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The escape room is modelled as a power station based in Germany. In the year 2050, the country is hit by a solar storm which caused total power blackout. A group of newly recruited interns who were attending orientation are the victims of this unfortunate situation. They find themselves locked inside the room. In order to escape from this dire situation, they will have to solve a bunch of puzzles to get to the server room to fix the smart grid controller and bring the power back up.

Escape room layout and components

The escape room consists of three rooms namely:

1. Lobby room

Lobby room contains LED lights, emergency light, aurora display, projector and speaker.

2. Control room

Control room consists of LED lights, speaker, logo, timer display, control room setup with wallpaper and plasma globes.

3. Server room

Server room has LED lights and speaker.

The Unthinkable Happens

During the orientation supervisor gets an urgent phone call and leaves the room to attend it and the following set of events takes place sequentially in the lobby room:

  • The power goes off completely for a few seconds.
  • Emergency light (Xenon strobe) starts to flicker and simultaneously an announcement is made regarding the solar storm.
  • Aurora is seen through the window.
  • After the announcement, the emergency lights are turned off and an auxiliary light (LED light) is switched on.

Flow of events



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Contributors 4
