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Bachelor Thesis Marcel Ullrich


A key strategy for proofs is induction. This technique provides an easy way to proof statements over all elements of an inductively defined type.

If an element is assembled using a recursive constructor one gets an additional hypothesis of the statement for the smaller instances. This proof principle is called structural induction.

Some types like rose trees can have a variable amount of sub-elements. Rose trees have a list of subtrees as constructor arguments. This nesting of inductive types leads to weaker induction lemmata for those types.

Here the induction principle of rose trees that is generated by Coq:

One can observe that this lemma is too weak for the node case as it provides no additional hypothesis for the sub-trees. A stronger principle is the following that states that the predicate holds for every element of the sub-tree list.

The goal of this thesis is to construct and verify a plugin for stronger inductive principles on nested inductive types using the MetaCoq project.

Build Instructions

To build the plugin follow these steps:

  1. install opam
  2. install Coq 8.11 (guidance: coq setup)
  3. clone this repository
  4. Build the project with make.

For Elpi:

  1. install opam
  2. install ocaml-base-compiler version 4.7 (should be installed from before)
  3. install coq-elpi via opam

To run the typing proof follow these steps:

  1. install opam
  2. install Coq 8.9 (ocaml-base-compiler.4.02.3)
  3. clone this repository
  4. Build the project with make typing.

Detailed step-by-step guide

# tested in ubuntu 18.04, Arch Linux, Manjaro 5.5

# install all dependencies (curl, make, git, bubblewrap, build-essentials, ...)

# install opam
sh <(curl -sL
opam init

# create new switch for coq
eval $(opam env)
opam switch create coq.8.11 4.07.1
eval $(opam env)

# install coq and equations
opam pin add coq 8.11.0
opam repo add coq-released
opam pin add coq-equations 1.2.1+8.11

# compile the plugin
git clone --recursive 
cd ba-marcel-ullrich/

# open test.v and experiment


A plugin for induction principles of nested inductive types using MetaCoq






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