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ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'treeEntity.parentId' in 'where clause #2361

newcomein opened this issue Jun 19, 2018 · 27 comments


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newcomein commented Jun 19, 2018

Issue type:

[ x ] question
[ ] bug report
[ ] feature request
[ ] documentation issue

Database system/driver:

[ ] cordova
[ ] mongodb
[ ] mssql
[ x] mysql / mariadb
[ ] oracle
[ ] postgres
[ ] sqlite
[ ] sqljs
[ ] react-native

TypeORM version:

[x ] latest
[ ] @next
[ ] 0.x.x (or put your version here)

Steps to reproduce or a small repository showing the problem:

url: documentation


async videoCategoryList(): Promise<any> {
    const manager = getManager();

    const a1 = new Category(); = "a1";

    return await manager.getTreeRepository(Category).findRoots();

export class Category {

  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid', { comment: '唯一id' })
  video_category_id: string;

  @Column({ comment: '菜单名' })
  name: string;

  @Column({ type: 'enum', enum: ['0', '1'], comment: '视频分类,未定义的分类' })
  type: string;

  children: Category[];

  parent: Category;



    "message": "ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'treeEntity.parentId' in 'where clause'",
    "code": "ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR",
    "errno": 1054,
    "sqlMessage": "Unknown column 'treeEntity.parentId' in 'where clause'",
    "sqlState": "42S22",
    "index": 0,
    "sql": "SELECT `treeEntity`.`video_category_id` AS `treeEntity_video_category_id`, `treeEntity`.`name` AS `treeEntity_name`, `treeEntity`.`type` AS `treeEntity_type`, `treeEntity`.`parentVideoCategoryId` AS `treeEntity_parentVideoCategoryId` FROM `category` `treeEntity` WHERE `treeEntity`.`parentId` IS NULL",
    "name": "QueryFailedError",
    "query": "SELECT `treeEntity`.`video_category_id` AS `treeEntity_video_category_id`, `treeEntity`.`name` AS `treeEntity_name`, `treeEntity`.`type` AS `treeEntity_type`, `treeEntity`.`parentVideoCategoryId` AS `treeEntity_parentVideoCategoryId` FROM `category` `treeEntity` WHERE `treeEntity`.`parentId` IS NULL"

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I already asked you to format code properly.

Please create a PR with a failing test which I can take a look (take a look how others do it).

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Already code mode but editor identification failed @pleerock

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It's my problem markdown unfamiliar

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it gets few minutes to get familiar with markdown.

Please enable logging and show what schema queries typeorm executes for you

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query: INSERT INTO `category`(`video_category_id`, `name`, `type`, `parentVideoCategoryId`) VALUES (?, ?, DEFAULT, DEFAULT) -- PARAMETERS: ["bcb52a51-0583-4b9c-95d2-4504198d9f7b","a1"]
query: INSERT INTO `category_closure`(`video_category_id_ancestor`, `video_category_id_descendant`) VALUES (?, ?) -- PARAMETERS: ["bcb52a51-0583-4b9c-95d2-4504198d9f7b","bcb52a51-0583-4b9c-95d2-4504198d9f7b"]
query: COMMIT
query: SELECT `treeEntity`.`video_category_id` AS `treeEntity_video_category_id`, `treeEntity`.`name` AS `treeEntity_name`, `treeEntity`.`type` AS `treeEntity_type`, `treeEntity`.`parentVideoCategoryId` AS `treeEntity_parentVideoCategoryId` FROM `category` `treeEntity` WHERE `treeEntity`.`parentId` IS NULL
query failed: SELECT `treeEntity`.`video_category_id` AS `treeEntity_video_category_id`, `treeEntity`.`name` AS `treeEntity_name`, `treeEntity`.`type` AS `treeEntity_type`, `treeEntity`.`parentVideoCategoryId` AS `treeEntity_parentVideoCategoryId` FROM `category` `treeEntity` WHERE `treeEntity`.`parentId` IS NULL
error: { Error: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'treeEntity.parentId' in 'where clause'
    at Query.Sequence._packetToError (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Sequence.js:52:14)
    at Query.ErrorPacket (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Query.js:77:18)
    at Protocol._parsePacket (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:279:23)
    at Parser.write (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Parser.js:76:12)
    at Protocol.write (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:39:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\mysql\lib\Connection.js:103:28)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:182:13)
    at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:442:20)
    at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:277:12)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:262:11)
    at Protocol._enqueue (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:145:48)
    at PoolConnection.query (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\mysql\lib\Connection.js:208:25)
    at MysqlQueryRunner.<anonymous> (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\src\driver\mysql\MysqlQueryRunner.ts:146:36)
    at step (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\typeorm\driver\mysql\MysqlQueryRunner.js:42:23)
    at (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\typeorm\driver\mysql\MysqlQueryRunner.js:23:53)
    at fulfilled (E:\WebstormProjects\summer-video-cms-service\node_modules\typeorm\driver\mysql\MysqlQueryRunner.js:14:58)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
  errno: 1054,
  sqlMessage: 'Unknown column \'treeEntity.parentId\' in \'where clause\'',
  sqlState: '42S22',
  index: 0,
  sql: 'SELECT `treeEntity`.`video_category_id` AS `treeEntity_video_category_id`, `treeEntity`.`name` AS `treeEntity_name`, `treeEntity`.`type` AS `treeEntity_type`, `treeEntity`.`parentVideoCategoryId` AS `treeEntity_parentVideoCategoryId` FROM `category` `treeEntity` WHERE `treeEntity`.`parentId` IS NULL' }


