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RingCentral Engage Voice Demo


Install dependencies

yarn install

Engage Voice SDK will be public very soon.

For now, you need to copy its souce code to ./agent-library/.

In the future, you should be able to install it via NPM. By then you should remove direct dependent of "sip.js".

JS module loading issue

For some unknown reason, the AgentLibrary package doesn't work with this project's setup.

The workaround is to edit the ./agent-library/dist/agentLibrary.js, and replace the last paragraph with:

module.exports = initAgentLibrary(this);

Configure dotenv

Copy .env.sample to .env.

Edit .env and specify credentials.


yarn dev

Check http://localhost:8080/.


yarn release

The output files will be generated in ./docs folder and be hosted by GitHub Pages:

Known issues

  • Engage Voice AgentLibrary SDK's WebRTC feature is broken at the moment. You cannot use integrated phones.