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333 lines (247 loc) · 12.2 KB

File metadata and controls

333 lines (247 loc) · 12.2 KB

[17.1.1] - 09/14/2024

  • adds extends Object to <T> of FastSegmentedControl according to latest Cupertino changes

[17.1.0] - 08/18/2024

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.24.0
  • adds chipAnimationStyle property to FastChoiceChip according to ChipAttributes as of 3.24.0
  • deprecates onPopInvoked function on FastForm according to Form as of 3.24.0

[17.0.0] - 06/03/2024

  • fixes several touched state issues
  • deprecates values function of FastFormState
  • adds scrollToField function to FastFormState
  • adds onTouched callback to FastFormField
  • adds wasTouched function to FastFormFieldState
  • adds FastFormStatus and FastFormFieldStatus record typedefs
  • updates native Android example project

Breaking Changes

  • removes deprecated errorBuilder and helperBuilder from FastCheckbox, FastSwitch, FastDatePicker, FastSegmentendControl and FastSlider
  • sets errorText of InputDecoration to null when a field is disabled
  • changes signature of FastFormChanged function typedef to void Function(FastFormStatus status)
  • onChanged callback function of FastForm now passes a fine-grained FastFormStatus

[16.0.0] - 05/15/2024

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.22.0
  • replaces deprecated MaterialStateProperty<T> type with WidgetStateProperty<T>
  • adds avatarBoxConstraints to FastChoiceChip
  • adds cursorErrorColor and onTapAlwaysCalled properties to FastTextField

[15.0.0] - 01/08/2024

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.16.5
  • adds new feature Conditional Form Fields
    • adds conditions property to FastFormField
    • adds FastCondition, FastConditionList classes
    • adds FastConditionMatch enum
    • adds FastConditionHandler and FastConditionTest typedefs
    • adds testConditions function to FastformFieldState
  • adds new FastSegmentendButton that wraps Material SegmentedButton
  • adds showInputDecoration property to FastCheckbox, FastSwitch, FastCalendar, FastChoiceChips, FastRadioGroup, FastRangeSlider and FastSlider
  • adds canPop and onPopInvoked properties to FastForm
  • adds cupertinoErrorBuilder, cupertinoHelperBuilder and cupertinoPrefixBuilder properties to FastCheckbox, FastSwitch, FastDatePicker, FastSegmentendControl and FastSlider
  • deprecates errorBuilder and helperBuilder on FastCheckbox, FastSwitch, FastDatePicker, FastSegmentendControl and FastSlider
  • changes value type of FastChoiceChips from List<T> to Set<T>
  • removes errorBuilder and helperBuilder default functions
  • adds cupertinoErrorBuilder, cupertinoHelperBuilder and cupertinoPrefixBuilder default functions
  • adds generic FastWidgetBuilder typedef
  • replaces FastCheckboxTitleBuilder with FastCheckboxWidgetBuilder typedef
  • replaces FastSwitchTitleBuilder with FastCheckboxWidgetBuilder typedef
  • replaces FastRangeSliderPrefixBuilder and FastRangeSliderSuffixBuilder with FastRangeSliderWidgetBuilder typedef
  • replaces FastSliderPrefixBuilder and FastSliderSuffixBuilder with FastSliderWidgetBuilder typedef
  • adds FastDatePickerWidgetBuilder typedef
  • fixes generic typing in FastChoiceChips and FastSegmentedControl
  • fixes hard-coded text colors in checkboxTitleBuilder and switchTitleBuilder

[14.1.0] - 12/18/2023

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.16.4
  • adds dartdoc comments
  • adds Dart Patterns code refactoring
  • adds autovalidateOnTouched property to FastTextField
  • fix: autovalidateMode now works on FastTextField
  • fix: optionsBuilder now works on FastChipsInput

[14.0.0] - 12/12/2023

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.16.3
  • upgrades to intl 0.19.0.
  • adds internal Validators refactoring
  • adds documentation