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please provide a schema creation part (drop all tables and re-run)

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query: SELECT DATABASE() AS `db_name`
query: SELECT * FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'user') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'captcha') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'category') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'category_closure')
query: SELECT * FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'user') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'captcha') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'category') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'category_closure')
query: SELECT * FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` WHERE `CONSTRAINT_NAME` = 'PRIMARY' AND ((`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'user') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'captcha') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'category') OR (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'category_closure'))
query: SELECT `s`.* FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`STATISTICS` `s` LEFT JOIN `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS` `rc` ON `s`.`INDEX_NAME` = `rc`.`CONSTRAINT_NAME` WHERE ((`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'user') OR (`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'captcha') OR (`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'category') OR (`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'category_closure')) AND `s`.`INDEX_NAME` != 'PRIMARY' AND `rc`.`CONSTRAINT_NAME` IS NULL
query: SELECT `kcu`.`TABLE_SCHEMA`, `kcu`.`TABLE_NAME`, `kcu`.`CONSTRAINT_NAME`, `kcu`.`COLUMN_NAME`, `kcu`.`REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA`, `kcu`.`REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME`, `kcu`.`REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME`, `rc`.`DELETE_RULE` `ON_DELETE`, `rc`.`UPDATE_RULE` `ON_UPDATE` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` `kcu` INNER JOIN `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS` `rc` ON `rc`.`constraint_name` = `kcu`.`constraint_name` WHERE (`kcu`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `kcu`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'user') OR (`kcu`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `kcu`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'captcha') OR (`kcu`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `kcu`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'category') OR (`kcu`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'summervideocms2' AND `kcu`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'category_closure')
query: CREATE TABLE `user` (`user_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '唯一id', `userName` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户名', `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '邮箱', `avatar` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '头像', `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '密码', `sex` enum ('0', '1') NOT NULL COMMENT '女,男', `addTime` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '添加时间', `updateTime` datetime NULL COMMENT '更新时间', `loginTime` datetime NULL COMMENT '登录时间', `lastLoginTime` datetime NULL COMMENT '上次登录时间', PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB
query: CREATE TABLE `captcha` (`captcha_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '唯一id', `user_id` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '唯一id', `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '邮箱', `cipherText` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '验证码密文', `type` enum ('0', '1') NOT NULL COMMENT 'emailCode,svgCaptchaCode', `addTime` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '添加时间', UNIQUE INDEX `REL_b7b5128be4343810eee1f7d9ff` (`user_id`), PRIMARY KEY (`captcha_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB
query: CREATE TABLE `category` (`video_category_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '唯一id', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '菜单名', `type` enum ('0', '1') NOT NULL COMMENT '视频分类,未定义的分类', `parentVideoCategoryId` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '唯一id', PRIMARY KEY (`video_category_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB
query: CREATE TABLE `category_closure` (`video_category_id_ancestor` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `video_category_id_descendant` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`video_category_id_ancestor`, `video_category_id_descendant`)) ENGINE=InnoDB
query: ALTER TABLE `captcha` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_b7b5128be4343810eee1f7d9ff5` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `user`(`user_id`)
query: ALTER TABLE `category` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_00c41e95fcf62768433f064153c` FOREIGN KEY (`parentVideoCategoryId`) REFERENCES `category`(`video_category_id`)
query: ALTER TABLE `category_closure` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_50eb98c58983a8c64df2861a7a0` FOREIGN KEY (`video_category_id_ancestor`) REFERENCES `category`(`video_category_id`)
query: ALTER TABLE `category_closure` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_4b635b55949244bade68b4be51e` FOREIGN KEY (`video_category_id_descendant`) REFERENCES `category`(`video_category_id`)
query: COMMIT


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artem-hryb commented Jul 16, 2018

I met the same issue on 'finRoots' call. The reason of this is that your Category entity has 'video_category_id' primary key instead of 'id'. Rename the 'video_category_id' to 'id' will fix the problem.

