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Stephanie Tsuei edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 1 revision

Short Demo Sequences

We provide several sequences recorded by a Tango platform. The images are recorded at 30 Hz in VGA (640x480) size, and the inertial measurements are recorded at 200 Hz. You can download the sequences here as compressed files (.tar.gz) or ROS bags (.bag).

Configuration files for this sequence include:

The names of the three sequences are:

  • data9_workbench
  • data19_cam
  • data5_cam_imu

TUM Visual Inertial Dataset

We also provide configuration files for running XIVO on the six "room" sequences in the TUM Visual Inertial Dataset. Since the dataset is stereo and XIVO is built for monocular systems, we provide a configuration file for running XIVO with each camera individually.

Configuration files are: