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File metadata and controls

681 lines (515 loc) · 31.2 KB



  • gdc module

    This module provides basic and minimum necessary functions for carrying out data query and download for Xena GDC ETL pipelines., download_dir='.', chunk_size=4096)

    Download GDC’s open access data according to UUID(s).

    uuids (str, list or dict): A single UUID (str), a list of UUIDs (list)

    or a dict whose keys are UUIDs for target file(s). If “uuids” is str or list, downloaded file(s) will be renamed to “UUID.extension” where “extension” is extracted by “get_ext()” from the original filename. Renamed file(s) will be saved at “download_dir”. If “uuids” is a dict, the argument “download_dir” will be ignored; values of dict will be paths for saving corresponding downloaded files.

    download_dir (str, optional): The directory for saving downloaded

    file(s) when “uuids” is str or list. It will be ignored if “uuids” is dict. Defaults to “.”.

    chunk_size (int, optional): The chunk size is the number of bytes it

    should read into memory, when the response is got with “stream=True”. Check the documentation of “requests” module for details. Defaults to 4096.


    list: a list of paths for downloaded files.


    Get info for all samples of projects and clinical info for all cases of projects through GDC API.

    projects (list or str): one (str) or a list of GDC “project_id”(s),

    whose info will be returned. If None, projects will not be filtered, i.e. info for all GDC projects will be returned. Defaults to None.


    pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: A DataFrame organized by samples, having info for all samples of projects, as well as corresponding clinical info.


    Get all extensions supported by this module in the file name.

    Supported extensions are defined in the constant “_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES”. Multiple extensions will be separated by “.”.

    file_name (str): The filename will be split by “.” and checked from

    left to right. Extensions will be kept starting from the first (and left most) supported extension.


    str: A string of extensions joint by “.”.


    Get info for project(s) of interest through GDC API.

    projects (list or str): one (str) or a list of GDC “project_id”(s),

    whose info will be returned. If None, projects will not be filtered, i.e. info for all GDC projects will be returned. Defaults to None.


    pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: A DataFrame of project info including “project ID”, “project name”, “primary site” and “program name”.


    Make the directory as needed: no error if existing.


    dir_name (str): Directory name or path.


    str: The absolute path for the directory.


    Recursively go over a JSON and unpack arrays which have only one item, i.e. remove unnecessary arrays (brackets).


    j (list of dict): A JSON to be reduced.


    list or dict: a reduced JSON with unnecessary array removed., in_filter={}, exclude_filter={}, fields=[], expand=[], typ='dataframe', method='GET')

    Search one GDC endpoints and return searching results in a pandas DataFrame if possible.

    When searching results cannot be safely converted to a pandas DataFrame, results will be returned in the JSON format as it is returned from GDC API.

    endpoint (str): One string of GDC API supported endpoint. See:

    in_filter (dict, optional): A dict of query conditions which will be

    used to perform the query. Each (key, value) pair represents for one ondition. It will be passed to simple_and_filter for making a query filter compatible with GDC API. Please check simple_and_filter function for details.

    exclude_filter (dict, optional): An optional dict of query conditions

    which will be used to perform the query. Each (key, value) pair represents for one condition. It will be passed to simple_and_filter for making a query filter compatible with GDC API. Please check simple_and_filter function for details.

    fields (list or str, optional): One or more fields to be queried. Each

    field will be used as a column name in the returned DataFrame. It can be a comma separated string or a list of field strings or a combination of both.

    expand (list or str, optional): One or more field groups to be

    queried. It can be a comma separated string or a list of field strings or a combination of both.

    typ (str): type of search result to return (JSON or dataframe).

    Defaults to ‘dataframe’.

    method (str): HTTP method for the search. Defaults to ‘GET’.

    pandas.core.frame.DataFrame or str: A search result in form of a

    pandas DataFrame or a JSON formatted string, depending on the value of typ and the DataFrame convertibility of JSON.

    gdc.simple_and_filter(in_dict={}, exclude_dict={})

    Make a simple GDC API compatible query filter from a dict, in which individual conditions are joint by the “and” logic.