[13.0.0] - 12/02/2023

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.16.2
  • upgrades to Dart 3.2.0
  • removes deprecated text property from FastRadioOption<T>
  • adds offLabelColor and onLabelColor properties to FastSwitch
  • adds barrierColor, barrierDismissible and barrierLabel properties to FastDatePicker, FastDateRangePicker and FastTimePicker
  • adds optionsViewOpenDirection property to FastAutocomplete
  • adds checkmarkColor and showCheckmark properties to FastChoiceChip
  • adds showCheckmark property to FastChoiceChips
  • adds canRequestFocus, clipBehavior, contentInsertionConfiguration, cursorOpacityAnimates, dragStartBehavior, onAppPrivateCommand, scribbleEnabled, scrollController, selectionHeightStyle, selectionWidthStyle and undoController properties to FastTextField

[12.0.0] - 08/22/2023

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.13.0
  • upgrades to Dart 3.1.0
  • adds checkboxSemanticLabel properties to FastCheckbox
  • sets autofocus, focusNode and onFocusChange on CupertinoSwitch in FastSwitch,
  • adds switchToCalendarEntryModeIcon and switchToInputEntryModeIcon properties to FastDatePicker and FastDateRangePicker
  • adds color property to FastChoiceChip
  • adds allowedInteraction property to FastSlider

[11.1.0] - 06/25/2023

  • text property on FastRadioOption is now deprecated
  • adds isThreeLine, secondary, selected. subtitle, title and visualDensity properties to FastRadioOption
  • adds activeColor, controlAffinity, fillColor, hoverColor, materialTapTargetSize, mouseCursor, overlayColor, selectedTileColor, shapeBorder, splashRadius, tileColor and toggleable properties to FastRadioGroup
  • adds isError and onFocus properties to FastCheckbox
  • adds onActiveThumbImageError, onFocusChange and onInactiveThumbImageError properties to FastSwitch
  • adds showDayOfWeek property to FastDatePicker
  • adds keyboardType property to FastDateRangePicker
  • adds orientation property to FastTimePicker
  • adds onChangeEnd, onChangeStart and semanticFormatterCallback properties to FastRangeSlider
  • adds onChanged property to FastSlider
  • adds magnifierConfiguration, onTapOutside and spellCheckConfiguration properties to FastTextField

[11.0.0] - 05/16/2023

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.10.0
  • upgrades to Dart 3.0.0
  • upgrades sample to Material 3
  • adds adaptiveness to FastCheckbox via CupertinoCheckbox
  • adds all new styling properties to FastCheckbox, FastRangeSlider, FastSlider and FastSwitch
  • adds textStyle property to all date time fields
  • adds inputDecorationTheme property to FastForm
  • fixes styling issues when enabled: false
  • fixes incorrect default content padding on iOS

Breaking Changes

  • reduces the default InputDecoration of FastFormField<T>


  contentPadding: widget.contentPadding,
  errorText: field.errorText,
  helperText: widget.helperText,
  labelText: widget.labelText,
  labelStyle: TextStyle(
    color: field.enabled
      ? theme.textTheme.bodyLarge!.color
      : theme.disabledColor,
  enabled: field.enabled,
  disabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
    borderSide: BorderSide(color: theme.disabledColor, width: 1),
  enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
    borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey[700]!, width: 1),
  focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
    borderSide: BorderSide(color: theme.primaryColor, width: 2),
  errorBorder: const OutlineInputBorder(
    borderSide: BorderSide(color:, width: 2),
  focusedErrorBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
    borderSide: BorderSide(color:[500]!, width: 2),
  filled: false,
  fillColor: Colors.white,


  contentPadding: widget.contentPadding ?? const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12.0, 8.0, 12.0, 8.0),
  enabled: enabled,
  errorText: errorText, 
  helperText: widget.helperText,
  labelText: widget.labelText,

For any further styling now use inputDecorationTheme or inputDecorationBuilder properties of FastForm (see example app).

  • renames decorator property on FastForm to inputDecorationBuilder and changes its typedef


typedef FastInputDecorator = InputDecoration Function(ThemeData theme, FastFormFieldState field);


typedef FastInputDecorationBuilder = InputDecoration Function(FastFormFieldState field);

For retrieving ThemeData now use Theme.of(context) within the function body.

