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Hudson Therriault edited this page Sep 25, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Fast_Keys wiki!

How to play Fast_Keys

Fast_Keys is a reaction-based typing game, but unlike the ones that you played in keyboarding class in middle school, there are no words. Instead, there is only one letter presented at a time, which changes the genre from a teaching task to a game that can be enjoyed for minutes on end.

Every game has a timer counting down from 30 seconds, and when the time runs out, your final score is recorded. You start with getting 1 point per correct letter, but as you get a series in a row correct, you build your "Combo" which allows you to increase your score at a much faster rate. When you break your combo, however, you return back to the base of 1 point per correct letter. Make sure to balance speed with accuracy, as the latter can be much more lucrative in the end.

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