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RFC: react-map-dl-draw
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Xintong Xia committed Jun 18, 2019
1 parent 7a88b52 commit e1f4161
Showing 1 changed file with 195 additions and 0 deletions.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions dev-docs/RFCs/v1.0/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
# RFC: react-map-gl-draw

## Background

[react-map-gl]( currently does not support drawing functions. However, we have got a couple of [users]( interested in this capability. Also it is one of P0 features on 2019 [roadmap](

Although [Mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw]( provides drawing and editing features, because of its manipulating internal states, it cannot work well with React / Redux framework and therefore cannot be integrated with `react-map-gl`.
Another `` framework []( also provides geo editing functionality, but it heavily depends on [``](, which may not be suitable for non `` use cases.

## Proposal

`react-map-gl-draw` is a react based geo editing library, providing drawing primitives, specifically `points`, `lines`, `polygons`, and `rectangles`.

## Options
- `mode` (String, Optional) - `react-map-gl` is stateless, user has complete control of the `mode`.
- `EditorModes.READ_ONLY` - Not interactive. This is the default mode.
- `EditorModes.SELECT_FEATURE` - Lets you select, delete, and drag features.
- `EditorModes.EDIT_VERTEX` - Lets you select, delete, and drag vertices; and drag features.
- `EditorModes.DRAW_PATH` - Lets you draw a GeoJson `LineString` feature.
- `EditorModes.DRAW_POLYGON` - Lets you draw a GeoJson `Polygon` feature.
- `EditorModes.DRAW_POINT` - Lets you draw a GeoJson `Point` feature.
- `EditorModes.DRAW_RECTANGLE` - Lets you draw a `Rectangle` (represented as GeoJson `Polygon` feature).

- `features` (Array, Optional) - A list of Point, LineString, or Polygon features.
- `selectedFeatureId` (String, Optional) - id of the selected feature. `EditorModes` assigns a unique id to each feature which is stored in ``.
- `clickRadius` (Number, optional) - Radius to detect features around a hovered or clicked point. Default value is `0`

- `onSelect` (Function, Required) - callback when a feature is selected. Receives an object containing `selectedFeatureId`.
- `onUpdate` (Function, Required) - callback when anything is updated. Receives one argument `features` that is the updated list of GeoJSON features.

Feature object structure:

id, // an unique identified generated inside react-map-gl-draw library
geometry: {
coordinates, // latitude longitude pairs of the geometry points
type // geojson type, one of `Point`, `LineString`, or `Polygon`
properties: {
renderType, // one of `Point`, `LineString`, `Polygon`, or `Rectangle`. Different from `geometry.type`. i.e. a rectangle's renderType is `Rectangle`, and `geometry.type` is `Polygon`. An incomplete (not closed) Polygon's renderType is `Polygon`, `geometry.type` is `LineString`
...otherProps // other properties user passed in

### Styling related Options
- `getFeatureStyle` (Function, Optional) : Object - A function to style a feature, function parameters are
- `feature`: feature to style .

Returns is a map of [style objects]( passed to SVG `path` elements.

- `getEditHandleStyle` (Function, Optional) : Object - A function to style an `editHandle, function parameters are
- `feature`: feature to style.
- `index`: index of the editHandle vertex in the feature.

Returns is a map of [style objects]( passed to SVG `circle` or `rect` elements.

- `getEditHandleShape` (String|Function, Optional): if is a string, should be one of `rect` or `circle`. If is a function, will receive the following parameters
- `feature`: feature to style.
- `index`: index of the editHandle vertex in the feature.

## Explanations
- `Feature`: any drawn shape, one of point, line, polygon or rectangle.
- `EditHandle`: vertex of the feature being edited.

### State related concepts:
- `INACTIVE`: neither selected nor hovered, default state of a complete `feature` or `editHandle`.
- `SELECTED`: being clicked or dragged.
- `HOVERED`: hovered over by the mouse pointer.
- `UNCOMMITTED`: in the middle of drawing, not yet added to the feature being edited.

### Styling based on `state`:


As shown in the above image, for the feature currently being edited,
- `getFeatureStyle({feature, state: SELECTED})` will be applied to the committed parts of the feature. (Green strokes)
- `getEditHandleStyle({state: SELECTED})` will be applied to the committed editHandle vertices. (Vertices with black stroke)
- `getFeatureStyle({feature, state: UNCOMMITTED})` will be applied to the uncommitted parts of the feature. (Gray stroke)
- `getEditHandleStyle({state: UNCOMMITTED})` will be applied to the uncommitted editHandle vertex. (Gray vertex)

## Code Example
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import MapGL, {_MapContext as MapContext} from 'react-map-gl';
import MapGLDraw, { EditorModes } from 'react-map-gl-draw';

const MODES = [
{ id: EditorModes.EDIT_VERTEX, text: 'Select and Edit Feature'},
{ id: EditorModes.DRAW_POINT, text: 'Draw Point'},
{ id: EditorModes.DRAW_PATH, text: 'Draw Polyline'},
{ id: EditorModes.DRAW_POLYGON, text: 'Draw Polygon'},
{ id: EditorModes.DRAW_RECTANGLE, text: 'Draw Rectangle'}

class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
viewport: {
width: 800,
height: 600,
longitude: -122.45,
latitude: 37.78,
zoom: 14
selectedMode: EditorModes.READ_ONLY,
features: [],
selectedFeatureId: null

_updateViewport = (viewport) => {

_onSelect = ({ selectedFeatureId }) => {
this.setState({ selectedFeatureId });

_onUpdate = features => {

_switchMode = evt => {
const selectedMode = === this.state.selectedMode ? EditorModes.READ_ONLY :;
selectedFeatureId: null

_renderControlPanel = () => {
return (
<div style={{position: absolute, top: 0, right: 0, maxWidth: '320px'}}>
<select onChange={this._switchMode}>
<option value="">--Please choose a mode--</option>
{ => <option value={}>{mode.text}</option>)}

_getEditHandleStyle = ({feature, featureState, vertexIndex, vertexState}) => {
return {
fill: vertexState === `SELECTED` ? '#000' : '#aaa',
stroke: vertexState === `SELECTED` ? '#000' : 'none'

_getFeatureStyle = ({feature, featureState}) => {
return {
stroke: featureState === `SELECTED` ? '#000' : 'none',
fill: featureState === `SELECTED` ? '#080' : 'none',
fillOpacity: 0.8

render() {
const { viewport, selectedMode, selectedFeatureId, features } = this.state;
return (

## Compare with `mapbox-gl-draw`
- react-map-gl-draw a stateless component. To manipulate the features, simply change the `features` prop. This is different from calling the class methods of `MapboxDraw`.
- react-map-gl-draw does not contain UI for mode selection, giving user application the flexibility to control their user experience.
- Features of `MapboxDraw` that are not planned for the initial release of `EditorModes`: keyboard navigation, box select.

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