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Structure Guidelines

Andrej Dudenhefner edited this page Jun 14, 2022 · 8 revisions

Directory structure

The directory structure of theories is organized as follows

  • ProblemClass
    • ProblemFamily.v, ProblemFamily_undec.v
    • Reductions
      • ForeignProblem_to_Problem.v
      • HaltTM_1_chain_Problem.v
    • Util, Misc, Shared, ...

In the above

  • ProblemClass is a general class of Problems
  • ProblemFamily.v contains a cohesive (overlapping preliminaries) family of decision problems (Coq predicates) in ProblemClass
    • ProblemFamily.v should be a minimalistic, possibly self-contained problem specification, suitable for modular reuse
    • ProblemFamily.v should be well-documented via comments and feasible to understand with minimal Coq knowledge
    • ProblemFamily.v should not contains any reasoning, dependencies to undecidability results etc.
  • ProblemFamily_undec.v contains exactly the proofs of Theorem Problem_undec : undecidable Problem. for each Problem defined in ProblemFamily.v
    • ProblemFamily_undec.v should contain only high-level reasoning (transitive application of reduction steps)
    • ProblemFamily_undec.v should be documented via comments and feasible to understand with a basic Coq knowledge
    • ProblemFamily_undec.v should not contains auxiliary lemmas
  • Reductions contains relevant reductions to problems in ProblemClass
    • ForeignProblem_to_Problem.v contains the main argument to reduce ForeignProblem to Problem in ProblemClass
      • ForeignProblem_to_Problem.v should (if possible) contain Theorem reduction : ForeignProblem ⪯ Problem.
      • ForeignProblem_to_Problem.v may encapsulate all other lemmas and theorems necessary for reduction in a Module
      • ForeignProblem_to_Problem.v should not contain proofs of ForeignProblem' ⪯ Problem' where either ForeignProblem' differs from ForeignProblem or Problem' differs from Problem
      • ForeignProblem_to_Problem.v should (if possible) not depend on any other ForeignProblem'_to_Problem'.v for parallel compilation of atomic reduction steps
    • HaltTM_1_chain_Problem.v is optional and contains the conjunction of reduction steps from Turing machine halting HaltTM 1 to Problem
      • HaltTM_1_chain_Problem.v should (if possible) contain Theorem HaltTM_1_chain_Problem : HaltTM 1 ⪯ Problem_1 /\ ... /\ Problem_n ⪯ Problem.
      • HaltTM_1_chain_Problem.v should be documented via comments and feasible to understand with a basic Coq knowledge
      • HaltTM_1_chain_Problem.v should not contains auxiliary lemmas
      • HaltTM_1_chain_Problem.v should not used in other arguments (it should be a compilation leaf)
      • HaltTM_1_chain_Problem.v should be used for presentations, publications, code review, etc.
  • Util, Misc, Shared, etc. contain auxiliary lemmas used for proofs in ProblemClass to keep the top-level of ProblemClass clean
  • Intermediate files should not depend on ProblemFamily_undec.v files (otherwise, this could pollute the overall context)

Design principles

  • Modularity: ProblemClass should not contain proofs regarding inherent properties of OtherProblemClass that could as well be proven in OtherProblemClass.
  • Specification surveyability: ProblemFamily.v is intended to be surveyed by mathematicians with little effort. This should not be obstructed by ltac hacks, interspersed lemmas, dependencies, etc.
  • Result surveyability: ProblemFamily_undec.v is intended to be surveyed by mathematicians with little effort. Same design guidelines as for ProblemFamily.v apply. This is also true for HaltTM_1_chain_Problem.v.
  • Name uniformity: Names of important files and theorems should be easy to guess. For example, a file showing HaltTM 1 ⪯ Problem should neither be called Halt_Prob.v, HALTTM_Problem.v, nor HALTTM_1_Problem.v. The preferred name would be HaltTM_1_to_Problem.v.
  • Opt-in notations: Notations (also coercions, typeclasses, hints) should not be exposed at the top level of specification. A good practice (cf. Coq List containing ListNotations) is to encapsulate notations (also coercions, typeclasses, hints) in a Module. Adding hints to core is discouraged in favor of specialized hint databases.

Other suggestions

  • Fast Interfaces: Whenever using Section for code structure, also use Set Default Proof Using "Type". to ensure fast interface file (vos) compilation. Avoid too many Let definitions in a Section for compact interfaces.
  • Structured Proofs: Use Set Default Goal Selector "!". to ensure precise goal selection and improve maintainability.
  • Principled Naming: Avoid referring to automatically generated names (e.g. from inversion). Such names often break code between Coq version changes. A good guideline is compatibility with Set Mangle Names..
  • Regarding Anti-Patterns: For stable code, it is recommended to have a look at Anti-patterns and avoid them when possible.
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