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SLICEL current design:


SLICEM address mapping:

To reduce strain on the interconnect, as few wires as possible were added to the SLICEM.

  • Highest order bits: The $clog2(NUM_LUTS) highest bits should be tied to the higher_order_addr input. This is the same bits that are used for the mux7/mux8 analogs.
  • Since S44 LUTs are used, we have an 7/8-bit "address" input, there is only 2^5 bits of memory within the LUT. To address the soft-coded S44 structures without adding complex logic, a bank select was added. This bank select bit acts as the 5th (for S44 LUTs) bit of the address.
  • The lowest bits of the address should simply be the inputs to the LUTs. The lowest bits of the address must be sent to every bank of every LUT, like {NUM_LUTS*2{addr[3:0]}}

Fractured SLICE info:

  • The fractured SLICE allows for a larger carry chain. A standard 4 S44 LUT SLICE allows a 4-bit carry chain. To add more carry chain functionality for a small-scale reconfigurable fabric, the carry chain is moved to an earlier stage of the LUT. Fully fracturing an S44 SLICE (such that the carry chain uses the outputs of 2-LUTs) allows for a 16-bit carry chain.
  • The carry chain is returned separately from the standard LUT output.


The verilator testbenches for the slicel module can be found in sim/behavioral and can be run with make slicel_tb.vcd. The slicel tests themselves can be found in sim/behavioral/slicel_tb.ccp. There are two slicel tests test_slicel_crand and test_slicel_directed.

  • test_slicel_crand(argc, argv, env, mode, seed, configs, iterations, verbosity) : A constrained random test that runs configs independent tests for iterations clock cycles.
  • test_slicel_directed(argc, argv, env, mode, seed, iterations, verbosity) : A constrained random test that runs a single test for iterations clock cycles. (Used for debugging once a failing seed has been found). Options
  • argc, argv, env : The arguments to the main function should be forwarded to verilator.
  • mode : The style of test to run
    • RAND : Fully random configurations and inputs.
    • BASIC_S44 : Luts are configured in s44 mode with random look up tables. Higher order muxes and carry chain is disabled. Inputs are random.
    • BASIC_FRAC : Luts are configured as two 4-luts with random look up tables. Higher order muxes and carry chain is disabled. Inputs are random.
    • ADDER : The slicel is configured to add 2 4-bit numbers. Inputs are constrained to add two 4-bit numbers per cycle.
  • seed : The random seed from which tests are generated. The crand test prints the seed for each individual test for use in directed.
  • configs : crand only: The number of test to run. Each run has a different configuration.
  • iterations : How long to run the test for a single configuration. Ie the number of inputs to pass the slicel.
  • verbosity : The level of detail of the output when running a test. (min = 100, max = 400).

Running Directed Tests

In directed tests, the dut is manually configured and passed inputs, and the outputs can be read directly. This is useful for verifying cross-communication with other blocks. The basic options when writing a directed test can be found in the basic skeleton/example: sim/behavioral/slicel_directed.cpp.

This can be run from the sim/behavioral directory with make slicel_directed.vcd


There are a few ways to configure the slicel module in the testbench framework. The configuration options available to the slicel module are:

  • lut[0-3] : A 32-bit truth table for each s44 lut. The highest bit corresponds to the highest bit of the upper 4-lut.
  • soft : A 4-bit value giving whether a lut is configured as 2 fractured 4-luts or an s44 lut. (0=s44, 1=fractured). The upper bit corresponds to lut3.
  • cc : A single bit value giving whether the carry chain should be used to drive slicel outputs. (1=carry_chain enabled)
  • inter_lut_muxes : A two bit value {f8_enable, f7_enable} that determines if the f7 and f8 muxes should be treated as muxes or simply pass their lower input. (0=pass_through, 1=enabled)
  • register_reset : An eight bit value giving the reset values of each register. The upper bit corresponds to reg7. A nonzero value is returned if configuration fails. This should only occur with invalid configurations: (eg. cc=1 && inter_lut_muxes!=0)

Option 1: Generated

To use an automatically generated configuration, use test->generate_config(mode), where mode is as described in #Testbench.

Option 2: Semi-Manual

You can alternatively generate a specific configuration without having to manually construct a bitstream with this option.

test->assemble_config(lut0, lut1, lut2, lut3, soft, cc, inter_lut_muxes, register_reset) 

Option 3: Fully Manual

Use this option to configure the slicel with a bitstream. The bitstream is given as an argument as an int cfg[5] list, where cfg[4] gives the upper bits of the bitstream (and has its upper bits unused).

 int cfg[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
 // set cfg here
 dut->configure(cfg, 5);

The configuration bitstream is defined as follows (big-endian).

 {register_reset, cc, f8_enable, f7_enable, lut3_s, lut3, lut2_s, lut2, lut1_s, lut1, lut0_s, lut_0}


There are two ways to generate inputs for the slicel module in the testbench framework. The inputs are

  • lut_inputs : A 32 bit value giving the inputs to each s44 lut. {lut3_in, lut2_in, lut1_in, lut0_in}
    • Each lut gets 8 bits of input: {upper_lut_in, lower_lut_in}. Bit 3 is discarded in S44 mode and replaced with the output of the upper_lut.
  • carry_in : A 1-bit value giving the carry_in for the carry chain.
  • reg_ce : A 1-bit value serving as the write_enable for the output registers of the slicel.
  • ho_addr : A 2-bit value {f8_select, f7_select} serving as the select signal for the inter_lut_muxes when they are enabled.

Option 1: Generated

Randomly generates inputs based on the mode. See (Testbench) for details on each mode.

 int lut_inputs; bool carry_in, reg_ce; char ho_addr;
 test->generate_inputs(RAND, lut_inputs, carry_in, reg_ce, ho_addr); // Options: RAND, ADDER;
 dut->input_set(lut_inputs, carry_in, reg_ce, ho_addr);

Option 2: Manual

Manually sets inputs.

 dut->input_set(lut_inputs, carry_in, reg_ce, ho_addr);


It is recommended to use ticktock to progress the simulation, but if you want to check intermediate values, or change inputs at finer resolution you can use tick and tock. These do not affect the configuration clock cclk.

dut->ticktock(); // @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk);
dut->tick();     // @(posedge clk);
dut->tock();     // @(negedge clk);


It is recommended to use dut->info for all prints. This behaves exactly as printf but with additional simulation information in the beginning. The slicel has 3 outputs:

  • Co : the carry out of the carry chain. Get it with dut->get_carry_out()
  • out : the combinational outputs of the slicel as an 8bit word. Get it with dut->get_out()
  • sync_out : the registered output of the slicel as an 8bit word. Get it with dut->get_sync_out()


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