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Lab instructions:


Name GitHub Id Service Controller
Luis Miguel miguel-luis9 LocationQueryService LocationController
Aiden Pham phamaiden PublicHolidayQueryService PublicHolidayController
Monica Trinh monicatrinh1 TidesQueryService TidesController
Erick Nee ericknee UniversityQueryService UniversityController
Ruizhe Jiang RuizheJiang ZipCodeQueryService ZipCodeController


On Heroku:

About this repo

This is a minimal backend only webapp built with Spring Boot.

The app provides some sample code for an API, and a Swagger user interface to test that API. The API is essentially a proxy for another API.

This code is the basis for a programming exercise where each student on a team of up to 5 students can build a proxy similar to the one in the example code.

What can you do with this code?

Command What it does
mvn compile Should result in a clean compile
mvn test Runs JUnit tests on the code base
mvn test jacoco:report Runs JUnit tests, and if all tests pass, computes code coverage. The code coverage report (Jacoco) can be found in target/site/jacoco/index.html
mvn package Builds the jar file target/team01-spring-boot-1.0.0.jar
mvn spring-boot:run Runs the code to startup a web server. Access it via http://localhost:8080 on the same machine where the server is running. Use CTRL/C to stop it.
java -jar target/team01-spring-backend-1.0.0.jar If done after mvn package, this is another way to start up the web server.
mvn test pitest:mutationCoverage Run pitest mutation coverage. View target/pit-reports/index.html for results (may take a few minutes)

Deploying on Dokku

For advice on deploying on Dokku, see: /docs/