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Haplotype Reconstruction of Longitudinal Deep sequencing data


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HaROLD - HAplotype Reconstruction Of Longitudinal Deep sequencing data


HaROLD reconstructs haplotypes based on identifying co-varying variant frequencies using a probabilistic framework. For more details, please refer to our paper in Virus Evolution.


HaROLD requires Java 8 (or newer). Download pre-built binaries from releases.

Prepare input files

This step might not be necessary depending on software used for alignment. Tested with bam files produced by Bbmap and bwa. Convert the BAM files using Samtools.

samtools view -h -G69 to.convert.bam | samtools view -h -G133 > file.bam

For every sample, generate a strandcount.csv from the BAM file (some examples of this step can be found in the "example" folder)

java -cp /your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/htsjdk-unspecified-SNAPSHOT.jar:\
/Your-path-to-HaROLD/jar/MakeReadCount.jar makereadcount.MakeReadCount file.bam

Step 1 - Running HaROLD

HaROLD requires as input file only a list of strandcount.csv files. Longitudinal data are listed together, but separate samples from different runs need to be submitted separately. Data and examples used in the simulation in the paper can be found in the "simulation" folder. For example, if you have 4 longitudinal samples from the same patient, your sample.txt will look like:


View program options:

java -jar /your-path-to-HaROLD/jar/Cluster_RG/dist/HaROLD-2.0.jar --help

richards-haplotype-model [-AhHLNvV] [--alpha-frac=<alpha_frac>]
                                [--threads=<threads>] [--tol=<tol>]
                                [-o=<optimiser>] [-p=<prefix>]
                                [-s=<randomSeed>] [-a=<initialAlphaParams>
                                <initialAlphaParams>]... -c=<countFile>...
                                [-f=<initialFreqFile>...]... -n=<haplotypes>...

                            Fraction of sites to use to optimise error parameters
  -a, --initial-alpha=<initialAlphaParams> <initialAlphaParams>

  -A, --fix-alpha           Fix alpha parameters
  -c, --count-file=<countFile>...
                            file containing list of count files
  -f, --initial-freq-file=<initialFreqFile>...
                            optional file containing hap frequency values
  -h, -?, --help            give this help list
  -H, --printHaplotypes     Print haplotypes
  -L, --printLikelihoods    Print likelihoods
  -n, --haplotypes=<haplotypes>...
                            number of haplotypes
  -N, --noOpt               Process without optimising
  -o, --optimiser=<optimiser>
                            Optimiser for haplotype frequencies
  -p, --prefix=<prefix>     Results file prefix
  -s, --seed=<randomSeed>
  -v, --verbose
  -V, --version

For example, the following command was used in our simulation with norovirus data (details in the paper):

java -jar /your-path-to-HaROLD/jar/Cluster_RG/dist/HaROLD-2.0.jar \
--count-file sample.txt --haplotypes 4 --alpha-frac 0.5 --gamma-cache 10000 \
-H -L --threads 4 -p /your-path-to-results/Step1_results

This step produces three output files:

  • your-path-to-results/Step1_results.log: log file
  • your-path-to-results/Step1_results.fasta: haplotypes fasta sequences
  • your-path-to-results/Step1_results.lld: base frequency file
A note about choosing the number of haplotypes

The log file (your-path-to-results/Step1_results.log) provides the total likelihood for the model (at the end of log file, "Main: Final total likelihood"). You should try different numbers and choose the number of haplotypes that gives you the highest likelihood. However, the following step will help to find the best number.

Step 2 - Refining Output from HaROLD

The algorithm takes a set of reads for different samples and calculates the optimal probability of the haplotypes for each of the samples as well as the optimal sequences of the haplotypes. We are going to adjust the haplotype frequencies and sequences, use these values to assign reads,and then calculate log likelihood based on these assigned reads. The required input files are:

  • output files from Harold step1
  • reference sequence in Fasta format
  • BAM files

View program options:

java -cp /your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/htsjdk-unspecified-SNAPSHOT.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/picocli-4.1.2.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/pal-1.5.1.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/cache2k-all-1.0.2.Final.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/flanagan.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/jar/RefineHaplotypes.jar refineHaplotypes.RefineHaplotypes -h
Usage: richards-haplotype-model [-hIV] [--expand] [--printIntermediate]
                                --bam=<readsFile> --baseFreq=<baseFreqFile>
                                [-D=<minReadDepth>] [--errorRate=<errorRate>]
                                [--hapFreq=<hapFreqFile>] [-m=<minReads>]
                                --reference=<refSeqFile> [--seed=<randomSeed>]

      --alignment, --hapAlignment=<hapAlignmentFile>
                            Name of haplotype alignment file, fasta (req)
      --bam, --BAM, --sam, --SAM=<readsFile>
                            Name of bam/sam file (req)
                            Name of base frequency file (req)
  -D, --minReadDepth=<minReadDepth>
                            Minimum read depth (<0 indicates inactive) (-1.)
                            Error rate (0.002)
      --expand              Consider splits that increase number of haplotypes
  -h, -?, --help            give this help list
                            Name of haplotype frequency file (null)
  -I, --iterate             Turn on iteration (false)
  -m, --minReads=<minReads> Minimum number of reads (20.0)
      --maxHaplo, --maxHaplotypes=<maxHaplo>
                            Maximum number of haplotypes (10)
                            Maximum number of iterations (10)
                            Maximum number of recombination attempts (20)
      --printIntermediate   Print intermediate sequences (false)
      --printReference      Print reference sequence (false)
      --reference, --refSequence, --referenceSequence=<refSeqFile>
                            Name of file containing reference sequence, fasta
      --seed=<randomSeed>   Random number seed (-1, not specified)
  -t, --tag=<tag>           Tag for output files (req)
  -V, --version

Here, we show an example for sample2 for the first Norovirus longitudinal set in the simulation (referred in the paper as "2 haplotypes, low similarity, 5 time points set"). Run this for every sample.

java -cp /your-path-to/lib/htsjdk-unspecified-SNAPSHOT.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/picocli-4.1.2.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/pal-1.5.1.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/cache2k-all-1.0.2.Final.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/lib/flanagan.jar: \
/your-path-to-HaROLD/jar/RefineHaplotypes.jar refineHaplotypes.RefineHaplotypes \
-t sample2 --bam sample2-1longitudinal.sorted.dedup.bam.fixed.bam \
--baseFreq nhaplo_4_results.lld --refSequence refseq-JX459907.fasta \
--hapAlignment nhaplo_4_resultsHaplo.fasta --iterate

This step produces two output files for each sample:

  • your-path-to-results/Sample2.log: log file
  • your-path-to-results/Sample2.fasta: haplotypes fasta sequences for a sample

Getting help

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Juanita Pang, Cristina Venturini or Richard Goldstein.