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224 lines (184 loc) · 9.55 KB

File metadata and controls

224 lines (184 loc) · 9.55 KB

Core Gen3 Release 202107 (Ravenswood)


Breaking Changes

  • In step with Fence changes to issued JWTs, in which scopes are moved into a dedicated scope claim (Fence 4.22.2/2020.08) and out of the aud claim (Fence 5.0.0/2021.TBD), this commit changes Arborist JWT validation logic so that it does the same validation it was doing on the aud field, but does it on the scope field instead. This Arborist version must therefore be paired with a Fence later than 4.22.2/2020.08. Conversely, Fence 5.0.0/2021.TBD will require Arborist later than this commit. (#130)


  • Run dep ensure to update lockfile and dependencies. (#130)

Dependency Updates

  • Depend on fix/aud-scopes branch of go-authutils, instead of the feat/initial branch. (Not sure why arborist was depending on feat/initial instead of master in the first place. fix/aud-scopes is branched off of feat/initial. We should test Mariner with go-authutils fix/aud-scopes and then merge fix/aud-scopes to master, and then point both Mariner and Arborist at go-authutils master.) (#130)

Deployment Changes

  • Needs Fence later than 4.22.2 or 2020.08 (which introduces the new JWT scopes claim). (#130)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes the 503 error when requesting for a signed url using assume role for less than 15 minutes. Fix is made to keep inline with AWS minimum duration restriction for assume_role (#926)
  • /google/primary_google_service_account was returning the client/user SA, which is NOT what is used for signed urls. this PR corrects the behavior to create and return the user's single primary service account (#921)

New Features

  • Added assume_role cache for download/upload (#774)
  • new /google/primary_google_service_account endpoint which will get_or_create a user's Primary Google Service Account and return the SA email (only available to authed users/clients with authority to generate google creds) (#914)
  • Exporting metrics from Fence so we can observe events in our Grafana dashboards. (#864)

Breaking Changes

  • Remove scopes from "aud" claim in Fence-issued tokens. This means that in general, old tokens (minted by previous Fence releases) will not pass validation by this Fence. (#839)
  • Access tokens will still include scopes for compatibility with other microservices, but scopes are no longer guaranteed and should no longer be expected in the aud claim from this version on. ID tokens, refresh tokens, and API keys will not have scopes in the aud claim. (#839)
  • Add custom "scope" claim in tokens and put scopes there instead. Custom validation for scopes claim added in Authutils 6.0.1 (#839)
  • Add issuer to "aud" claim (alongside other aud values--so when there is a Fence client involved, this means the aud claim will include both Fence's BASE_URL and the client_id) (#839)
  • Remove custom "aud" claim validation and use normal validation instead (by bumping to Authutils 6.0.1). This means checking that the aud claim contains a value that identifies the consuming service, i.e. Fence's BASE_URL. (#839)


  • update base image to latest version (#931)
  • Replace NGINX_RATE_LIMIT if an override value if found in fence-config. (#916)
  • use jsonify for response for correct content headers (#918)
  • update docs to include new google endpoint (#918)
  • update docs to clarify header for shib (#918)
  • Patch the 'get_all_shib_idps' function to handle bad input from the InCommon discovery endpoint (#917)
  • Introducing new ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_METRICS config to allow operators to enable/disable metrics (#913)
  • Documentation about public data (#911)

Dependency Updates

  • Requires authutils 6.0.1. (#839)

Deployment Changes

  • This commit includes patches to allow old style refresh tokens and API keys to pass new style validation, while issuing new style refresh tokens and API keys. Since refresh tokens and API keys have a default TTL of 30 days, stay on this tag for 30 days if possible. (#839)
  • Old access tokens will NOT work once this is deployed so active sessions may be temporarily interrupted. (#839)


Bug Fixes

  • fix container option hash calculation to avoid clashes (#13)


  • Let UserUID, GroupUID and FSGID be able to handled in dockstore YAML format configs (#12)


New Features

  • Indexd admins can perform any operation (#306)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix "indexd admin" logic to handle failed authorization requests to Arborist (#308)



New Features

  • Updating pypfb to fix anvil and bdc pfb export errors (#53)


New Features

  • add Gen3 Map Template view and instructions (#858)
  • add multiple filters to PRC IL map (#858)
  • missing map json data for standalone (#858)
  • Adds a new featureFlag, discoveryUseAggMDS, which is false by default. When set to true, it alters the behavior of the Discovery page to function as an Ecosystem Browser which allows users to browse data from multiple commons. That data is supplied by a new path in the metadata service, an "aggregate" path. See docs/ for more information. (#849)
  • add popup to charts on PRC homepage (#855)
  • Add download object files feature to discovery page (#853)


  • The data-portal html wrapper's default language is now set to "en". This meets the guideline for default page language in the 508 accessibility specification. (#859)
  • Discovery page table improvements: Improves column width stability when applying filters on the Discovery page. Adds placeholder text to search box. (#849)
  • Refactors Discovery page into modularized subcomponents: DIscoveryMDSSearch, DiscoveryListView, DiscoveryTagViewer, DiscoverySummary. (#849)
  • Adds new configurable attribute to DiscoveryConfig studyColumn block called hrefValueFromField. If this attribute is present, the text in the column will be linked. The href value of the link will be the corresponding value of the fieldname in this attribute. (#849)
  • make PRC main map respond better to larger and smaller browser widths (#854)
  • Add show output file paths button to jobs that are completed in the GWAS App job status list (#852)

Dependency Updates

  • The alt attribute on the primary homepage logo is now "[appName] - home" across commons. The Gen3, CTDS logo alt texts are now identical across commons. This meets the guideline for linked image alt text in the 508 accessibility specification. (#859)
  • New featureFlag: discoveryUseAggMDS. It is false by default. When set to true, it alters the behavior of the Discovery page to function as an Ecosystem Browser. (#849)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing pending status to be turned on inappropriately on buttons if two workspace options have a same name (#851)



  • Updating openapi documentation to be correct (#22)
  • When a job is dispatched but does not exist in sower_config.json, indicate an empty config instead of a duplicate in logs (#21)


Bug Fixes

  • wholeTextFiles function cause OOM issue. We avoid that by using textFile (#145)


Bug Fixes

  • Jira Ticket: PXP-7648 (#31)
  • This change will replace dots(.) with slashes in the filenames of the index records. Using gen3-client upload command with the "--include-subdirname" option, the dots (“.”) are replaced with slashes (“/”) in the file_name field of indexd. (#31)


New Features

  • Added gh action to push images to ECR (#1598)


New Features

  • The audit service can be configured to fetch audit logs from an AWS SQS (#2)


  • Return an error if an invalid timestamp is provided to the log creation endpoint (#2)
  • Presigned URL logs can now have an empty "resource_paths" field (#2)

Dependency Updates

  • Add dependency to boto3 version ^1.14 (#2)

Deployment Changes

  • If a previous version of the audit service has already been deployed, run kubectl delete secret audit-g3auto and gen3 kube-setup-audit-service to configure the audit SQS and update the configuration file. REQUIRES Fence 5.1.0 or more recent. OR to disable pulling from a queue, update the configuration file manually to disable "PULL_FROM_QUEUE" (#2)