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Set up a local development environment

This guide will cover setting up an indexd development environment.

Set up Working Directory

Clone the repo locally.

git clone

Navigate to the cloned repository directory.

Set up Python 3

The environment was tested with python 3.8 on WSL1. You can use bash to install python 3 if it's not already available.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3

Set up a Virtual Environment

Set up a virtual environment for use with this project using bash:

python3 -m venv py38-venv
. py38-venv/bin/activate

Install Poetry

You can install Poetry. Make sure the virtual environment is activated.

curl -sSL | python
source $HOME/.poetry/env

You can install python dependencies using Poetry:

poetry install -vv --no-interaction && poetry show -v

Set up local Postgresql DB for testing

You can use a local postgresql for testing purposes.

Set up local Postgresql DB on WSL

You can use bash to install postgres:

sudo apt install postgresql-client-common
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-12

Make sure the cluster is started:

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 main start

Set up local Postgresql DB on Mac

If you're on mac, you can install postgres using brew:

brew install postgres

You may also need to create a user.

/usr/local/opt/postgres/bin/createuser -s postgres

Set up DB and users for testing

You'll need to connect to the postgresql and add test users and databases.

Connect to Postgresql on WSL

Connect to the local postgresql server

sudo -i -u postgres

Connect to Postgresql on Mac

If you're on a mac, use the following to connect to postgres:

brew services start postgres
psql postgres

Helpful psql commands

It may be helpful to understand some psql commands too:

\conninfo # check connection info
\l # list databases
\d # list tables in database
\c # list short connection info
\c postgres # connect to a database named postgres
\q # quit

Set up users in psql

Initialize a user within the psql console:

CREATE USER indexduser WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword';
ALTER USER indexduser WITH PASSWORD 'indexdpassword';

You can also view the local PostgreSQL init.sql and run these inside the local PostgreSQL server.


The implementation for Indexd utilizes the Flask web framework and (by default) a SQLite3 database. This provides a minimum list of requirements and allows for deployment on a wide range of systems with next to no configuration overhead. That said, it is highly recommended to use pip and a virtualenv to isolate the installation.

Prior to installation, you will need to have postgresql installed.

On Mac

brew install postgresql
/usr/local/opt/postgres/bin/createuser -s postgres

On Linux

sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2

To install the implementation, assure you have poetry installed and simply run:

poetry install

The automated tests are configured in .github/workflows/ci.yaml. The Indexd repo has a tests/ script that the workflow calls.

Installation with Docker

docker build --build-arg https_proxy=http://cloud-proxy:3128 --build-arg http_proxy=http://cloud-proxy:3128 -t indexd .

docker run -d --name=indexd -p 80:80 Indexd
docker exec indexd python /indexd/bin/ create --username $username --password $password
docker exec indexd python /indexd/bin/ delete --username $username

To run docker with an alternative settings file:

docker run -d -v --name=Indexd -p 80:80 indexd


There is a /indexd/ file which houses, you guessed it, default configuration settings. If you want to provide an alternative configuration to override these, you must supply a in the same directory as the default settings. It must contain all the same configurations from the, though may have different values.

This works because on app startup, Indexd will attempt to include a local_settings python module (the attempted import happens in the /indexd/ file). If a local settings file is not found, Indexd falls back on the default settings.

There is specific information about some configuration options in the distributed resolution section of this document.


Be sure the prior steps for installation are already run.

Follow installation guidance and make sure your virtual environment is also activated.

You can then update the python dependencies and test from the repository root directory:

poetry run pytest -vv --cov=indexd --cov-report xml tests

If you're in wsl1, you may encounter an error such as ImportMismatchError when running pytest. If this is the case, you can rename the ./tests/__pycache__ folder to ./tests/__pycache__Backup and re-run the tests. You may also need to update the test settings with the appropriate database connection information prior to running the tests.

settings["config"]["TEST_DB"] = "postgres://{username}:{password}@localhost:{port}/indexd_tests"

If you are using Azure Postgresql, you will need to include the username@hostname for the username in the connection string. You may also need to include support for SSL in the connection string, e.g. postgres://{username@hostname}:{password}@serverfqdn:{port}/{dbname}?sslmode=require. Further, you may run into sqlite errors; it may be helpful to rename existing local *.sq3 files before running pytest.


You can pass in the appropriate values for user setup using some of the helper scripts:

python3 bin/ create --username $username --password $password
python3 bin/ delete --username $username

Migrating the database

First, you'll want to make a local copy of the bin/

cp ./bin/ ./bin/

Note, you'll also want to setup the settings in the bin/creds.json under the repository working directory:

  "db_host": "localhost",
  "db_username": "indexdbuser",
  "db_password": "indexdpassword",
  "db_database": "indexd_db",
  "fence_database": "fence_db"

Of course, these settings will depend on where postgres is hosted and if the server is accessible to the context running the migration script.

With the appropriate settings, you can run the following command to migrate a database:

python3 bin/ migrate_database

If the bin/ are not reachable, the script will fallback according to these configuration notes.