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HydrexHD edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 6 revisions

Installation Guide

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  1. Install the needed Pakages with sudo apt install ruby && sudo apt install toilet && sudo apt install acpi
  2. Login to your Server, change in your User Home or root Directory
  3. Download the SSH-Banner Script for Linux with sudo wget
  4. unzip with sudo unzip if you don't have install unzip use sudo apt install unzip.
  5. Change in Directory cd SSH-Banner-Linux-master
  6. Backup your /etc/update-motd.d Directory with sudo mv /etc/update-motd.d /etc/update-motd.d-back
  7. Copy the Folder SSH-Banner and update-motd.d in the Directory /etc with sudo cp -R SSH-Banner-Linux-master/update-motd.d/ /etc/ && sudo cp -R SSH-Banner-Linux-master/SSH-Banner/ /etc/
  8. Copy the Bootcount file in SSH-Banner-Linux-master/init.d to /etc/init.d/ with cd SSH-Banner-Linux-master/init.d && sudo cp Bootcount /etc/init.d/
  9. Copy the Script in /usr/local/bin/ with cd SSH-Banner-Linux-master/bin && sudo cp /usr/local/bin/
  10. make the Script's executable with sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/Bootcount && sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/ && sudo chmod +x /etc/update-motd.d/10-ssh-banner
  11. Edit the Config file in /etc/SSH-Banner/ssh-banner.cfg and enable the Variables if you want use.
  12. Edit the file in /etc/SSH-Banner/ and Design your SSH-Banner
  13. If you want to test all Variables copy the files of /etc/SSH-Banner/Test Functions in /etc/SSH-Banner/. Note that you have save your Configuration files in /etc/SSH-Banner/
  14. Test Bootcount Service sudo /etc/init.d/Bootcount start and sudo /etc/init.d/Bootcount stop
  15. if the Bootcount Script works: sudo update-rc.d Bootcount defaults enable it for every System boot
  16. reboot your Server or reboot SSH with sudo service ssh restart
  17. Open a new SSH Session to your Server and enjoy :)
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