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This repository contains the markdown style guidelines for content developers and maintainers.


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This file contains the writing style and other guidelines for content developers and maintainers.

Markdown Style Guide

Refer to the best practices for writing standard markdown content. In addition, follow the guidelines outlined below.


  • Use heading elements to provide a hierarchical structure on a web page. Do not use headings for formatting purposes.

  • Do not use any H1 headings. Page titles are automatically used as H1 headings in the new classroom design.

    ## H2 Prerequisites
    ## H2 Getting Started 
    ### H3 Instructions 
    ### H3 Results
    ### H3 Validate
    ## H2 Summary

Important points about headings

  • The top-level heading allowed in Mocha is H2. The H1 heading for the page is automatically generated in the classsroom from the page title. Do not duplicate the page title in the top text atom.
  • Maintain a heading hierarchy by using headings in order. Do not skip levels.
  • In most cases you will only need to use H2 and H3 headings, but if necessary H4 headings may be used.

To learn more, see accessible heading structure for more details.


  • Capitalize the first word and all proper nouns in your writing.
  • Avoid using -ing words in headings. Use action verbs instead. For example, use Create a Manifest (✅) instead of the Creating a Manifest (❌) heading.
  • For H2 headings, use the Title case. See an example below
## Authenticate with OAuth

Use uppercase for:

  • Major words (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs)
  • The first word in a title,

Use lowercase for:

  • Conjunctions: and, but, for, or, and nor.

  • Articles: the, a, and an.

  • Prepositions: beneath, beside, between, from, inside, near, off, through, toward, under, within, etc.

  • Other small words like to and as.

  • For all headings H3-H4 , use the Sentence case, and avoid using -ing words.

  • For Acronyms, use Title case while defining them in the first occurrence.

For assistance, you can use Capitalize My Title - Chicago

General Writing Tips

  • Use Active voice. In exceptional cases, you can use Passive voice, where it is impossible to use the Active voice.
  • For exercises and tutorials, clearly state the assumptions and prerequisites at the beginning of the page.
  • Inclusive content is important! Use gender-neutral pronouns and diverse names, ages, and locations in examples and scenarios. This list of example names is a good place to start.
  • Spell out the single digit numbers (zero to nine), and use numerals for numbers 10 and above.

Other Best Practices

  • [Required] Provide descriptive alt text for all images. Captions are optional and, if used, should not duplicate the alt text.
  • Use simple English and avoid jargon. This makes it easier for all learners to understand the content.
  • Do not refer to the "previous" or the "following" lesson. Each lesson should be considered an independent and complete unit of content.
  • Use bold for file and folder names and to introduce new terms.
  • Use markdown tables to present tabular data. Do not use images of text in place of tables because those are not accessible to visually impaired learners.
  • Group long instructions into several H3 headings.
  • Give credit to the author for any content (text, code, images, or media) you use in your article. Do not copy-paste content from external sources; refer to the external content just like research papers do.
  • Do not point learners to any University website as an external resource.

What to Avoid

  • Do use custom HTML in the text atoms. It may render accurately in the Mocha interface, but custom HTML is stripped out when the content is delivered to the learner's classroom.
  • Do not special Markdown characters like - , + , * , _ by themselves or at the beginning of a line. Instead, you can make use of html entities. For example, you can use & in the place of an & character.

For items not covered in the current style guide, refer to the Google developer documentation style guide and Language specific style guide.


Most importantly, do not plagiarize. Udacity checks for plagiarism before publishing any content.

Submit Inputs to Udacity

Udacity uses markdown for its content management platform. Therefore, use

  • Github for submitting markdown files and code files.
  • Github gists for submitting a code snippet.
  • Google docs and spreadsheets for anything that cannot fit into Github or Gists.
  • Do not host any artifact in a personal repository/account/workspace. Instead, ask the Udacity staff to host the artifacts in the Udacity repositories/Google drive/any other Udacity-owned account.


This repository contains the markdown style guidelines for content developers and maintainers.







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