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Guidelines for writing unit tests
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Signed-off-by: Ryan O'Leary <>
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rjoleary committed Dec 3, 2021
1 parent 970fddf commit 521e48c
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121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions
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## Unit Testing Guidelines

### Unit Test Checks

* The "testify" package should not be used.
* The "cmp" package is allowed.
* Unit tests in Go should follow the guidelines in this tutorial:
* In particular, the test error should be in the form `Function(...) = ...; want ...`.

For example:

if msg != "" || err == nil {
t.Fatalf(`Hello("") = %q, %v, want "", error`, msg, err)

* Tests should do all filesystem changes under a temporary directory, either
created with `ioutil.TempDir` or `testing.T.TempDir`.

### Mocking Dependencies

* Special mocking packages should not be used.
* Prefer to test the real thing where possible.
* Mocking is sometimes necessary. For example:
* Operations as root.
* Interacting with special hardware (ex: USB, SPI, PCIe)
* Modifying machine state (ex: reboot, kexec)
* Tests which would otherwise be flaky (ex: `time.Sleep`, networking)
* Consider writing an integration test if the program can not be easily run
* Integration tests let you run the command under qemu, which lets you test
operations with, e.g., virtual hardware.
* `pkg/mount` contains an example of an integration test run under QEMU.
* Prefer to mock using existing interfaces. For example: `io.Reader`, `fs.FS`
* Avoid mocking using global state. Instead, consider using one of the
following "dependency injection" idioms:

1. Mocking functions:

// The exported function has a meaningful API.
func SetMemAddr(addr, val uint) error {
return setMemAddr(addr, val, "/dev/mem")
// The internal function is called from the unit test. The test can set a
// different `file` argument.
func setMemAddr(addr, val uint, file string) error {
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return err

2. Mocking objects:

// SPI interface for the underlying calls to the SPI driver.
type SPI interface {
Transfer(transfers []spidev.Transfer) error
// Flash provides operations for SPI flash chips.
type Flash struct {
// spi is the underlying SPI device.
spi SPI
// other fields ...
// New creates a new flash device from a SPI interface.
func New(spi SPI) (*Flash, error) {
f := &Flash{
spi: spi,
// initialize other fields ...
return f

In the above example, the `flash.New` function takes a `SPI` device which can
be mocked out as follows:

f, err := flash.New(spimock.New())

The `spimock.New()` function returns an implementation of SPI which mocks the
underlying SPI driver. The `Flash` object can be tested without hardware

### Package main

The main function often includes things difficult to test. For example:

1. Process-ending functions such as `log.Fatal` and `os.Exit`. These functions
also kill the unit test process.
2. Accessing global state such as `os.Args`, `os.Stdin` and `os.Stdout`. It is
hard to mock out global state cleanly and safely.

The guideline for testing is to factor out everything "difficult" into a
two-line `main` function which remain untested. For example:

func run(args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer) error {
func main() {
if err := run(os.Args[1:], os.Stdin, os.Stdout); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error: %v", err)

## Code Reviews

Look at the area of code you're modifying, its history, and consider
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