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Type Factory

Easily create custom data types and remove cruft and boilerplate from your code.

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To use Type Factory, you must be using Java 17 or later.

type-factory-bom Maven Central

The Type Factory bill-of-materials (bom) containing dependencies to all Type Factory modules.


type-factory-core Maven Central

The core module contains everything you need to create your custom data types. It is a good place to start.


type-factory-language Maven Central

This module provides language specific alphabet subsets that will help you write your custom data types. It is still very young and a work in progress.


Example 1 – currency code

This example creates a custom type for currency codes that must conform to the ISO 4217 alpha format for a currency code.

import org.typefactory.StringType;
import org.typefactory.TypeParser;

public final class CurrencyCode extends StringType {                 // ①

  public static final CurrencyCode EMPTY_CURRENCY_CODE = new CurrencyCode("");  // ②

  private static final MessageCode ERROR_MESSAGE = MessageCode.of(   // ③
      "must be a 3-character ISO 4217 alpha currency code");

  private static final TypeParser TYPE_PARSER = TypeParser.builder() // ④
      .messageCode(ERROR_MESSAGE) // ③
      .acceptCharRange('a', 'z')  // ⑤
      .acceptCharRange('A', 'Z')
      .fixedSize(3)               // ⑥
      .removeAllWhitespace()      // ⑦
      .convertNullToEmpty()       // ⑧
      .toUpperCase()              // ⑨

  private CurrencyCode(final String value) {  // ⑩

  public static CurrencyCode of(final CharSequence value) {  // ⑪
    return TYPE_PARSER.parseToStringType(value, CurrencyCode::new); 

① Our currency code class is declared to be “final” and it will also be immutable. By extending StringType it will also implement CharSequence, Comparable and Serializable, and receive default implementations of all their required methods, as well as receive appropriate implementations of the equals, hashCode and toString methods.

② We've created an “empty” constant which can be re-used throughout our code where needed. Of course, this constant is optional.

③ We provide a message code with a default error message that will be used to create an InvalidValueException when the value being parsed doesn't meet the required criteria for a currency-code. Error messages can be localized by provide localized resource bundles. Consider defining all your message codes in a separate class.

④ We create a static, immutable, threadsafe, type-parser using a builder. This type-parser will do the heavy lifting of parsing and/or cleaning a value so that a valid CurrencyCode can be created.

⑤ We specify the characters that are acceptable for a currency-code.

⑥ We specify that the parsed value for a currency-code must be exactly 3 characters. For other types you can specify min and max sizes.

⑦ We will remove any whitespace that is present in incoming values while parsing it. For other types, you could also choose to normalise or preserve whitespace characters, or convert them to some other character.

⑧ We would like the type-parser to convert null values to empty. If you prefer, you could also choose to preserve-null-and-empty or convert empty-to-null.

⑨ The parser will convert any lowercase letters to uppercase.

⑩ In this example, we specify a private constructor because we'd like all instantiation to occur via the factory method defined in step ⑪. You can, of course, choose to use a constructor instead a factory method.

⑪ We will provide a static factory method, of(value), to instantiate a CurrencyCode using the value provided.

Example 2 – international bank account number (IBAN)

This example creates a custom type for international bank account numbers that also employs:

  • A regular expression to ensure correct format.
  • A custom validator to check IBAN check digits using a modulo-97 algorithm.

Below we've only highlighted the features not already introduced in the previous example.

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.typefactory.StringType;
import org.typefactory.TypeParser;

public final class InternationalBankAccountNumber extends StringType {

  public static final InternationalBankAccountNumber EMPTY_IBAN = 
      new InternationalBankAccountNumber("");

  private static final MessageCode ERROR_MESSAGE = MessageCode.of(
      "must be a valid 5..34 character International Bank Account Number (IBAN)");

  private static final Pattern VALID_IBAN_PATTERN = 
      Pattern.compile("[A-Z]{2}+[0-9]{2}+[0-9A-Z]{1,30}+");  // ①

  private static final TypeParser TYPE_PARSER = TypeParser.builder()
          .acceptLettersAtoZ()  // ②
          .acceptDigits0to9()   // ③
          .removeAllChars('.', '-', '–', '—')  // ④  period, hyphen, en-dash and em-dash
          .matchesRegex(VALID_IBAN_PATTERN)    // ⑤
          .customValidator(InternationalBankAccountNumber::isValidIBAN)  // ⑥

  private InternationalBankAccountNumber(final String value) {

  public static InternationalBankAccountNumber of(final CharSequence value) {
    return TYPE_PARSER.parseToStringType(value, InternationalBankAccountNumber::new);

  private static final long MAX = 999999999;   // ⑦
  private static final long MODULUS = 97;
  private static final int MAX_ALPHANUMERIC_VALUE = 35;

  private static boolean isValidIBAN(final String value) {  // ⑧
    final int valueLength = value.length();
    long total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < valueLength; ++i) {
      final int numericValue = Character.getNumericValue(value.charAt((i + 4) % valueLength));
      if (numericValue < 0 || numericValue > MAX_ALPHANUMERIC_VALUE) {
        return false;
      total = (numericValue > 9 ? total * 100 : total * 10) + numericValue;
      if (total > MAX) {
        total = total % MODULUS;
    return (total % MODULUS) == 1;

① A regular expression to ensure the international bank account number (IBAN) is correctly formatted.

② Convenience method to accept all [a-zA-Z] characters.

③ Convenience method to accept all [0-9] characters.

④ Remove all periods (dots), hyphens, en-dashes and em-dashes from the value.

⑤ Ensure that all values conform to the regular expression we created at step ①.

⑥ Ensure that all values conform to the custom validation method implemented in step ⑧.

⑦ Some constants required by the custom validation method implemented in step ⑧.

⑧ The custom validation method that ensure the IBAN check digits are correct as per the modulo-97 rules for an IBAN.


Small Java library to enable the creation of custom data types.



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