    In the return filter, individual conditions in the in_dict and exclude_dict will be joint by the “and” operator, meaning a hit has to match all conditions. Here, a condition can use either a “in” operator (specified in the in_dict) or a “exclude” operator (specified in the exclude_dict). See details at

    in_dict (dict): A dict describing query conditions with the “in”

    operator. Each (key, value) pair represents for one condition. The “key” is the ‘field’ operand. Operator between “key” and “value” is “in”.

    exclude_dict (dict): A dict describing query conditions with the

    “exclude” operator. Each (key, value) pair represents for one condition. The “key” is the ‘field’ operand. Operator between “key” and “value” is “exclude_dict”.


    dict: A dict of filter conforming to GDC API’s format. It should then be converted to JSON format and used in the following http request.

  • xena_dataset module

    This module mainly provides a XenaDataset class representing one Xena matrix in a Xena cohort. Three class, GDCOmicset, TCGAPhenoset and TARGETPhenoset are derived from XenaDataset, representing genomic data, phenotype info of TCGA and phenotype info of TARGET respectively.

    In general, a XenaDataset class contains 3 methods, download, transform and metadata, which can be used for quickly assembling an ETL pipeline importing data into Xena.

    class xena_dataset.GDCOmicset(projects, xena_dtype, root_dir='.', raw_data_dir=None, matrix_dir=None)

    Bases: xena_dataset.XenaDataset

    GDCOmicset is derived from the XenaDataset class and represents for a Xena matrix whose data is genomic data from GDC.

    This class provides a set of default configurations for downloading and transforming GDC data, as well as generating associated metadata for the transformed Xena matrix. These default configurations are stored as private constants, and they can be checked and/or changed through the following attributes: gdc_release, gdc_filter, gdc_prefix, download_map, read_raw, raws2matrix, metadata_template, and metadata_vars.

    projects (str or list): One (string) or a list of GDC’s

    “cases.project.project_id”. All corresponding projects will be included in this dataset.

    xena_dtype (str): A dataset type supported by this class. To get a

    list of supported types, use GDCOmicset.get_supported_dtype().

    gdc_release (str): URL to the data release note for the dataset. It

    will be used by the metadata method when making the metadata for this dataset. It is highly recommended that this attribute is set explicitly by the user so that it is guaranteed to match the data (raw data) underlying this dataset. If it is not available, the most recent data release will be queried and used.

    gdc_filter (dict): A filter for querying GDC data underlying this

    dataset. Each item of this dict means to be an “in” operation, with its key being one GDC API available field and its value being a string or a list of strings. It can be automatically derived from projects and xena_dtype if it is not assigned explicitly by the user when being used. Please check GDC API documentation for details.

    gdc_prefix (str): A GDC available file field whost value will be used

    in the filename of corresponding download file. It will be used by download_map for making default download map. It can be automatically mapped from xena_dtype if it is not assigned explicitly by the user when being used. Please check download_map and GDC API documentation for details.

    download_map (dict): A dict with the key being a URL for one raw data

    to be downloaded and the value being a path for saving downloaded raw data. If it hasn’t been assigned explicitly by the user when being used, it can be automatically generated by querying through GDC API according to gdc_filter and gdc_prefix which are based on projects and xena_dtype. Please check gdc_filter for details about querying conditions. Filename of data files, by default, will adapt a pattern of “<value of gdc_prefix>.<GDC file UUID>.<file extension>”

    It is worth noting that the data transformation process may need an ID for every data files. Default read_raw functions may extract the ID from the filename (the first substring when splitting the filename by “.”). For example, Xena uses GDC’s “cases.samples.submitter_id” for sample ID. Therefore, gdc_prefix should be set to “cases.samples.submitter_id” so that data files for each sample will be renamed to “<cases.samples.submitter_id>.<file UUID>.<file extension>”, allowing the desired sample ID to be extracted correctly. Please keep that in mind when trying to define your own download dict but use default transformation settings (read_raw and raws2matrix). Please check read_raw and raws2matrix properties, as well as the transform method for details.

    read_raw (callable): A function which accepts only one argument of

    file object and reads it during Xena matrix transform. Its return, which is usually a pandas DataFrame, will be put in a list which will then be passed to raws2matrix. Defaults, if needed, can be mapped from xena_dtype.

    raws2matrix (callable): A function which accepts only one argument of

    a list of read_raw return(s), merges them into one Xena matrix, and processes the merged matrix if needed. Defaults, if needed, can be mapped from xena_dtype.

    metadata_template (jinja2.environment.Template or str): A Jinja2

    template for rendering metadata of this dataset. When setting this attribute with a string, it will be taken as a path to the template file and the corresponding template will be retrieved and assigned to this attribute. Defaults, if needed, can be mapped from xena_dtype.

    metadata_vars (dict): A dict of variables which will be used (by **

    unpacking) when rendering the metadata_template. Defaults, if needed, can be derived from corresponding matrix and projects and xena_dtype properties.

    classmethod get_supported_dtype()

    Return a list of dataset type codes supported by this class.

    class xena_dataset.GDCSurvivalset(projects, root_dir='.', raw_data_dir=None, matrix_dir=None)

    Bases: xena_dataset.XenaDataset

    GDCSurvivalset is derived from the XenaDataset class and represents for a Xena matrix of GDC survival data for project(s) of interest.

