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FoolRunning edited this page Jul 26, 2022 · 9 revisions


An object representing a project note



IScriptureTextSelection Anchor

A selection in the Scripture text representing the "anchor" location of the note.


IUserInfo AssignedUser

Present in a note when it has been assigned to a particular user.


IReadOnlyList<IComment> Comments

The comments that comprise the note


bool IsRead

Flag indicating whether all the comments of the note have been read by the current user.


bool IsResolved

Flag indicating whether this note is resolved.


IUserInfo ReplyToUser

Present in a note when it has been assigned to reply-to a particular user.



IComment AddNewComment(IWriteLock writeLock, IEnumerable< CommentParagraph > contentParagraphs, ILanguage language=null, IUserInfo assignedUser=null)

Adds a new comment to this note.

Parameter Description
return value The newly added comment
writeLock The write lock previously obtained by a call to IProject.RequestWriteLock(IPluginObject,Action<IWriteLock>,int,int)
contentParagraphs One or more paragraphs of formatted text
language The default language used in the comment (except where specified explicitly in a FormattedString).
assignedUser User (if any) to whom this comment is assigned (also changes the AssignedUser of this note).


void Resolve(IWriteLock writeLock)

Marks the note as resolved (by the current user.

Parameter Description
writeLock The write lock previously obtained by a call to IProject.RequestWriteLock(IPluginObject,Action<IWriteLock>,int,int)

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