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This is a repository describing my new learnings from datasets and the techniques I used on them

  • #Day0: -> Creating projects timeline

        -> Setting up Ubuntu and CUDA (2 years ago it was stll a hassle & today it still is)
        -> Installing packages and libraries
        -> Setting up my music playlist
        -> Uninstall Instagram (My hatred for time-wasting social media knows no bounds)
  • Data preprocessing - 80% time of a Data scientist goes, or at least should go doing this (Pareto principle everywhere)

        -> Importing dataset
        -> Handling missing data
        -> Encoding categorical data
        -> Splitting into training set and test set
        -> Feature scaling
  • Linear Regression

        -> Predicted salaries of employees based on their experience
  • Multivariable Linear Regression

        -> Encoding categorical data
        -> Label Encoder
        -> One hot Encoder
        -> Feature scaling
        -> Predicted profit based on multiple independent features.
  • Boston house pricing

        -> used DESCR to describe the data
        -> Mean, median, Standard deviation analysis
        -> Plotted real values v/s predicted values to get an idea of the prediction
  • Polynomial regression

        -> Learned about Polynomial regression and how it's degree affects the curve
  • Principal Component Analysis

        -> Performed PCA on Cancer dataset
  • Data Analysis

       -> Data Analysis of Habermann survival dataset (Breast cancer)
       -> PDF and CDF
       -> Histograms
       -> Box plots
       -> Violin plots
       -> Pair plots
       -> Heatmaps


Machine Learning Journey







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