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Evan Culver edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 2 revisions

DOSA uses some terminology that is specific to the project. Those terms are defined below.


Scopes are used to separate developer datasets. In future versions of dosa, layering can be supported for different scopes. There is one predefined scope named 'production'.

In general, you want to test your schema using a scope that matches your name. Scopes are generally NOT stored in source code. They are usually set in configuration files.

Scopes can be created or destroyed with the dosa command line tool. The production scope cannot be destroyed.

Name Prefix (aka prefix)

A "name prefix" uniquely identifies DOSA entity types. It serves as a namespace that is prefixed to all DOSA entity type names in your project. It should be treated as a constant. Naming things is hard; if we have to recommend a starting point, consider a construction like "organization.service". Or, more concretely, if there is a team in your organization called "dataviz" working on a service called "charting", your prefix might be "dataviz.charting".


An "entity" is any object in your code that can be persisted. It loosely maps to a "table" in traditional database terminology.


TODO: Describe what this is

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