    In general, survival data is retrieved from GDC API’s “analysis/survival” endpoint. This class provides two default configurations, which can be checked and/or changed through gdc_release and metadata_vars, for generating metadata for the transformed Xena matrix. The download and transform methods are overridden by methods specific for GDC survival data.

    gdc_release (str): URL to the data release note for the dataset. It

    will be used by the metadata method when making the metadata for this dataset. It is highly recommended that this attribute is set explicitly by the user so that it is guaranteed to match the GDC data underlying this dataset. If it is not available, the most recent data release will be queried and used.

    metadata_vars (dict): A dict of variables which will be used (by **

    unpacking) when rendering the metadata_template. Defaults, if needed, can be derived from corresponding matrix and the projects property.


    Retrieve GDC API’s survival data for project(s) in this dataset.

    The survival data is queried and retrieved through GDC API’s “analysis/survival” endpoint for project(s) belonging to this dataset. JSON query results are converted to a pandas DataFrame and saved as a single tab-separated values (“<projects>.GDC_survival.tsv”) file under raw_data_dir.


    self: allow method chaining.


    Transform GDC survival data according to Xena survival data spec

    Only 1 GDC raw survival data (i.e. raw_data_list[0]) will be read and used by this transformation. Xena survival data has 6 columns, which are “sample”, “_EVENT”, “_TIME_TO_EVENT”, “_OS_IND”, “_OS” and “_PATIENT”. “_EVENT” and “_OS_IND” are the same and corresponds to the “censored” column in GDC survival data; “_TIME_TO_EVENT” and “_OS” are the same and corresponds to the “time” column in GDC survival data; “_PATIENT” corresponds to the “submitter_id” column in GDC survival data which is the case(patient)’s submitter ID; “sample” contains “samples.submitter_id” for corresponding case(patient).


    self: allow method chaining.

    class xena_dataset.TARGETPhenoset(projects, root_dir='.', raw_data_dir=None, matrix_dir=None)

    Bases: xena_dataset.XenaDataset

    TARGETPhenoset is derived from the XenaDataset class and represents for a Xena matrix whose data is phenotype data of a TARGET project.

    A Xena matrix for TARGET phenotype data is transformed from just the clinical data (i.e. without biospecimen data), which is different from that of TCGA phenotype data. This class provides a set of default configurations for downloading and transforming TARGET clinical, as well as generating associated metadata for the transformed Xena matrix. Default configurations can be checked and/or changed through gdc_release, download_map and metadata_vars. There is also a protected default method for transforming GDC data into Xena matrix. Records in TARGET clinical data are per case (patient) based. All samples (IDs) of patients will be queried through GDC API and will be merged with clinical data so that transforming the data to per sample based.

    gdc_release (str): URL to the data release note for the dataset. It

    will be used by the metadata method when making the metadata for this dataset. It is highly recommended that this attribute is set explicitly by the user so that it is guaranteed to match the data (raw data) underlying this dataset. If it is not available, the most recent data release will be queried and used.

    download_map (dict): A dict with the key being a URL for one raw data

    to be downloaded and the value being a path for saving downloaded raw data. If it hasn’t been assigned explicitly by the user when being used, it will, by default, generated by querying through GDC API for open access clincial data belong to the project (won’t check if it’s a TARGET project) of this dataset. Files will be rename in the pattern of “<GDC file UUID>.<original filename>”.

    metadata_vars (dict): A dict of variables which will be used (by **

    unpacking) when rendering the metadata_template. Defaults, if needed, can be derived from corresponding matrix and the projects property.

    class xena_dataset.TCGAPhenoset(projects, root_dir='.', raw_data_dir=None, matrix_dir=None)

    Bases: xena_dataset.XenaDataset

    TCGAPhenoset is derived from the XenaDataset class and represents for a Xena matrix whose data is phenotype data of a TCGA project.

