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Upgrading from previous versions

Prior to 2.0, the last widely-deployed release of django-registration was 0.8; a 1.0 release was published, and |version| is mostly backwards-compatible with it, but 1.0 appears not to have seen wide adoption. As such, this guide covers the process of upgrading from django-registration 0.8, as well as from 1.0.

Backends are now class-based views

In django-registration 0.8, a registration workflow was implemented as a class with specific methods for the various steps of the registration process. In django-registration 2.0 and later, a registration workflow is implemented as one or more class-based views.

In general, the required changes to implement a 0.8 registration workflow in django-registration |version| is:

0.8 backend class implementation 2.0+ view subclass implementation
Backend class implementing register() :meth:`registration.views.RegistrationView.register`
Backend class implementing activate() :meth:`registration.views.ActivationView.activate`
Backend class implementing registration_allowed() :meth:`registration.views.RegistrationView.registration_allowed`
Backend class implementing get_form_class() :meth:`registration.views.RegistrationView.get_form_class()`
Backend class implementing post_registration_redirect() :meth:`registration.views.RegistrationView.get_success_url()`
Backend class implementing post_activation_redirect() :meth:`registration.views.ActivationView.get_success_url()`

URLconf changes

If you were using one of the provided workflows in django-registration 0.8 without modification, you will not need to make any changes; both registration.backends.default.urls and registration.backends.simple.urls have been updated in django-registration 2.0+ to correctly point to the new class-based views:

0.8 URLconf view reference |version| URLconf view reference
registration.views.register registration.views.RegistrationView.as_view()
registration.views.activate registration.views.ActivationView.as_view()

However, if you were using the two-step model-activation workflow, you should begin referring to registration.backends.model_activation.urls instead of registration.backends.default.urls or registration.urls, as the latter two are deprecated and support for them will be removed in a future release.

If you were passing custom arguments to the built-in registration views, those arguments should continue to work, so long as your URLconf is updated to refer to the new class-based views. For details of how to pass custom arguments to class-based views, see the Django class-based view documentation.

Template changes

When using :class:`~registration.forms.RegistrationForm`, the error from mismatched passwords now is attached to the password2 field rather than being a form-level error. To check for and display this error, you will need to change to accessing it via the password2 field rather than via non_field_errors() or the __all__ key in the errors dictionary.

Changes since 1.0

If you used django-registration 1.0, or a pre-2.0 checkout of the code, you will need to make some minor adjustments.

If you previously used registration.backends.default, you will now see deprecation warnings, as the former "default" workflow is now found in registration.backends.model_activation. Use of registration.backends.default continues to work in django-registration |version|, but will be removed in the future.

Similarly, references to registration.urls should become references to registration.backends.model_activation.urls, and registration.urls is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

If you had written custom subclasses of :class:`~registration.views.RegistrationView` or of RegistrationView subclasses in the built-in workflows, the following changes need to be noted:

  • The register method now receives the :class:`~registration.forms.RegistrationForm` instance used during signup, rather than keyword arguments corresponding to the form's cleaned_data.
  • RegistrationForm itself is now a subclass of Django's built-in UserCreationForm, and as such is now a ModelForm subclass. This can cause metaclass conflict errors if you write a class which is a subclass of both RegistrationForm and a non-ModelForm form class; to avoid this, ensure that subclasses of RegistrationForm and/or ModelForm come first in your subclass' method resolution order.
  • As noted above, the password-mismatch error message is now attached to the password2 field rather than being a form-level error.

Changes since 2.0

One major change occurred between django-registration 2.0 and 2.1: the addition in version 2.1 of the :class:`~registration.validators.ReservedNameValidator`, which is now used by default on :class:`~registration.forms.RegistrationForm` and its subclasses.

This is technically backwards-incompatible, since a set of usernames which previously could be registered now cannot be registered, but was included because the security benefits outweigh the edge cases of the now-disallowed usernames. If you need to allow users to register with usernames forbidden by this validator, see its documentation for notes on how to customize or disable it.

In 2.2, the behavior of the :meth:`~registration.models.RegistrationProfile.expired` method was clarified to accommodate user expectations; it does not return (and thus, :meth:`~registration.models.RegistrationProfile.delete_expired_users` does not delete) profiles of users who had successfully activated.

In django-registration 2.3, the new validators :func:`~registration.validators.validate_confusables` and :func:`~registration.validators.validate_confusables_email` were added, and are applied by default to the username field and email field, respectively, of registration forms. This may cause some usernames which previously were accepted to no longer be accepted, but like the reserved-name validator this change was made because its security benefits significantly outweigh the edge cases in which it might disallow an otherwise-acceptable username or email address. If for some reason you need to allow registration with usernames or email addresses containing potentially dangerous use of Unicode, you can subclass the registration form and remove these validators, though doing so is not recommended.