It appears that TypeOrm in your case creates column as 'parentVideo_category_id' in category table. But during the call 'finRoots' tries to consume not existed 'parentId' (it is string concatenation 'parent'+'Id' but typeorm should use 'parent'+ 'Video_category_id' instead). So it is bug.


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LogansUA commented Aug 1, 2018

@pleerock Hi, I'm facing similar issue. I have custom naming strategy, so columns in DB are underscored

import { DefaultNamingStrategy, NamingStrategyInterface } from "typeorm";
import { snakeCase } from "typeorm/util/StringUtils";

export class NamingStrategy extends DefaultNamingStrategy implements NamingStrategyInterface {
    public tableName(targetName: string, userSpecifiedName: string): string {
        return userSpecifiedName ? userSpecifiedName : snakeCase(targetName);

    public columnName(propertyName: string, customName: string, embeddedPrefixes: Array<string>): string {
        return snakeCase(embeddedPrefixes.concat(customName ? customName : propertyName).join("_"));

Here's my entity:

import { Column, CreateDateColumn, Entity, Index, JoinColumn, OneToMany, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Tree, TreeChildren, TreeParent } from "typeorm";

    name: "geo",
export class Geo {
    public id: string;

    @Index({ unique: true })
    public code: string;

    @Index({ unique: true })
    public name: string;

    public parent: Geo;

    public children: Array<Geo>;

        name: "created_at",
    public createdAt: Date;

So in my DB columns are underscored (i.e. parent_id) but query appears to call parentId.

query: SELECT "treeEntity"."id" AS "treeEntity_id", "treeEntity"."code" AS "treeEntity_code", "treeEntity"."name" AS "treeEntity_name", "treeEntity"."mpath" AS "treeEntity_mpath", "treeEntity"."parent_id" AS "treeEntity_parent_id" FROM "geo" "treeEntity" WHERE "treeEntity"."parentId" IS NULL
query failed: SELECT "treeEntity"."id" AS "treeEntity_id", "treeEntity"."code" AS "treeEntity_code", "treeEntity"."name" AS "treeEntity_name", "treeEntity"."mpath" AS "treeEntity_mpath", "treeEntity"."parent_id" AS "treeEntity_parent_id" FROM "geo" "treeEntity" WHERE "treeEntity"."parentId" IS NULL
error: { error: column treeEntity.parentId does not exist
    at Connection.parseE (/path/to/project/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:553:11)
    at Connection.parseMessage (/path/to/project/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:378:19)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/path/to/project/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:119:22)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:208:10)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:597:20)
  name: 'error',
  length: 185,
  severity: 'ERROR',
  code: '42703',
  detail: undefined,
  hint: 'Perhaps you meant to reference the column "treeEntity.parent_id".',
  position: '321',
  internalPosition: undefined,
  internalQuery: undefined,
  where: undefined,
  schema: undefined,
  table: undefined,
  column: undefined,
  dataType: undefined,
  constraint: undefined,
  file: 'parse_relation.c',
  line: '3293',
  routine: 'errorMissingColumn' }

As you can see, the where part of query is wrong.

Is there some way to force @Tree use custom field name?

It would be great, if we could specify in @TreeParent the custom field name. Or somehow configure @Tree to use custom name from @JoinColumn decorator.

Which defined similar to this

        name: "parent_id",
    public parent: Geo;

It's actually really critical to me so if you could help me I would be really thankful.

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@pleerock any thoughts on it?

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Just adding my +1 to this issue. Exactly the same problem as @LogansUA.

query failed: SELECT `treeEntity`.`id` AS `treeEntity_id`, `treeEntity`.`valid_from` AS `treeEntity_valid_from`, `treeEntity`.`valid_to` AS `treeEntity_valid_to`, `treeEntity`.`category_name` AS `treeEntity_category_name`, `treeEntity`.`mpath` AS `treeEntity_mpath`, `treeEntity`.`creator_id` AS `treeEntity_creator_id`, `treeEntity`.`destroyer_id` AS `treeEntity_destroyer_id`, `treeEntity`.`organization_id` AS `treeEntity_organization_id`, `treeEntity`.`parent_category_id` AS `treeEntity_parent_category_id` FROM `product_category` `treeEntity` WHERE `treeEntity`.`parentCategoryId` IS NULL

Although not as critical as I can rename the column, it would be nice to be able to keep column names consistent.

