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👋 Hello and welcome to Tyn's Take Home Test!

The app is hosted here. I've included some additional notes on features and assumptions below.

🏃‍♀️ How to run the app locally/dev environment:

  1. Download or clone the ld-app to your local environment.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the /ld-app directory.
  3. Run npm install to install all server dependencies.
  4. Run npm run client-install will install all React app dependencies
  5. Run npm run dev to start concurrent run of server & client
  6. Go to http://localhost:3000.

⌨️ Some other commands that might be useful?:

Command What it does
npm install install all server dependencies
npm run client-install install all React app dependencies.
npm start start the api server
npm run server start the server with hot reload (localhost:9000)
npm run client start the React app with hot reload (localhost:3000)
npm run dev concurrently run server and client and hot reload all the things
npm run build --prefix client build React app in /client/build.
To preview the react build locally with the test server, build React app, start server, and go to localhost:9000

Things to check out:

  1. 💌 First, send yourself a lovely message.. the expected behaviour is to receive a pop-up note with your message or an error (try sending an empty string).
  2. 🖱 Added a couple of lil microinteractions (I know I wasn't supposed to do this but this girl's gotta have fun 🎉).
  3. 🎨 Check out the CSS used to recolour the logdna logo to match the mockup (now I'm just flexing 💪).

Thoughts and Assumptions

Without knowing explicitly how the app works, I made some assumptions around the architecture & behaviour:

  1. The contents of the articles and main section of the app is only fetched & set when we know which workspace (the things in the side nav) is selected --> this is why you do not see any sort of state pertaining to the messages (other than navItems) on the highest App level. In another iteration of this, this is where Auth and user info could be fetched and stored maybe..
  2. The message sends a note to the author of the article (a.k.a. me 🤗) and returns a quick little pop up message with a success message or error.
  3. As far as styles go, I chose to go with a classic cascading stylesheet approach compiled from Sass and structured by component. This is just one way of approaching styling in React apps, and a conversion to a CSS-in-JS or CSS modules system is a few simple copy-pastes away.

🍦 Cool! That's all for now! For the record, had a blast building this and figuring out how to do servers/apis n stuff (especially how to deploy them alongside the frontend 🤔🥴🤬🤪🙃💁‍♀️), but this really affirmed to me that there's nothing that googling and tenacity can't solve! Thanks again for this opportunity - I learned a ton and had fun, too.

Please do get in touch with any questions or curiosities!


post a message!






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