    This class provides a set of default configurations and methods for downloading and transforming TCGA clinical and biospecimen data, as well as generating associated metadata for the transformed Xena matrix. Default configurations can be checked and/or changed through gdc_release and metadata_vars. The download and transform methods are overridden by methods specific for TCGA phenotype data.

    gdc_release (str): URL to the data release note for the dataset. It

    will be used by the metadata method when making the metadata for this dataset. It is highly recommended that this attribute is set explicitly by the user so that it is guaranteed to match the data (raw data) underlying this dataset. If it is not available, the most recent data release will be queried and used.

    metadata_vars (dict): A dict of variables which will be used (by **

    unpacking) when rendering the metadata_template. Defaults, if needed, can be derived from corresponding matrix and the projects property.


    Download GDC’s open access phenotype data for projects in this dataset.

    There are two types of phenotype data on GDC, the clinical data and the biospecimen data. Data is selected based solely on the projects property. Both clinical and biospecimen data will be downloaded. They will be saved under two separated directories. In fact, both downloads are delegated by corresponding GDCOmicset classes. Check the GDCOmicset class for details.


    self: allow method chaining.


    Transform raw phenotype data into Xena matrix.

    Raw clinical data and biospecimen data will first be transformed separately. Then the clinical matrix and biospecimen matrix will be merged on “cases.submitter_id” and processed properly.


    self: allow method chaining.

    class xena_dataset.XenaDataset(projects, xena_dtype, root_dir='.', raw_data_dir=None, matrix_dir=None)

    Bases: object

    XenaDataset represents for one Xena matrix in a Xena cohort.

    This class provides a set of method for downloading and transforming data into Xena matrix, as well as generating associated metadata. It also provides a set of attributes to control these processes.

    projects (str or list of str): One or a list of project IDs describing

    study projects included in this dataset.

    xena_dtype (str): A short string (like an ID) describing the type of

    data in this dataset. It is highly recommended, though not required, that one dataset has a single type of data.

    root_dir (str): Defines the root directory for this dataset. The

    XenaDataset and the importing process can be highly customized, with directories for every data and each step explicitly assigned. You can set directories for raw data (through the raw_data_dir property) and Xena matrix (through the matrix_dir``property) specifically. The ``root_dir will be essentially useless under such situation. If some or all directories remain unassigned when being used, a default directory tree will be used, with a structure like this:

    └── projects
        ├── "Raw_Data"
        │   └── xena_dtype
        │       ├── data1
        │       ├── data2
        │       ├── ...
        │       └── dataN
        └── "Xena_Matrices"
            ├── projects.xena_dtype(1).tsv
            ├── projects.xena_dtype(1).tsv.json
            ├── projects.xena_dtype(2).tsv
            ├── projects.xena_dtype(2).tsv.json
            ├── ...
            ├── projects.xena_dtype(N).tsv
            └── projects.xena_dtype(N).tsv.json

    By default, all files related to a dataset, such as raw data, Xena matrix, metadata, should and highly recommended to be organized and saved under the root directory. However, this is neither required nor checked. Setting directory related properties (including root_dir and some properties listed below) will not trigger creations of any directories. Directories, if not exist, will only be made right before being needed.

    Defaults to “.” which points to current python work directory.

    raw_data_dir (str): A directory for raw data. Please Check the

    raw_data_list property for its potential usage for defining raw data for Xena matrix transform, and check the root_dir property for the default “Raw_Data” directory structure. Defaults to None.

    matrix_dir (str): A path for saving the transformed Xena matrix for

    this dataset. If the matrix_dir is not available at the time of being used, the matrix property will be checked first. If the matrix property is available, its directory will be assigned to the matrix_dir. If the matrix property is not available, a default path will be assigned according to the default directory structure. Check the root_dir property for the default directory structure. Defaults to None.

    download_map (dict): A dict with the key being a URL for one raw data

    to be downloaded and the value being a path for saving downloaded raw data.

    raw_data_list (list): A list of file path(s) for all raw data related

    to this dataset. It will be automatically set by the download method; or it can be assigned directly as a public attribute. This raw_data_list attribute will be used by the transform method for making a Xena matrix from raw data. If the raw_data_list is not available at the time of being used, the raw_data_dir property will be checked. All files under raw_data_dir will be treated as data and used for creating a raw_data_list.

    read_raw (callable): A function used for reading a raw data during

    Xena matrix transform. A valid read_raw function must accept only one argument, which is a file object. Its return will be put in a list which will then be passed to raws2matrix function.

    raws2matrix (callable): A function used for merging multiple raw data

    read by read_raw into one Xena matrix, as well as processing the merged matrix if needed. A valid raws2matrix must accept only one argument, which is a list of read_raw return(s).

    matrix (str): A path for the Xena matrix of this dataset.