[10.0.0] - 01/29/2023

  • upgrades to Flutter 3.7.0
  • minimum Dart SDK now is 2.19.0
  • removes toolbarOptions property from FastTextField
  • adds contextMenuBuilder property to FastTextField

[9.0.1] - 01/24/2023

  • upgrades intlto 0.18.0

[9.0.0] - 11/04/2022

  • FastChipsInput now supports removal of single chips via backspace according to Material Design spec
  • adds chipIndex parameter to FastChipsInputChipBuilder

[8.1.0] - 30/10/2022

  • adds compatibility for Flutter 3.3.5
  • adds mouseCursor, onFieldSubmitted, onEditingComplete and onTap to FastTextField

[8.0.0] - 03/09/2022

  • adds compatibility for Flutter 3.3.0
  • adds reorderable property to FastFormArray
  • renames FastInputChips to FastChipsInput
  • removes reorderableFormArrayBuilder

[7.2.1] - 06/12/2022

  • resets FastFormArray properly

[7.2.0] - 06/11/2022

[7.1.0] - 06/04/2022

  • adds missing properties to FastFormField widgets
  • uses defaultTargetPlatform instead of Theme.of(context).platform
  • improves typing

[7.0.0] - 05/13/2022

  • update to Flutter 3.0.0 and Dart 2.17.0
  • removes autofocus property from FastFormField
  • adds autofocus property to FastCheckbox, FastSwitch, FastDropdown, FastChoiceChips, FastSlider and FastTextField
  • uses Dart 2.17.0 super-initializer parameters now wherever possible

[6.0.0] - 04/24/2022

  • onChanged now works on any FastFormField

[5.0.0] - 02/04/2022

  • widgets now correctly expose contentPadding property
  • renames label property of FastFormField to labelText
  • renames title property of FastCheckbox to titleText
  • renames willAddOption property of FastAutocomplete to willDisplayOption
  • renames optionsMatcher property of FastInputChips to willDisplayOption
  • renames updateValues() method of FastFormState to onChanged()
  • removes name getter from FastFormField
  • moves static FastFormState? of(BuildContext context) to FastForm
  • adds form getter to FastFormFieldState
  • simplifies creation of InputDecoration via decoration getter of FastFormFieldState
  • _FastFormScope now follows internal _FormScope

[4.0.1] - 01/18/2022

  • fixes bug in FastInputChips wrap run extent calculation

[4.0.0] - 01/14/2022

  • FastChoiceChips now exposes its value as List<String>
  • FastInputChips can now scroll horizontally via wrap property
  • renames optionsMatcher property of FastAutocomplete to willAddOption
  • FastFormFieldState<T> is now abstract and its widget getter @protected

[3.0.0] - 01/03/2022

  • renames id property of FastFormField to name
  • improves FastInputChips
  • adds Dart 2.15 tear-offs

[2.1.0] - 11/17/2021

  • introduces FastInputChips

[2.0.0] - 10/24/2021

  • introduces typed validators
  • prefixes typedefs with Fast
  • improves typing of option form fields
  • removes buildersconfig from FormScope

[v1.1.0] - 10/16/2021

  • introduces FastAutocomplete<T> widget
  • introduces FastChoiceChips widget

[v1.0.1] - 10/14/2021

  • internal FastFormFieldState<T> refactoring

[v1.0.0] - 10/13/2021

  • migration to Flutter 2.5

[v0.9.0] - 03/21/2021

  • removes mask_text_input_formatter dependency

[v0.9.0-nullsafety.2] - 03/06/2021

  • resets Flutter SDK version to 2.0.0

[v0.9.0-nullsafety.1] - 03/06/2021

  • migration to Flutter 2.0.1

[v0.8.0-nullsafety.1] - 12/31/2020

  • adaptive form controls

[v0.7.0-nullsafety.1] - 12/29/2020

  • migration to null safety

[v0.6.0] - 12/28/2020

  • rewrite of FastFormState

[v0.5.0] - 12/27/2020

  • pre-release

[v0.1.0] - 08/12/2020

  • beta release

[v0.0.1] - 07/30/2020

  • initial release