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pleerock commented Jan 4, 2019

Since there are multiple reports I'll mark it as a bug but we still need some tests before we fix it.

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Any updates on this?

ruciu added a commit to ruciu/typeorm that referenced this issue Aug 20, 2019
Create failing test for typeorm#2361 when id name in parent id different than id
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ruciu commented Aug 20, 2019

I created failing test for this issue, and I can also try to fix this issue. Do you have any decorator you would prefer to modify in order to add this custom id name?

ruciu added a commit to ruciu/typeorm that referenced this issue Aug 26, 2019
Updated test for typeorm#2361 with custom migrations
ruciu added a commit to ruciu/typeorm that referenced this issue Aug 26, 2019
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bmoe24x commented Sep 19, 2019

Same issue! It deletes columns out of my database even with 'synchronize' off, not cool!

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Using an existing MySQL Database with custom fields too, would be great to be able to use custom field name, my query searches for field 'UserGuid' instead of just 'user'.

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add code below to your naming-strategy.ts

joinColumnName(relationName: string, referencedColumnName: string): string {
    return snakeCase(relationName + '_' + referencedColumnName);

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I think this is related to #1668 ? Difficult to tell.

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Jood80 commented Jul 21, 2021

any updates on that?

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thexeos commented Dec 11, 2021

Here is another example of this not working (using SnakeNamingStrategy):

const query = getRepository(SomeEntity)
  .where('someEntity.anything = :val', { val })

//  [ 'DELETE FROM `some_entity` WHERE someEntity.anything = ?', [ "val" ] ]

Which results in somewhat misleading QueryFailedError: Unknown column 'someEntity.anything' in 'where clause', as you first assume you got column name wrong and not table name.

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hongdor commented Dec 22, 2021

any updates on that? I have simillar issue,,,

@Tree("closure-table", {
    closureTableName: "place",        
    ancestorColumnName: (column) => "ancestor_id",
    descendantColumnName: (column) => "descendant_id"
export class Place {
    placeId: number;
    @JoinColumn({name : "parent_id"})
    parent: Place;   

    children: Place[];
async findOneRootTreeWithTagValues(place){        
        const manager = await getManager();
        const trees = await manager.getTreeRepository(Place).findDescendantsTree(place)
QueryFailedError: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'treeEntity.placeId' in 'on clause'

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bttger commented Mar 19, 2022

Here is another example of this not working (using SnakeNamingStrategy)

I can confirm this. E.g. I have a file car-dealer.entity.ts with the entity CarDealer.

const query = getRepository(CarDealer)
  .where(' = :id', { id });

// [  'DELETE FROM `car_dealer` WHERE = ?',  [ 'xxxxxx' ] ]

// Leads to "QueryFailedError: Unknown column '' in 'where clause'"

However, it works fine when using single words (without dashs or snake case) as entities.

It seems that the alias just gets ignored/not set in the query.

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I made a similar mistake:Unknown column '' in 'on clause'

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Had the same issue using TypeORM + NestJs, and ended that it was a problem of giving the params for the route itself. My "@param('id')" was without the 'id', so it was understanding it as an object, not as a numeric value.

 async findOne(
        @Param('id') id: number,
        @Req() req: Request,
        @Res() res: Response,
    ): Promise<FindJobResponseDTO | JobNotFoundException | AllExceptionsFilterDTO>  {
        const result = await this.jobService.findOne(id);

        if (result instanceof HttpException) {
            return res.status(result.getStatus()).json({
              message: result.message,
              status: result.getStatus(),
          } else {
            return res.status(res.statusCode).json(result);

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thd0 commented May 28, 2024

any updates on that? I have simillar issue,,,

@Tree("closure-table", {
    closureTableName: "place",        
    ancestorColumnName: (column) => "ancestor_id",
    descendantColumnName: (column) => "descendant_id"
export class Place {
    placeId: number;
    @JoinColumn({name : "parent_id"})
    parent: Place;   

    children: Place[];
async findOneRootTreeWithTagValues(place){        
        const manager = await getManager();
        const trees = await manager.getTreeRepository(Place).findDescendantsTree(place)
QueryFailedError: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'treeEntity.placeId' in 'on clause'

I have the similar issue today and I solved it by changing PrimaryColumn to snake_case and problem solved.

    @PrimaryColumn({ name: "user_id" })
-    userId: number;
+    user_id: number;

Also, since the product is already released, to avoid having to write a database migration, I also add the following line for the ancestor and descendant columns with the previous names from the database (something I should have done from the beginning).

-  @Tree("closure-table")
+  @Tree("closure-table", {
+    ancestorColumnName: () => "userId_ancestor",
+    descendantColumnName: () => "userId_descendant"
+  })

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