    This attribute will be used but not validated by the transform method for saving newly generated Xena matrix. This attribute will also be used yet will be validated (i.e. it has to point to a valid existing file) by the metadata method before making metadata associated with the Xena matrix and with this dataset. If matrix is not available at the time of being used by the transform method, it will use matrix_dir as its directory and will adapte a filename with the “projects.xena_type.tsv” pattern. Please check the matrix_dir property to see how it is determined.

    metadata_template (jinja2.environment.Template or str): A Jinja2

    template for rendering metadata of this dataset. When using a string to set metadata_template, it will be used as a path to the template file and the corresponding template will be retrieved and assigned to this attribute.

    metadata_vars (dict): A dict of variables which will be used (by **

    unpacking) for rendering the metadata_template.


    Download file(s) according to the download_map property.

    A list of paths for downloaded files will be assigned to the raw_data_list property which can be used for Xena matrix transform processing. Check the transform method for details.

    chunk_size (int, optional): The chunk size is the number of bytes

    it should read into memory, when the response is got with “stream=True”. Check the documentation of “requests” module for details. Defaults to 4096.


    self: allow method chaining.


    Make “metadata.json” for Xena data loading.

    A JSON of metadata will be created for the Xena matrix defined by the matrix property. The matrix property has to point to an existing file when this metadata method is being called. The metadata JSON file will be saved under the same directory as the matrix file and named with a “.json” postfix appended to the filename of Xena matrix. JSON templates for making metatdata are defined by the metadata_template property, and variables for rendering the template are defined by the metadata_vars property.


    self: allow method chaining.


    A path of an existing directory for keeping files (raw data, matrix and metadata) of this dataset.


    Transform raw data in a dataset into Xena matrix.

    The transformation process 1) takes in a list of path for raw data; 2) open each data based on its file extension; 3) read the file object by read_func and append the readout to a list, which will be 4) assembled into a Xena matrix by raws2matrix. The generated Xena matrix will be saved at the path defined by the matrix property.


    self: allow method chaining.


    Make the directory as needed: no error if existing.


    dir_name (str): Directory name or path.


    str: The absolute path for the directory.


    Extract info from GDC’s biospecimen supplement and re-organize them into a pandas DataFrame.


    fileobj (file or path): XML file of GDC’s biospecimen supplement.


    pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: Transformed pandas DataFrame.

    xena_dataset.read_by_ext(filename, mode='r')

    Automatically decide how to open a file which might be compressed.

    Leveraged codes from the “hook_compressed” function in python’s fileinput module.

    filename (str): Must contain proper extension indicating the

    compression condition.

    mode (str, optional): To specify the mode in which the file is opened.

    It will be passed to corresponding open function (open, or bz2.BZ2File); please check them for details. Defaults to ‘r’.


    file object: A filehandle to be used with with.


    Extract info from GDC’s clinical supplement and re-organize them into a pandas DataFrame.


    fileobj (file or path): XML file of GDC’s clinical supplement.


    pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: Transformed pandas DataFrame.


    Merge and process a list of dataframes to make a Xena data matrix.

    Every dataframe contains data for individual sample. They are merged horizontally (axis=1; growing with more and more columns). For merged matrix, first average columns having the same name and then transform its data by log(x + 1).

    df_list (list of pandas.core.frame.DataFrame): Input raw data. One

    dataframe is expected to have data for one sample, with column header being sample ID (not strictly required).


    pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: Ready to load Xena matrix.


    Transform pre-sliced GDC’s MAF data into Xena data matrix.

    A new column of DNA variant allele frequencies named “dna_vaf” will calculated by division “t_alt_count” / “t_depth”. Columns “t_alt_count” and “t_depth” will then be dropped. In the end, columns will be renamed accordingly and row index will be set as sample ID.

    df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame): Input raw matrix for mutation data

    (from MAF file).


    pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: Transformed pandas DataFrame.