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TODO: change heading above to your repo name, e.g. # team02-m23-9am-4

TODO: Add a link to the deployed Dokku app for your team here, e.g.


Setup before running application

Before running the application for the first time, you need to do the steps documented in docs/

Otherwise, when you try to login for the first time, you will likely see an error such as:

Authorization Error; Error 401: invalid_client; The OAuth client was not found.

Getting Started on localhost

  • Open two separate terminal windows
  • In the first window, start up the backend with:
    mvn spring-boot:run
  • In the second window:
    cd frontend
    npm install  # only on first run or when dependencies change
    npm start

Then, the app should be available on http://localhost:8080

If it doesn't work at first, e.g. you have a blank page on http://localhost:8080, give it a minute and a few page refreshes. Sometimes it takes a moment for everything to settle in.

If you see the following on localhost, make sure that you also have the frontend code running in a separate window.

Failed to connect to the frontend server... On Dokku, be sure that PRODUCTION is defined.  On localhost, open a second terminal window, cd into frontend and type: npm install; npm start";

Getting Started on Dokku

See: /docs/

Accessing swagger

To access the swagger API endpoints, use:

Or add /swagger-ui/index.html to the URL of your dokku deployment.

To run React Storybook

SQL Database access

On localhost:

  • The SQL database is an H2 database and the data is stored in a file under target
  • Each time you do mvn clean the database is completely rebuilt from scratch
  • You can access the database console via a special route, http://localhost:8080/h2-console
  • For more info, see docs/

On Dokku, follow instructions for Dokku databases: