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Lukas Alber edited this page Nov 22, 2023 · 8 revisions

NTMpy Documentation.

On the sidebar, one can find explanatory example sessions which explain how the heat-diffusion-1D software can be used. We recommend taking a look at the GettingStarted example first in order to get an idea how the flow of the program works, how the input should be given to the program.

If one wants to use the software in a more specific way, we recommend taking a look at the Object Properties page.

We will also create a page with an explanatory guide, which lays out the mathematical backbone of our solver.

The UDCM team

The Ultrafast Dynamics in Condensed Matter Group is a research group focusing on the use of strong laser fields (in particular in the near-infrared and terahertz range) to manipulate quantum materials out of equilibrium on the ultrafast time scales.

We are a diverse research group with people from different backgrounds working together on scientific projects.

For more information on the team go to People.