your situation)
  8. Launch PlotoFy using the cmd below:

As PlotoFy launched a backgroundJob that continously calls "Request-PlotoFySummaryReport", for almost infinity, you may wont to stop that job at some point. To do this, you can use the following commands:

  1. Get-Job to get the current running PowerShell Jobs:
Id     Name            PSJobTypeName   State         HasMoreData     Location             Command
--     ----            -------------   -----         -----------     --------             -------
1      Job1            BackgroundJob   Running       True            localhost            ...
  1. Stop the Job, using Stop-Job
Stop-Job -Id 1
  1. And to clean up, we need to deleted the stopped job.
Get-Job | where-object {$_.State -eq "Stopped"} | Remove-Job