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fatlotus committed Feb 15, 2016
1 parent 1afca3d commit d57a29f
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Expand Up @@ -5,27 +5,198 @@ Caravel
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This project is a lighter weight alternative to Dhaka, the previous iteration
of the UChicago Marketplace. It is specifically designed for long-term, zero
maintenance operation.
Marketplace (codename "Caravel") is a production web service in place at the
University of Chicago. It is intended to allow students, employees, and
community members to place advertisements of physical goods and services for
others to use.

To run a server locally:
The code is written using Python and Flask.

If you'd like to contribute code to the site, start by downloading the Python
[Google App Engine SDK for Python](
and install it on your computer. Once this is complete, you should be able to
run "` -h`" from the command line.

Next, download a local copy of the latest Caravel source tree. You can do this
using Git (or download it using a web browser and `cd` into the source tree).

$ git clone
Cloning into 'caravel'...
remote: Counting objects: 3677, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 3677 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 3672
Receiving objects: 100% (3677/3677), 3.93 MiB | 872.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2203/2203), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd caravel
$ ls -p cron.yaml
app.yaml index.yaml vendor/
caravel/ requirements.txt
circle.yml requirements_dev.txt

To start a local server, run `` in a terminal and open
`http://localhost:8080` in a web browser.

$ .
INFO 2016-02-15 05:40:36,027] Checking for updates to the SDK.
INFO 2016-02-15 05:40:36,373] Starting API server at: http://localhost:50375
INFO 2016-02-15 05:40:36,377] Starting module "default" running at: http://localhost:8080
INFO 2016-02-15 05:40:36,378] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8000

You should see a basic version of the site there. If you keep that command
running in the background, any changes you make will show up automatically.

![Home Page](screenshots/EmptyHomePage.png)

All of the code for the site is written in Python, and is contained in the
`caravel/` directory. Inside `caravel/`, there are a number of modules, each
generally maintaining a particular aspect of the application.

$ ls -p caravel/ daemons/ static/ templates/ utils/
controllers/ model/ storage/ tests/

The `caravel/controllers/` and `caravel/daemons/` modules route incoming
requests to various parts of the application. (Internal App Engine features,
like cron and the task queues API, are routed like requests, but aren't meant
to be called by external users. Hence the separation between externally-facing
controllers and daemons.)

$ grep -B 1 -A10 def.search_listings caravel/controllers/
def search_listings():
"""Display a list of listings that match the given query."""

# Fix session handler if not initialized
view = request.args.get("v", "th")

# Parse filtering options from query.
query = request.args.get("q", "")
offset = int(request.args.get("offset", "0"))
if offset < 0:
offset = 0

Next, the `caravel/model/` directory defines the ways Caravel interacts with
the data storage and email backends. It is structured as a series of mixins,
where a single model class (either a Listing or an Inquiry) imports behaviors
(such as having a price, or being indexed) that are defined in another module.

$ grep -A10 PriceMixin caravel/model/
class PriceMixin(ndb.Model):

The PriceMixin adds a price to the given entity.

>>> class D(PriceMixin): pass
>>> x = D()
>>> x.price = 3.234444
>>> key = x.put()
>>> x.price

price = FixedPoint(default=0)

Finally, the `carevel/static/` and `caravel/templates/` directories define the
resources and skin of the site. Most things that are user-facing (but not
business logic) can be specified here.

$ head -n 10 caravel/listings/thumbnail.html
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 float-to-inline-block listing thumbnail-width">
<div class="thumbnail">
<a href="{{ url_for('show_listing', listing=listing,
q=request.args.get('q')) }}">
{% if %}
<img src="{{[0].public_url('small') }}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="/static/images/{{
listing.categories[0] }}.png"/>
{% endif %}

Once you've made a change, you'll want to add or modify a unit test, so that we
can make sure the bug isn't broken in the future. To do that, look at the tests
in the `caravel/tests/` directory.

$ grep -B 2 -A9 test_indexing caravel/tests/
class TestListings(helper.CaravelTestCase):

def test_indexing(self):
# Test normal indexing.

# Test that old listings are de-indexed.
self.listing_a.posted_at = datetime.datetime(2003, 2, 3)

self.assertEquals(self.listing_a.keywords, [])

If you want to upgrade the version of Flask:
Once changed, the unit tests can be run by executing the `./`
script, which installs a virtual environment and runs the tests.

$ ./
$ ./
WARNING:root:No ssl package found. urlfetch will not be able to validate SSL certificates.
Ran 48 tests in 2.647s

To update the version currently running on App Engine, either push to this
repository or run:
OK (skipped=3)
Name Stmts Miss Cover
caravel/ 24 0 100%
caravel/controllers/ 0 0 100%
caravel/controllers/ 35 5 86%
caravel/controllers/ 71 11 85%
caravel/controllers/ 30 0 100%
caravel/controllers/ 142 13 91%
caravel/controllers/ 33 6 82%
caravel/daemons/ 0 0 100%
caravel/daemons/ 4 2 50%
caravel/daemons/ 13 0 100%
caravel/daemons/ 11 1 91%
caravel/model/ 3 0 100%
caravel/model/ 67 13 81%
caravel/model/ 5 0 100%
caravel/model/ 49 0 100%
caravel/model/ 19 0 100%
caravel/model/ 49 2 96%
caravel/model/ 24 0 100%
caravel/model/ 31 1 97%
caravel/model/ 10 0 100%
caravel/model/ 8 1 88%
caravel/model/ 23 1 96%
caravel/model/ 3 0 100%
caravel/model/ 9 0 100%
caravel/model/ 8 0 100%
caravel/storage/ 0 0 100%
caravel/storage/ 19 1 95%
caravel/storage/ 12 0 100%
caravel/tests/ 0 0 100%
caravel/tests/ 104 6 94%
caravel/tests/ 15 0 100%
caravel/tests/ 32 13 59%
caravel/tests/ 126 0 100%
caravel/tests/ 46 0 100%
caravel/utils/ 3 0 100%
caravel/utils/ 23 2 91%
caravel/utils/ 0 0 100%
caravel/utils/ 49 4 92%
caravel/utils/ 20 0 100%
TOTAL 1120 82 93%

$ --oauth2 update .
Assuming you see the `OK` line, you're good! Make a new branch, and send us a
pull request! (If you got an error about virtualenv being not found, run
`sudo pip install virtualenv`; if `pip` isn't found, run
`sudo easy_install pip`. If `easy_install` isn't found, install Python.)


Like all good projects these days, Caravel is covered under the MIT License:
Caravel is covered under the MIT License:

> Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Archer and George Teo
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